如何使用Django ORM进行这种特殊的多字段验证?

如何使用Django ORM进行这种特殊的多字段验证?,django,validation,many-to-many,Django,Validation,Many To Many,我有以下模型: class Step(models.Model): order = models.IntegerField() latitude = models.FloatField() longitude = models.FloatField() date = DateField(blank=True, null=True) class Journey(models.Model): boat = models.ForeignKey(Boat)


class Step(models.Model):

    order = models.IntegerField()
    latitude = models.FloatField()
    longitude = models.FloatField()
    date = DateField(blank=True, null=True)

class Journey(models.Model):

    boat = models.ForeignKey(Boat)
    route = models.ManyToManyField(Step)
    departure = models.ForeignKey(Step, related_name="departure_of", null=True)
    arrival = models.ForeignKey(Step, related_name="arrival_of", null=True)

        # If a there is less than one step, raises ValidationError.

        routes = tuple(self.route.order_by("date"))

        if len(routes) <= 1:
            raise ValidationError("There must be at least two setps in the route")

        # save the first and the last step as departure and arrival
        self.departure = routes[0]
        self.arrival = routes[-1]

        # departure and arrival must at least have a date
        if not (self.departure.date or self.arrival.date):
            raise ValidationError("There must be an departure and an arrival date. "
                                  "Please set the date field for the first and last Step of the Journey")

        # departure must occurs before arrival    
        if not (self.departure.date > self.arrival.date):
            raise ValidationError("Departure must take place the same day or any date before arrival. "
                                  "Please set accordingly the date field for the first and last Step of the Journey")






class JourneyAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = Journey

    def clean_route(self):
            Ensure a Journey includes at least 2 dated steps, 
            departure starting before arrival.

        # must use getlist as self.data is not a dict but a querydict
        routes = self.data.getlist("route")

        if len(routes) <= 1:
            raise ValidationError("There must be at least two setps in the route")

        departure = Step.objects.get(id=routes[0])
        arrival = Step.objects.get(id=routes[-1])
        self.data["departure"] = departure.id
        self.data["arrival"] = arrival.id

        if not (departure.date and arrival.date):
            raise ValidationError("There must be an departure and an arrival date. "
                                  "Please set the date field for the first and last Step of the Journey")

        if not (departure.date <= arrival.date):
            raise ValidationError("Departure must take place the same day or any date before arrival. "
                                  "Please set accordingly the date field for the first and last Step of the Journey")

        return self.cleaned_data["route"]

class JourneyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    exclude = ("arrival", "departure")
    form = JourneyAdminForm

admin.site.register(Journey, JourneyAdmin)

