Django 如何将标记URL添加到sitemap.xml?

Django 如何将标记URL添加到sitemap.xml?,django,web-applications,sitemap,wagtail,django-taggit,Django,Web Applications,Sitemap,Wagtail,Django Taggit,我正在为Django+Wagtail项目生成sitemap.xml 我通过重写get\u sitemap\u url方法实现了文章的xml生成。但是问题是Wagtail站点地图生成器没有看到博客标签URL,也没有将它们添加到站点地图中 ... from taggit.models import TaggedItemBase class BlogPageTag(TaggedItemBase): content_object = ParentalKey( 'BlogInn


我通过重写get\u sitemap\u url方法实现了文章的xml生成。但是问题是Wagtail站点地图生成器没有看到博客标签URL,也没有将它们添加到站点地图中

from taggit.models import TaggedItemBase

class BlogPageTag(TaggedItemBase):
    content_object = ParentalKey(

class BlogInnerPage(Page):
    icon = models.ForeignKey(
    post_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True)
    tags = ClusterTaggableManager(through=BlogPageTag, blank=False)

    def sidebar_tags(self):
        blogs =
        tags = {}
        for post in blogs:
            for tag in post.tags.all():
                if tag.slug in tags:
                    tags[tag.slug]['count'] += 1
                    tags[tag.slug] = {
                        'count': 1
        return sorted(tags.items())

    def get_sitemap_urls(self):
        return [
                'location': self.full_url,
                'lastmod': self.last_published_at,
                'changefreq': 'weekly',
                'priority': .8




from urllib.parse import urlencode

from django.db.models import Max
from taggit.models import Tag
from wagtail.core.models import Page

class HomePage(Page):
    # Note that the method signature should accept an optional request parameter as of Wagtail 2.2
    def get_sitemap_urls(self, request=None):
        urls = super().get_sitemap_urls(request)

        # Get the page's URL, we will use that later.
        base_url = self.get_full_url(request)

        # Get the IDs of all the tags used on your `BlogPage`s.
        tag_ids = BlogPageTag.objects.values_list('tag_id', flat=True).distinct()

        # 1. Filter all the tags with the IDs fetched above.
        # 2. Annotate the query with the latest `last_published_at` of the associated pages.
        #    Note the `home_` part in the string, this needs to be replaced by the name of the Django app your `BlogPageTag` model lives in.
        # 3. Only fetch the slug and lastmod (we don't need the full object).
        tags = Tag.objects\
            .values('slug', 'lastmod')

        # Add sitemap entries for each tag.
        for tag in tags:
                'location': '{}?{}'.format(base_url, urlencode({'tag': tag.slug})),
                'lastmod': tag.lastmod,

        # Return the results.
        return urls

from urllib.parse import urlencode

from django.db.models import Max
from taggit.models import Tag
from wagtail.core.models import Page

class HomePage(Page):
    # Note that the method signature should accept an optional request parameter as of Wagtail 2.2
    def get_sitemap_urls(self, request=None):
        urls = super().get_sitemap_urls(request)

        # Get the page's URL, we will use that later.
        base_url = self.get_full_url(request)

        # Get the IDs of all the tags used on your `BlogPage`s.
        tag_ids = BlogPageTag.objects.values_list('tag_id', flat=True).distinct()

        # 1. Filter all the tags with the IDs fetched above.
        # 2. Annotate the query with the latest `last_published_at` of the associated pages.
        #    Note the `home_` part in the string, this needs to be replaced by the name of the Django app your `BlogPageTag` model lives in.
        # 3. Only fetch the slug and lastmod (we don't need the full object).
        tags = Tag.objects\
            .values('slug', 'lastmod')

        # Add sitemap entries for each tag.
        for tag in tags:
                'location': '{}?{}'.format(base_url, urlencode({'tag': tag.slug})),
                'lastmod': tag.lastmod,

        # Return the results.
        return urls