Domain driven design 是否可以将Datacontext设置为存储库中的属性?

Domain driven design 是否可以将Datacontext设置为存储库中的属性?,domain-driven-design,repository-pattern,datacontext,Domain Driven Design,Repository Pattern,Datacontext,将datacontext设置为如下属性时是否存在任何潜在问题: 存储库 public Repository() { public DataContext dc {get;set;} public GetOrders(int id) { ...from dc.Orders...} } 服务层: public GetNewOrders() { .... Repository rep=new Repository();



public Repository()
    public DataContext dc {get;set;}

    public GetOrders(int id)
       { ...from dc.Orders...}

public GetNewOrders()
       Repository rep=new Repository();
       using {DataContext dc=new DataContext())


public interface IRepository
  IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
  private IDataContext _dataContext;
  public Repository(IDataContext dataContext)
    _dataContext = dataContext;
  public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
    // perform your actions on _dataContext here

public interface IRepository
  IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
  public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
    using (var dataContext = DataContextFactory.GetInstance())
      // dataContext is now your IDataContext to work with

如果您不熟悉服务定位器的概念,请查看Castle Windsor,因为它封装了您的所有需求

根据我所读的内容,使用DataContext“.”向下滚动到引用的为什么这很重要?部分。由于缓存和其他因素,您应该立即考虑您的DATACONTURN STATLE。因此,可以肯定地说,您不希望将DataContext保留为所有方法都重用的属性。使用Eric Duncan的建议,您将希望传入某种类型的DataContext工厂,以便为每个查询获取新的上下文

对于以DataContext为重点的讨论,APressPro LINQ一书对DataContext进行了详细介绍,其中还建议您“立即考虑DataContext过时。”

public static class DataContextFactory
  public static IDataContext GetInstance()
    // return either a static instance, 
    // or threaded instance, a GlobalContext instance
    // or whatever your preference is here
public interface IRepository
  IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
  public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
    using (var dataContext = DataContextFactory.GetInstance())
      // dataContext is now your IDataContext to work with
public void GetNewOrdersForServices()
  // Not recommended!
  //      IRepository repo = new Repository()
  // The following is recommended instead; because, it removes the
  // the Concret reference from your Services layer completely!
  IRepository repo = ServiceLocator.InstanceOf<IRepository>();
  IList myList = repo.GetNewOrders();

public class OrderService
  private IRepository _repo;

  public OrderService(IRepository repo)
    _repo = repo;

  public void GetNewOrdersForServices()
    IList myList = _repo.GetNewOrders();
