
如何更改excel单元格的值+;1或-1使用AppleScript,excel,shell,automation,applescript,Excel,Shell,Automation,Applescript,我正在尝试编写一个脚本,其中返回的文本和返回的按钮组合会导致对打开的excel工作表中的特定单元格进行更改。基本上,将指定单元格的当前值加1或减1。现在使用下面的代码唯一有效的方法是当用户单击 -取消-按钮我得到对话框“未做任何更改”。这是预期的 当我输入文本“12502525981”并单击添加按钮时,我没有收到任何错误。只是什么都没发生 此外,我认为我没有按照excel+1期望的方式告诉它 非常感谢 为什么不使用Excel内置的VBA?我的组织中不允许使用宏。因此,我不得不求助于其他方法。

我正在尝试编写一个脚本,其中返回的文本和返回的按钮组合会导致对打开的excel工作表中的特定单元格进行更改。基本上,将指定单元格的当前值加1或减1。现在使用下面的代码唯一有效的方法是当用户单击 -取消-按钮我得到对话框“未做任何更改”。这是预期的




set upcItem1 to "12502525981"
set upcItem2 to "12502600695"
set upcItem3 to "12502612346"

set the_Response to {text returned, button returned} of (display dialog "Enter the UPC of the item below..." buttons {"Add +1 ", "-Cancel-", "Remove -1"} default answer "")
item 1 of the_Response -- the text
item 2 of the_Response -- the button pressed

if item 2 of the_Response is equal to "Add +1" & item 1 of the_Response contains upcItem1 then
    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
        set value of cell "C2" to current value +1
    end tell

else if item 2 of the_Response is equal to "Remove -1" & item 1 of the_Response contains upcItem1 then
    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
        set value of cell "C2" to current value -1
    end tell

else if item 2 of the_Response is equal to "-Cancel-" then
    display notification "No change was made."
end if
on error
display notification "There was a problem with the UPC entered, try again or check the cell that it relates to."
end try
    set x to display dialog "Enter the UPC of the item below..." default answer "" buttons {"Add +1", "-Cancel-", "Remove -1"} default button 2
set {runButton, textButton} to {button returned of x, text returned of x}

if runButton is "Add +1" then
        set myValue to (textButton + 1)
    on error
        display dialog "There was a problem with the UPC entered, try again or check the cell that it relates to."
    end try

else if runButton is "Remove -1" then
        set myValue to (textButton - 1)
    on error
        display dialog "There was a problem with the UPC entered, try again or check the cell that it relates to."
    end try

else if runButton is "-Cancel-" then
    display dialog "No change was made."
end if

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    tell active sheet
        set value of cell "C2" to myValue
    end tell
end tell

display dialog "Done"