
Excel如何转换用于透视的表:使用字段中的列标题,excel,vba,data-modeling,excel-tables,Excel,Vba,Data Modeling,Excel Tables,我有一个Excel表格,填写如下 PROD JAN-19 FEB-19 ... ... product1 123 098 ... ... product2 314 467 ... ... 我需要使用数据透视表中的数据,所以我想我应该使用MMM-YY头作为年份和月份字段中的数据,按照以下方式转换数据模型 PROD Year Month Da


PROD         JAN-19     FEB-19    ...     ...

product1      123        098      ...     ...
product2      314        467      ...     ...

 PROD          Year    Month     Data

 Product1       19      JAN       123
 Product1       19      FEB       098
 ...           ...      ...       ...



Function getRowsArr(ByVal ItemsCount, Optional ByVal n& = 12) As Variant()
' Purpose: return 1-dim 0-based array containing n row numbers per item + title row no 1
' Note:    allows restructuring the original array to contain all months data
    Const START& = 2                        ' data rang starts in 2nd row
    Dim tmp(), i&, ii&
    ReDim tmp(0 To (ItemsCount - 1) * n)    ' includes header row number 1 at tmp(0) - zerobound!
'1) fill temporary array
    tmp(0) = 1                              ' title row no equals 1
    For i = START To ItemsCount             ' row no 2 to ...
        For ii = 0 To n - 1                 ' repeat row number n times
            tmp((i - START) * n + ii + 1) = i
        Next ii
    Next i
'2) return Array(1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,........3,4...,...) as function value
    getRowsArr = tmp
    'Debug.Print Left$(Join(tmp, ","), 65) & "..."
End Function




Sub Table2PivotBase()
' Purpose: Transform Table to Pivot base
' Method:  reorganize Datafield array of table using advanced features of Application.Index in [2]d)
' Note:    sheet references use the worksheet's CodeName property here
'~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0] Reference to table (address) ~~~~~~
Const MONTHSCOUNT& = 12, COLUMNOFFSET& = 1    ' number of months, column offset January = 1 (i.e. 2nd col)
With Sheet1
'a) Refer to table using the sheet's CodeName
    Dim rpt As ListObject
    Set rpt = .ListObjects("Table1")
' ~~~~~~~~~~~ [1] Get Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'b) Assign table values in Sheet1 to 2-dim 1-based array
    Dim arr As Variant, yr&
    arr = .Range(rpt.Range.Address).Value2
'c) Extract current year from 1st month column in header (1+ coloffset 1 => 2nd column)
    yr = Val(Split(arr(1, 1 + COLUMNOFFSET) & "-", "-")(1))
End With

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [2] Reorganize Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'd) Redimension array preserving 1st column
    Dim arr2, ItemsCount&
    ItemsCount = UBound(arr) - IIf(rpt.ShowTotals, 1, 0)    ' exclude table totals from items count
    arr2 = Application.Index(arr, Application.Transpose(getRowsArr(ItemsCount, MONTHSCOUNT)), Array(1, 1, 1, 2))

'e) Redefine headers in 1st row
    Dim no&, headers
    headers = Array("Product", "Year", "Month", "Data")
    For no = 1 To 4
        arr2(1, no) = headers(no - 1)               ' headers are zerobased
    Next no
'f) Enter year, month & month data in a loop
    Const START& = 2
    Dim i&, mon&, ii&
    ii = START - 1
    For i = START To UBound(arr2)
            mon = (i - START) Mod MONTHSCOUNT + 1   ' 0 to 11 (omitting 1 caption row) + 1
            If mon = 1 Then ii = ii + 1             ' increment data row of arr1 in January

           'arr2(i, 1) has already been prefilled by section [2]d)
            arr2(i, 2) = yr
            arr2(i, 3) = Application.Text(DateSerial(yr, mon, 1), "mmm")
            arr2(i, 4) = arr(ii, mon + COLUMNOFFSET)
    Next i

'~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~[3] Write back pivot base to any sheet (via CodeName) ~~~~~~~~~~~
With Sheet2
    .Range("A:D") = vbNullString
    .Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arr2), UBound(arr2, 2)) = arr2
End With
End Sub

Function getRowsArr(ByVal ItemsCount, Optional ByVal n& = 12) As Variant()
' Purpose: return 1-dim 0-based array containing n row numbers per item + title row no 1
' Note:    allows restructuring the original array to contain all months data
    Const START& = 2                        ' data rang starts in 2nd row
    Dim tmp(), i&, ii&
    ReDim tmp(0 To (ItemsCount - 1) * n)    ' includes header row number 1 at tmp(0) - zerobound!
'1) fill temporary array
    tmp(0) = 1                              ' title row no equals 1
    For i = START To ItemsCount             ' row no 2 to ...
        For ii = 0 To n - 1                 ' repeat row number n times
            tmp((i - START) * n + ii + 1) = i
        Next ii
    Next i
'2) return Array(1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,........3,4...,...) as function value
    getRowsArr = tmp
    'Debug.Print Left$(Join(tmp, ","), 65) & "..."
End Function
