Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/8/meteor/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
流星facebook错误666_Facebook_Meteor_Meteor Accounts - Fatal编程技术网


流星facebook错误666,facebook,meteor,meteor-accounts,Facebook,Meteor,Meteor Accounts,我有一个项目,这是越来越大,我试图登录流星帐户facebook软件包,但它显示错误666 我已经完全访问了有关试图登录的用户的facebook信息,但当调用Accounts.validateLogInAttract()时,它返回一个错误,代码为666 我从来没有见过这种错误,这是毫无意义的 这是我的日志: I20170509-09:14:53.403(-3)? ***options onCreateUser { profile: { name: 'Rafael Melo' } } I201705





I20170509-09:14:53.403(-3)? ***options onCreateUser { profile: { name: 'Rafael Melo' } }
I20170509-09:14:53.420(-3)? ***user onCreateUser { createdAt: Tue May 09 2017 09:14:53 GMT-0300 (Hora Padrão da Bahia),
I20170509-09:14:53.421(-3)?   _id: 'S7a78CctLco7pddTQ',
I20170509-09:14:53.421(-3)?   services:
I20170509-09:14:53.421(-3)?    { facebook:
I20170509-09:14:53.422(-3)?       { accessToken: 'xxxxxx',
I20170509-09:14:53.422(-3)?         expiresAt: 1499436988665,
I20170509-09:14:53.423(-3)?         id: 'xxxx',
I20170509-09:14:53.423(-3)?         email: 'xxx@xxx.com',
I20170509-09:14:53.424(-3)?         name: 'Rafael Melo',
I20170509-09:14:53.424(-3)?         first_name: 'Rafael',
I20170509-09:14:53.440(-3)?         last_name: 'Melo',
I20170509-09:14:53.441(-3)?         link: 'https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/xxxxx/',
I20170509-09:14:53.448(-3)?         gender: 'male',
I20170509-09:14:53.454(-3)?         locale: 'en_US',
I20170509-09:14:53.456(-3)?         age_range: [Object] } } }
I20170509-09:14:53.840(-3)? ********Results? { statusCode: 200,
I20170509-09:14:53.841(-3)?   content: '{"first_name":"Rafael","last_name":"Melo","picture":{"data":{"is_silhouette":false,"url":"https:\\/\\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\\/v\\/t1.0-1\\/p50x50\\/xxxxx.jpg?oh=xxxx&oe=xxxx"}},"email":"xxx\\u0040xxxxx.com","gender":"male","locale":"en_US","link":"https:\\/\\/www.facebook.com\\/app_scoped_user_id\\/xxx\\/","id":"xxx"}',
I20170509-09:14:53.842(-3)?   headers:
I20170509-09:14:53.842(-3)?    { 'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
I20170509-09:14:53.843(-3)?      etag: '"3befwqdwqd7b4198656bb0c5cb"',
I20170509-09:14:53.844(-3)?      pragma: 'no-cache',
I20170509-09:14:53.845(-3)?      'cache-control': 'private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate',
I20170509-09:14:53.847(-3)?      'x-fb-rev': '303217',
I20170509-09:14:53.848(-3)?      'content-type': 'text/javascript; charset=UTF-8',
I20170509-09:14:53.848(-3)?      'x-fb-trace-id': 'wqsdsa2mf9/',
I20170509-09:14:53.850(-3)?      'facebook-api-version': 'v2.7',
I20170509-09:14:53.862(-3)?      expires: 'Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT',
I20170509-09:14:53.862(-3)?      vary: 'Accept-Encoding',
I20170509-09:14:53.865(-3)?      'x-fb-debug': '2esdwqdasd/asdqdwqdqwd==',
I20170509-09:14:53.866(-3)?      date: 'Tue, 09 May 2017 12:14:52 GMT',
I20170509-09:14:53.867(-3)?      connection: 'close' },
I20170509-09:14:53.868(-3)?   data:
I20170509-09:14:53.868(-3)?    { first_name: 'Rafael',
I20170509-09:14:53.869(-3)?      last_name: 'Melo',
I20170509-09:14:53.879(-3)?      picture: { data: [Object] },
I20170509-09:14:53.880(-3)?      email: 'xxxx@xxxx.com',
I20170509-09:14:53.881(-3)?      gender: 'male',
I20170509-09:14:53.881(-3)?      locale: 'en_US',
I20170509-09:14:53.882(-3)?      link: 'https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/xxxxxxxxxxx/',
I20170509-09:14:53.883(-3)?      id: 'xxxxxxxxxxx' } }
I20170509-09:14:53.996(-3)? *****attempt { type: 'unknown',
I20170509-09:14:53.997(-3)?   allowed: false,
I20170509-09:14:53.998(-3)?   methodName: 'login',
I20170509-09:14:53.999(-3)?   methodArguments: [ { oauth: [Object] } ],
I20170509-09:14:53.999(-3)?   error:
I20170509-09:14:54.000(-3)?    { [Error: {"_id":"S7a78CctLco7pddTQ","services":{"facebook":{"accessToken":"23dscxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","expiresAt":1499436988665,"id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","email":"xxxx@xxxx.com","name":"Rafael Melo","first_name":"Rafael","last_name":"Melo","link":"https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/xxxxxxxxxxx/","gender":"male","locale":"en_US","age_range":{"min":21}}},"emails":[{"address":"xxxx@xxxx.com","verified":true}],"profile":{"nome":"Rafael Melo","sexo":"Masculino"},"email":"xxxx@xxxx.com"} [666]]
I20170509-09:14:54.001(-3)?      error: 666,
I20170509-09:14:54.001(-3)?      reason: '{"_id":"S7a78CctLco7pddTQ","services":{"facebook":{"accessToken":"23dscxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","expiresAt":1499436988665,"id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","email":"xxxx@xxxx.com","name":"Rafael Melo","first_name":"Rafael","last_name":"Melo","link":"https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/xxxxxxxxxxx/","gender":"male","locale":"en_US","age_range":{"min":21}}},"emails":[{"address":"xxxx@xxxx.com","verified":true}],"profile":{"nome":"Rafael Melo","sexo":"Masculino"},"email":"xxxx@xxxx.com"}',
I20170509-09:14:54.002(-3)?      details: undefined,
I20170509-09:14:54.003(-3)?      message: '{"_id":"S7a78CctLco7pddTQ","services":{"facebook":{"accessToken":"23dscxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","expiresAt":1499436988665,"id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","email":"xxxx@xxxx.com","name":"Rafael Melo","first_name":"Rafael","last_name":"Melo","link":"https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/xxxxxxxxxxx/","gender":"male","locale":"en_US","age_range":{"min":21}}},"emails":[{"address":"xxxx@xxxx.com","verified":true}],"profile":{"nome":"Rafael Melo","sexo":"Masculino"},"email":"xxxx@xxxx.com"}',
I20170509-09:14:54.013(-3)?      errorType: 'Meteor.Error' },

编辑: onClick:


Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
        console.log("***options onCreateUser", options);
        console.log("***user onCreateUser", user)

        if (user.hasOwnProperty('services') && user.services.hasOwnProperty('facebook')  ) {
            let result = Meteor.http.get('https://graph.facebook.com/v2.7/' + user.services.facebook.id + '?access_token=' + user.services.facebook.accessToken + '&fields=first_name, last_name, picture, email, gender, locale, link');
            console.log("********Results?", result);

            let doc = {
                        _id: user._id,
                        services: user.services,
                        emails: [],
                fullNome = result.data.first_name + " " + result.data.last_name;

            doc.profile = {
                                index: '0',
                                nome: fullNome,
                                role: 'Usuário',
                                isValid: true,
                                isComplete: true,
                                imageId: '',
            doc.emails.push({ address:result.data.email, verified: true });

            console.log("***Doc no onCreateUser", doc);
            check(doc, Meteor.users.simpleSchema())
            user = doc;

            return user;

            return user;

        console.log("*****attempt", attempt);

        sendVerificationEmail: false,
        loginExpirationInDays: 10,
        forbidClientAccountCreation: false

accounts-base                               1.2.14* A user account system
accounts-facebook                           1.1.0* Login service for Facebook accounts
accounts-password                           1.3.0* Password support for accounts
alanning:roles                              1.2.15* Authorization package for Meteor
aldeed:autoform                             5.8.1* Easily create forms with automatic insert and update, and aut...
aldeed:autoform-select2                     1.0.5* Custom select2 input type for AutoForm
aldeed:collection2                          2.10.0  Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the ...
aldeed:http-fix                             0.2.2+ Improves the core HTTP package
aldeed:moment-timezone                      0.4.0  Timezone support for moment.js, packaged for Meteor. See http...
aldeed:simple-schema                        1.5.3  A simple schema validation object with reactivity. Used by co...
aldeed:template-extension                   4.0.0* Adds template features currently missing from the templating ...
ashutosh:email-att                          1.1.4  Send e-mails with attachments.
benjaminrh:event-hooks                      1.4.3  Provides hooks for various user-triggered events
benjaminrh:jquery-cookie                    0.1.0  A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and ...
benjick:webcam                              0.0.2  WebcamJS for Meteor
bigdsk:inputmask                            3.1.63* JQuery InputMask for Meteor
cordova:cordova-plugin-android-permissions  0.10.0
cordova:cordova-plugin-camera               2.4.1
cordova:cordova-plugin-compat               1.1.0
cordova:cordova-plugin-crop-on-steroids     1.0.0
cordova:cordova-plugin-file                 4.3.2
cordova:cordova-plugin-file-transfer        1.6.2
dburles:collection-helpers                  1.0.4* Transform your collections with helpers that you define
dburles:google-maps                         1.1.5  Google Maps Javascript API v3
dschulz:jquery-qrcode                       1.0.2  jQuery.qrcode - a jQuery plugin for dynamically generating QR...
ecmascript                                  0.6.2* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
email                                       1.1.17_1* Send email messages
es5-shim                                    4.6.15  Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
fortawesome:fontawesome                     4.5.0* Font Awesome (official): 500+ scalable vector icons, customiz...
francocatena:status                         1.5.3  Displays the connection status between browser and server
gadicohen:phantomjs                         0.0.2  phantomjs installation script; wrapper for node phantomjs pac...
gibson:meteor-autonumeric                   0.0.2  Add jquery-autoNumeric library support
ground:db                                   0.3.15  Ground Meteor.Collections offline
hilios:jquery.countdown                     2.0.4  The Final Countdown plugin for jQuery
http                                        1.2.11* Make HTTP calls to remote servers
iron:router                                 1.0.13* Routing specifically designed for Meteor
jaywon:meteor-node-uuid                     1.0.1  Generate RFC compliant UUIDs using node-uuid.
jeremy:selectize                            0.12.1_5  Selectize is a hybrid of a textbox and <select> element us...
jesperwe:bootstrap-select                   1.7.4_4  Meteor wrapper for http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-...
jparker:crypto-md5                          0.1.1  MD5 algorithm for CryptoJS, standard secure algorithms
jquery                                      1.11.9* Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors
kadira:debug                                3.2.2  Full Stack Debugging Solution for Meteor
kadira:dochead                              1.5.0  Isomorphic way to manipulate document.head for Meteor apps
kevohagan:sweetalert                        1.0.0  a beautiful replacement for javascript's alert()
lepozepo:accounting                         1.0.0  Accounting.js -  number, money and currency formatting - full...
lukemadera:social-share                     1.2.0  Cross platform (inc. Cordova) social sharing for facebook, tw...
markoshust:owl-carousel-2                   2.0.0-beta.3a  Owl Carousel 2
matb33:collection-hooks                     0.8.4  Extends Mongo.Collection with before/after hooks for insert/u...
matteodem:easy-search                       2.0.0  Easy-to-use search with Blaze Components (+ Elastic Search su...
meteor-base                                 1.0.4  Packages that every Meteor app needs
meteor-platform                             1.2.6  (Deprecated) Include a standard set of Meteor packages in you...
meteorhacks:aggregate                       1.3.0  Proper MongoDB aggregations support for Meteor
meteorhacks:async                           1.0.0  Set of async utilities to work with NPM modules and other asy...
meteorhacks:kadira                          2.30.0* Performance Monitoring for Meteor
meteorhacks:npm                             1.5.0  Use npm modules with your Meteor App
meteorhacks:picker                          1.0.3  Server Side Router for Meteor
meteorhacks:ssr                             2.2.0  Server Side Rendering for Meteor with Blaze
meteorhacks:subs-manager                    1.6.4  Subscriptions Manager for Meteor
meteorhacks:zones                           1.6.0  Zone.Js integration for meteor
meteortoys:allthings                        3.0.0  Insanely Handy Development Tools
mizzao:autocomplete                         0.5.1  Client/server autocompletion designed for Meteor's collection...
mobile-experience                           1.0.4  Packages for a great mobile user experience
mologie:reactive-selectize                  0.1.5  Keeps selectize.js's options in sync with a reactive data source
momentjs:moment                             2.14.4* Moment.js (official): parse, validate, manipulate, and displ...
mongo                                       1.1.15* Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
mrt:external-file-loader                    0.1.4  The External File Loader package helps easily load external j...
mystor:device-detection                     0.2.0  Client-Side Device Type Detection & Template Switching with O...
natestrauser:select2                        3.5.1* Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes.
nicolaslopezj:excel-export                  1.0.0  Export data to excel
numeral:numeral                             1.5.3_1  Numeral.js (official) - A library for formatting and manipu...
peerlibrary:fs                              0.1.7  fs node.js module with fiber-enabled synchronous functions
peppelg:bootstrap-3-modal                   1.0.4  Simple usage of bootstrap 3 modals.
percolate:momentum-iron-router              0.7.0  A momentum plugin for transitioning Iron Router pages
praxie:canvas-to-blob                       1.1.1  JavaScript Canvas to Blob is a function to convert canvas ele...
raix:handlebar-helpers                      0.2.5  Handlebar helpers
rajit:bootstrap3-datepicker                 1.5.1* Meteor packaging of eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker for Boots...
rajit:bootstrap3-datepicker-pt-br           1.5.1* Meteor packaging of Brazilian translation of eternicode/boots...
reactive-var                                1.0.10* Reactive variable
reywood:publish-composite                   1.4.2* Publish a set of related documents from multiple collections ...
rzymek:moment-locale-pt-br                  2.12.0* Moment.js pt-br locale. Companion package for rzymek:moment
sacha:spin                                  2.3.1  Simple spinner package for Meteor
sergeyt:typeahead                           0.11.1_9  Autocomplete package for meteor powered by twitter typeahe...
service-configuration                       1.0.11  Manage the configuration for third-party services
session                                     1.1.6* Session variable
sewdn:jquery-cropper                        1.0.0_1  Fengyuan Chen's terrific jQuery plugin for cropping/zooming...
shell-server                                0.2.1* Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command.
spiderable                                  1.0.13  Makes the application crawlable to web spiders
standard-minifier-css                       1.2.0_1* Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js                        1.2.0_1* Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by defa...
summernote:summernote                       0.8.1  summernote (official): jQuery+Bootstrap WYSIWYG editor with e...
tracker                                     1.1.2* Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks
tsega:bootstrap3-datetimepicker             4.17.37_1  Bootstrap 3 DateTime picker from @Eonasdan, packaged for ...
twbs:bootstrap                              3.3.6  The most popular front-end framework for developing responsiv...
u2622:persistent-session                    0.4.4  Persistently store Session data on the client
usefulio:sync-methods                       0.2.0  Adds Meteor.syncMethods that lets you call an asynchonous ser...
vsivsi:file-collection                      1.3.6* Collections that efficiently store files using MongoDB GridFS...
williamledoux:bootstrap-toggle              2.2.1  Bootstrap Toggle Meteor component
xmlbuilder                                  2.5.14* An XML builder for node.js similar to java-xmlbuilder.
yogiben:autoform-modals                     0.3.8  Create, update and delete collections with modals
yogiben:helpers                             0.0.6  Meteor helpers that should come as standard
zimme:active-route                          2.0.4_1* Active route helpers
zimme:select2-bootstrap3-css                1.4.6  CSS to make Select2 fit in with Bootstrap 3
accounts base 1.2.14*用户帐户系统
帐户facebook 1.1.0*用于facebook帐户的登录服务
alanning:roles 1.2.15*Meteor授权包
aldeed:autoform 5.8.1*通过自动插入和更新以及自动编辑,轻松创建表单。。。
aldeed:autoform-select2 1.0.5*为autoform自定义select2输入类型
aldeed:collection2 2.10.0自动验证服务器上的插入和更新操作。。。
aldeed:SimpleSchema 1.5.3一个具有反应性的简单模式验证对象。由公司使用。。。
aldeed:template extension 4.0.0*添加模板中当前缺少的模板功能。。。
ashutosh:email att 1.1.4发送带有附件的电子邮件。
bigdsk:inputmask 3.1.63*用于Meteor的JQuery inputmask
cordova:cordova插件compat 1.1.0
dburles:collection helpers 1.0.4*使用您定义的帮助程序转换集合
dburles:GoogleMaps1.1.5GoogleMapsJavaScriptAPI v3
dschulz:jquery qrcode 1.0.2 jquery.qrcode-用于动态生成QR的jquery插件。。。
ecmascript 0.6.2*编译器插件,在所有.js文件中支持ES2015+
es5垫片4.6.15垫片和多填料,以改善ECMAScript 5的支撑
fortawesome:fontawesome 4.5.0*Font Awesome(官方):500多个可缩放矢量图标,自定义。。。
francocatena:status 1.5.3显示浏览器和服务器之间的连接状态
gadicohen:phantomjs 0.0.2 phantomjs安装脚本;节点phantomjs pac的包装器。。。
gibson:meteor autonumeric 0.0.2添加jquery autonumeric库支持
hilios:jquery.countdown 2.0.4 jquery的最终倒计时插件
http 1.2.11*对远程服务器进行http调用
jaywon:meteor节点uuid 1.0.1使用节点uuid生成符合RFC的uuid。
jeremy:Selectize0.12.15 selectize是文本框和element us的混合体。。。
jparker:crypto-md5 0.1.1用于CryptoJS的md5算法,标准安全算法
jquery 1.11.9*使用CSS选择器操纵DOM
kadira:debug 3.2.2 Meteor的完整堆栈调试解决方案
kadira:dochead 1.5.0操作文档的同构方式。Meteor应用程序的头部
kevohagan:sweetalert 1.0.0是javascript alert()的漂亮替代品
lepozepo:accounting 1.0.0 accounting.js-数字、货币和货币格式-完整。。。
Markosust:owl-carousel-2 2.0.0-beta.3a owl-carousel 2
matteodem:easy search 2.0.0易于使用的Blaze组件搜索(+弹性搜索支持。。。
meteor base 1.0.4每个meteor应用程序都需要的软件包
MeteoHacks:aggregate 1.3.0对Meteor的MongoDB聚合支持
MeteoHacks:kadira 2.30.0*Meteor性能监控
meteorhacks:picker 1.0.3 Meteor服务器端路由器
MeteoHacks:ssr 2.2.0服务器端渲染Meteor with Blaze
meteorhacks:Meteor的subs manager 1.6.4订阅管理器
accounts-base                               1.2.14* A user account system
accounts-facebook                           1.1.0* Login service for Facebook accounts
accounts-password                           1.3.0* Password support for accounts
alanning:roles                              1.2.15* Authorization package for Meteor
aldeed:autoform                             5.8.1* Easily create forms with automatic insert and update, and aut...
aldeed:autoform-select2                     1.0.5* Custom select2 input type for AutoForm
aldeed:collection2                          2.10.0  Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the ...
aldeed:http-fix                             0.2.2+ Improves the core HTTP package
aldeed:moment-timezone                      0.4.0  Timezone support for moment.js, packaged for Meteor. See http...
aldeed:simple-schema                        1.5.3  A simple schema validation object with reactivity. Used by co...
aldeed:template-extension                   4.0.0* Adds template features currently missing from the templating ...
ashutosh:email-att                          1.1.4  Send e-mails with attachments.
benjaminrh:event-hooks                      1.4.3  Provides hooks for various user-triggered events
benjaminrh:jquery-cookie                    0.1.0  A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and ...
benjick:webcam                              0.0.2  WebcamJS for Meteor
bigdsk:inputmask                            3.1.63* JQuery InputMask for Meteor
cordova:cordova-plugin-android-permissions  0.10.0
cordova:cordova-plugin-camera               2.4.1
cordova:cordova-plugin-compat               1.1.0
cordova:cordova-plugin-crop-on-steroids     1.0.0
cordova:cordova-plugin-file                 4.3.2
cordova:cordova-plugin-file-transfer        1.6.2
dburles:collection-helpers                  1.0.4* Transform your collections with helpers that you define
dburles:google-maps                         1.1.5  Google Maps Javascript API v3
dschulz:jquery-qrcode                       1.0.2  jQuery.qrcode - a jQuery plugin for dynamically generating QR...
ecmascript                                  0.6.2* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
email                                       1.1.17_1* Send email messages
es5-shim                                    4.6.15  Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
fortawesome:fontawesome                     4.5.0* Font Awesome (official): 500+ scalable vector icons, customiz...
francocatena:status                         1.5.3  Displays the connection status between browser and server
gadicohen:phantomjs                         0.0.2  phantomjs installation script; wrapper for node phantomjs pac...
gibson:meteor-autonumeric                   0.0.2  Add jquery-autoNumeric library support
ground:db                                   0.3.15  Ground Meteor.Collections offline
hilios:jquery.countdown                     2.0.4  The Final Countdown plugin for jQuery
http                                        1.2.11* Make HTTP calls to remote servers
iron:router                                 1.0.13* Routing specifically designed for Meteor
jaywon:meteor-node-uuid                     1.0.1  Generate RFC compliant UUIDs using node-uuid.
jeremy:selectize                            0.12.1_5  Selectize is a hybrid of a textbox and <select> element us...
jesperwe:bootstrap-select                   1.7.4_4  Meteor wrapper for http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-...
jparker:crypto-md5                          0.1.1  MD5 algorithm for CryptoJS, standard secure algorithms
jquery                                      1.11.9* Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors
kadira:debug                                3.2.2  Full Stack Debugging Solution for Meteor
kadira:dochead                              1.5.0  Isomorphic way to manipulate document.head for Meteor apps
kevohagan:sweetalert                        1.0.0  a beautiful replacement for javascript's alert()
lepozepo:accounting                         1.0.0  Accounting.js -  number, money and currency formatting - full...
lukemadera:social-share                     1.2.0  Cross platform (inc. Cordova) social sharing for facebook, tw...
markoshust:owl-carousel-2                   2.0.0-beta.3a  Owl Carousel 2
matb33:collection-hooks                     0.8.4  Extends Mongo.Collection with before/after hooks for insert/u...
matteodem:easy-search                       2.0.0  Easy-to-use search with Blaze Components (+ Elastic Search su...
meteor-base                                 1.0.4  Packages that every Meteor app needs
meteor-platform                             1.2.6  (Deprecated) Include a standard set of Meteor packages in you...
meteorhacks:aggregate                       1.3.0  Proper MongoDB aggregations support for Meteor
meteorhacks:async                           1.0.0  Set of async utilities to work with NPM modules and other asy...
meteorhacks:kadira                          2.30.0* Performance Monitoring for Meteor
meteorhacks:npm                             1.5.0  Use npm modules with your Meteor App
meteorhacks:picker                          1.0.3  Server Side Router for Meteor
meteorhacks:ssr                             2.2.0  Server Side Rendering for Meteor with Blaze
meteorhacks:subs-manager                    1.6.4  Subscriptions Manager for Meteor
meteorhacks:zones                           1.6.0  Zone.Js integration for meteor
meteortoys:allthings                        3.0.0  Insanely Handy Development Tools
mizzao:autocomplete                         0.5.1  Client/server autocompletion designed for Meteor's collection...
mobile-experience                           1.0.4  Packages for a great mobile user experience
mologie:reactive-selectize                  0.1.5  Keeps selectize.js's options in sync with a reactive data source
momentjs:moment                             2.14.4* Moment.js (official): parse, validate, manipulate, and displ...
mongo                                       1.1.15* Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
mrt:external-file-loader                    0.1.4  The External File Loader package helps easily load external j...
mystor:device-detection                     0.2.0  Client-Side Device Type Detection & Template Switching with O...
natestrauser:select2                        3.5.1* Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes.
nicolaslopezj:excel-export                  1.0.0  Export data to excel
numeral:numeral                             1.5.3_1  Numeral.js (official) - A library for formatting and manipu...
peerlibrary:fs                              0.1.7  fs node.js module with fiber-enabled synchronous functions
peppelg:bootstrap-3-modal                   1.0.4  Simple usage of bootstrap 3 modals.
percolate:momentum-iron-router              0.7.0  A momentum plugin for transitioning Iron Router pages
praxie:canvas-to-blob                       1.1.1  JavaScript Canvas to Blob is a function to convert canvas ele...
raix:handlebar-helpers                      0.2.5  Handlebar helpers
rajit:bootstrap3-datepicker                 1.5.1* Meteor packaging of eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker for Boots...
rajit:bootstrap3-datepicker-pt-br           1.5.1* Meteor packaging of Brazilian translation of eternicode/boots...
reactive-var                                1.0.10* Reactive variable
reywood:publish-composite                   1.4.2* Publish a set of related documents from multiple collections ...
rzymek:moment-locale-pt-br                  2.12.0* Moment.js pt-br locale. Companion package for rzymek:moment
sacha:spin                                  2.3.1  Simple spinner package for Meteor
sergeyt:typeahead                           0.11.1_9  Autocomplete package for meteor powered by twitter typeahe...
service-configuration                       1.0.11  Manage the configuration for third-party services
session                                     1.1.6* Session variable
sewdn:jquery-cropper                        1.0.0_1  Fengyuan Chen's terrific jQuery plugin for cropping/zooming...
shell-server                                0.2.1* Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command.
spiderable                                  1.0.13  Makes the application crawlable to web spiders
standard-minifier-css                       1.2.0_1* Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js                        1.2.0_1* Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by defa...
summernote:summernote                       0.8.1  summernote (official): jQuery+Bootstrap WYSIWYG editor with e...
tracker                                     1.1.2* Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks
tsega:bootstrap3-datetimepicker             4.17.37_1  Bootstrap 3 DateTime picker from @Eonasdan, packaged for ...
twbs:bootstrap                              3.3.6  The most popular front-end framework for developing responsiv...
u2622:persistent-session                    0.4.4  Persistently store Session data on the client
usefulio:sync-methods                       0.2.0  Adds Meteor.syncMethods that lets you call an asynchonous ser...
vsivsi:file-collection                      1.3.6* Collections that efficiently store files using MongoDB GridFS...
williamledoux:bootstrap-toggle              2.2.1  Bootstrap Toggle Meteor component
xmlbuilder                                  2.5.14* An XML builder for node.js similar to java-xmlbuilder.
yogiben:autoform-modals                     0.3.8  Create, update and delete collections with modals
yogiben:helpers                             0.0.6  Meteor helpers that should come as standard
zimme:active-route                          2.0.4_1* Active route helpers
zimme:select2-bootstrap3-css                1.4.6  CSS to make Select2 fit in with Bootstrap 3
    console.log("*****attempt", attempt);
    return true;
meteor update accounts-facebook