File upload 使用actionlink下载文件mvc2

File upload 使用actionlink下载文件mvc2,file-upload,,File Upload, Mvc 2,我想用 mvc2上传和下载简历。我已经创建了编码。上传成功。当我试图下载文件时,我遇到了一个问题。。 它显示的是一个空白页 控制器: [HandleErrorWithAjaxFilter] public ActionResult UploadResume(HttpPostedFileBase FileData) { Stream fromStream = FileData.InputStream; Stream toStream =

我想用 mvc2上传和下载简历。我已经创建了编码。上传成功。当我试图下载文件时,我遇到了一个问题。。 它显示的是一个空白页


    public ActionResult UploadResume(HttpPostedFileBase FileData)
        Stream fromStream = FileData.InputStream;
        Stream toStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/") + FileData.FileName, FileMode.Create);

        LoggedInCandidate.ResumeFileName = FileData.FileName;

        return Json(new JsonActionResult
            Success = true,
            Message = "Resume has been uploaded."
        //return Json("Resume has been uploaded.");
    <input id="Resume" type="file" name="Resume" />     
                <% var link = Url.Content("~/Content/Resumes/") + Model.ResumeFileName; %>
                <a href="<%: link %>">Download Resume</a> 
    public ActionResult Download(string fileName)
        string pfn = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/" + fileName);

        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(pfn))
            //throw new ArgumentException("Invalid file name or file not exists!");

            return Json(new JsonActionResult { Success = false, Message = "Invalid file name or file not exists!" });

            return new BinaryContentResult()
                FileName = fileName,
                ContentType = "application/octet-stream",
                Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(pfn)


    public ActionResult UploadResume(HttpPostedFileBase FileData)
        Stream fromStream = FileData.InputStream;
        Stream toStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/") + FileData.FileName, FileMode.Create);

        LoggedInCandidate.ResumeFileName = FileData.FileName;

        return Json(new JsonActionResult
            Success = true,
            Message = "Resume has been uploaded."
        //return Json("Resume has been uploaded.");
    <input id="Resume" type="file" name="Resume" />     
                <% var link = Url.Content("~/Content/Resumes/") + Model.ResumeFileName; %>
                <a href="<%: link %>">Download Resume</a> 
    public ActionResult Download(string fileName)
        string pfn = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/" + fileName);

        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(pfn))
            //throw new ArgumentException("Invalid file name or file not exists!");

            return Json(new JsonActionResult { Success = false, Message = "Invalid file name or file not exists!" });

            return new BinaryContentResult()
                FileName = fileName,
                ContentType = "application/octet-stream",
                Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(pfn)



    public ActionResult UploadResume(HttpPostedFileBase FileData)
        Stream fromStream = FileData.InputStream;
        Stream toStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/") + FileData.FileName, FileMode.Create);

        LoggedInCandidate.ResumeFileName = FileData.FileName;

        return Json(new JsonActionResult
            Success = true,
            Message = "Resume has been uploaded."
        //return Json("Resume has been uploaded.");
    <input id="Resume" type="file" name="Resume" />     
                <% var link = Url.Content("~/Content/Resumes/") + Model.ResumeFileName; %>
                <a href="<%: link %>">Download Resume</a> 
    public ActionResult Download(string fileName)
        string pfn = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/" + fileName);

        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(pfn))
            //throw new ArgumentException("Invalid file name or file not exists!");

            return Json(new JsonActionResult { Success = false, Message = "Invalid file name or file not exists!" });

            return new BinaryContentResult()
                FileName = fileName,
                ContentType = "application/octet-stream",
                Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(pfn)




public FileResult Download(string fileName)
    var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/"), fileName);
    var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

    // Assuming that the resume is an MS Word document...
    return File(fileStream, "application/");

  <%: Html.ActionLink("Download Resume", "Download", new { fileName = Model.ResumeFileName }) %>


    public ActionResult UploadResume(HttpPostedFileBase FileData)
        Stream fromStream = FileData.InputStream;
        Stream toStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/") + FileData.FileName, FileMode.Create);

        LoggedInCandidate.ResumeFileName = FileData.FileName;

        return Json(new JsonActionResult
            Success = true,
            Message = "Resume has been uploaded."
        //return Json("Resume has been uploaded.");
    <input id="Resume" type="file" name="Resume" />     
                <% var link = Url.Content("~/Content/Resumes/") + Model.ResumeFileName; %>
                <a href="<%: link %>">Download Resume</a> 
    public ActionResult Download(string fileName)
        string pfn = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Resumes/" + fileName);

        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(pfn))
            //throw new ArgumentException("Invalid file name or file not exists!");

            return Json(new JsonActionResult { Success = false, Message = "Invalid file name or file not exists!" });

            return new BinaryContentResult()
                FileName = fileName,
                ContentType = "application/octet-stream",
                Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(pfn)


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
名称空间Dial4Jobz.Models { 公共类BinaryContentResult:ActionResult {


它没有下载..怎么办?请帮助我到底发生了什么?你得到FileStream对象了吗?如果我单击下载链接,显示空页。我使用的是google chrome。没有打开下载选项..你没有回答我的第二个问题。你得到FileStream对象了吗?我得到FileStream对象了。但是当我单击链接时,我得到了t在url中显示当前路径&未下载..这就是问题所在。