Flash Viewstack访问

Flash Viewstack访问,flash,apache-flex,flash-builder,Flash,Apache Flex,Flash Builder,你好,在布赖恩的帮助下,我有一个很好的工作,但我错过了一些不能让它100%工作的东西 当我跟踪这一点时,即使我使用任何用户登录,我也会在命令面板上得到-1。 我希望,如果用户登录,根据他们的用户角色,viewstack进入他们的视图 下面你会看到我的代码。 还有人可以帮忙吗 <mx:ViewStack id="parentStack" width="1280" height="768"> <s:NavigatorContent id="loginVS" width="1


当我跟踪这一点时,即使我使用任何用户登录,我也会在命令面板上得到-1。 我希望,如果用户登录,根据他们的用户角色,viewstack进入他们的视图

下面你会看到我的代码。 还有人可以帮忙吗

<mx:ViewStack id="parentStack" width="1280" height="768">
    <s:NavigatorContent id="loginVS" width="100%" height="100%" label="Login">
        <forms:MainSiteForm id="mainForm" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
    <s:NavigatorContent id="adminVS" width="100%" height="100%" label="Admin">
        <s:ModuleLoader url="views/Administrator.swf"/>
    <s:NavigatorContent id="salesVS" width="100%" height="100%" label="Sales">
    <s:NavigatorContent id="designersVS" width="100%" height="100%" label="Designers">
    <s:NavigatorContent id="retailersVS" width="100%" height="100%" label="Retailers">

            import mx.containers.ViewStack;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            //import mx.core.Container;
            import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
            import mx.validators.Validator;

            private var validatorArr:Array;
            private var loader:URLLoader;
            private var externalXML:XML;

             * Initialization method
            public function init():void {
                // Add validators to array for validating all at one time
                validatorArr = new Array();

             * User's information checking
             * based on the inputted data
            public function loginCheck():void  {
                // Starting to validate
                var errorArr:Array = Validator.validateAll(validatorArr)
                // if the error array contain any data, =&gt; error
                var isValid:Boolean = errorArr.length == 0;

                if (isValid) {
                    // Load user data

            private function doLogin():void {
                // Point to the data file's path
                var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("data/Users.xml");

                loader = new URLLoader();
                try {
                } catch (error:SecurityError) {
                    trace("A SecurityError has occurred.");

                // If error, go to errorHandler function
                loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
                // once the load action was complated, go to loaderCompleteHandler() for
                // checking user information
                loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderCompleteHandler);

            private function loaderCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
                var logged:Boolean = false;
                try {
                    // Convert data into E4X class for easy access to elements
                    externalXML = new XML(loader.data);

                    // Loop through the user list to check
                    // if the inputted user id and password are valid
                    for each (var user:XML in externalXML.elements()) {
                        if (user.userID == userID.text && user.userPW == userPW.text) {
                            // user has an valid account
                            logged = true;
                            // Don't need to continue
                    if (logged) {
                        // Redirect user function
                        var indexArr:Array = new Array("Login", "Admin", "Sales", "Designers", "Retailers");
                        var stackIndex:int = indexArr.indexOf(user.userRole);
                        FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parentStack.selectedIndex = stackIndex;
                        //Alert.show('Congratulation, you logged in!', 'Information');
                    } else {
                        Alert.show('User ID or Password is not correct, please try again!', 'Error');

                } catch (e:TypeError) {
                    trace("Could not parse the XML file.");
            private function errorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
                Alert.show("Had problem loading the XML File.");


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


if (logged) {
    // Redirect user function
    var indexArr:Array = new Array("Login", "Admin", "Sales", "Designers", "Retailers");
    //Make sure that `user.userRole` is a String, not e.g. an XML object's value.
    var stackIndex:int = indexArr.indexOf(user.userRole);
    FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parentStack.selectedIndex = stackIndex;