F# F将字符串拆分为元组的最简单方法 tl;博士

F# F将字符串拆分为元组的最简单方法 tl;博士,f#,F#,我应该像下面那样实现每个helper函数吗 设splittotuple2str= 将str.Split与匹配 |[a;b |]->a,b |大小必须为2的故障 让我们拆分为3个str= 将str.Split与匹配 |[a;b;c]->a,b,c |大小必须为3的故障 让我们拆分为4个str= 将str.Split与匹配 |[a;b;c;d]->a,b,c,d |大小必须为4的故障 动机 字数是预先知道的 设str=first-second-third//每个单词用空格分隔 下面的内容足以满足我的


设splittotuple2str= 将str.Split与匹配 |[a;b |]->a,b |大小必须为2的故障 让我们拆分为3个str= 将str.Split与匹配 |[a;b;c]->a,b,c |大小必须为3的故障 让我们拆分为4个str= 将str.Split与匹配 |[a;b;c;d]->a,b,c,d |大小必须为4的故障 动机 字数是预先知道的

设str=first-second-third//每个单词用空格分隔 下面的内容足以满足我的需要

设arr=str.Split 设a=arr[0]//首先 设b=arr[1]//秒 设c=arr[2]//第三 不过,我想用一行来做这些

let[|a;b;c |]=str.Split//警告:此表达式上的模式匹配不完整。 nowarn 25是不利的,因为它会影响整个文件


设a,b,c=str |>splitToTuple3

一般来说,是的,在您的情况下必须创建三个单独的函数,因为每个函数返回不同的数据类型—两个、三个或四个元素的元组。 您可能会考虑创建一个区分联盟来覆盖所有只需要一个函数的情况,例如

module Split = 
    let split (str:string) = str.Split() 

    type SplitterTuple<'t> =
    | Two of 't * 't
    | Three of 't * 't * 't
    | Four of 't * 't * 't * 't

    let getTuple<'t> (l : 't array) : SplitterTuple<'t> = 
        match l with
        | [|a; b; c; d|] -> Four (a, b, c, d)
        | [|a; b; c|]  -> Three (a, b, c)
        | [|a; b|] -> Two (a, b)
        | _ -> failwith "Incompatible list"


//test code
    let t1 = "first" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult //fails
    let t2 = "first second" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult
    let t3 = "first second third" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult
    let t4 = "first second third fourth" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult
    let t5 = "first second third fourth fifth" |> split |> getTuple  |> displayResult //fails

//test code
    let t1 = "first" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult //fails
    let t2 = "first second" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult
    let t3 = "first second third" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult
    let t4 = "first second third fourth" |> split |> getTuple |> displayResult
    let t5 = "first second third fourth fifth" |> split |> getTuple  |> displayResult //fails