Function 调试围绕lambda体、匿名类实例等传递的scala代码的最佳技术?

Function 调试围绕lambda体、匿名类实例等传递的scala代码的最佳技术?,function,scala,debugging,lambda,Function,Scala,Debugging,Lambda,您发现了什么最好的技术来调试在lambda体、匿名类实例和诸如此类的东西之间传递的scala代码 我相信,一旦我学得更好,Scala将使我的工作效率更高,但当我试图弄清楚是什么生成了回调(或lambda体等),我在程序执行流程的特定点调用回调时,有时会感到困惑。我尝试了一种技术,你可以在下面看到它不起作用。。。我提供了这个代码示例,以便您可以看到我试图实现的目标 def fork[A](a: => Par[A]): Par[A] = { val marker = new java.u



def fork[A](a: => Par[A]): Par[A] = {
  val marker  = new java.util.Date().getTime
  log("about to return future with marker: " + marker)
  val func = (es: ExecutorService) => new Future[A] {
    def apply(cb: A => Unit): Unit = {
      log("applying callback (w/ eval) in future apply method: " + this)
    override def toString : String =  { "execSvc -> future w/marker: " + marker}
  log("returning future creation func: " + func.toString())

// a log method that uses a simmple timestamp to help order print statements emitted in multi-threaded programs, 
// and which deliberately slows things down  so we don't see the same time stamp repeated. cheesy, but 
// seems to serve its purpose
def log(msg: String): Unit = {
  println(new java.util.Date().getTime() + " thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName + " " + msg)
  for (i <- 1 to 100000000) {}          // slow things down !
def fork[A](A:=>Par[A]):Par[A]={
val marker=new java.util.Date().getTime
val func=(es:ExecutorService)=>新未来[A]{
重写def toString:String={“execSvc->future w/marker:“+marker}

    def fork[A](a: => Par[A]): Par[A] = {
      val marker = new java.util.Date().getTime
      log("about to return future with marker: " + marker)
      val func = new Function1[ExecutorService, Future[A]] {
        def apply(es: ExecutorService) = {
          new Future[A] {
            def apply(cb: A => Unit): Unit = {
              log("applying callback (w/ eval) in future apply method: " + this)

            override def toString: String = {
              "I am a future object constructed from marker: " + marker
        override def toString: String = {
          "I am a method that takes an exec svc and returns a futture  i was constructed from marker: " + marker

      log("returning future creation func: " + func)

        1438988219429 thread: main applying callback (w/ eval) in future apply method: I am a future object constructed from marker: 1438988219269
        1438988219460 thread: main in eval now / creating callable with marker: 1438988219460
        1438988219491 thread: main submitting callable:fpinscala.parallelism.Nonblocking$Par$$anon$6@3fb6a447
        1438988219526 thread: pool-1-thread-1 executing callable with 1438988219460
        1438988219561 thread: pool-1-thread-1 about to return future with marker: 1438988219561
        1438988219598 thread: pool-1-thread-1 returning future creation func: I am a method that takes an exec svc and returns a futture  i was constructed from marker: 1438988219561
        1438988219651 thread: pool-1-thread-1 applying callback (w/ eval) in future apply method: I am a future object constructed from marker: 1438988219561
        1438988219686 thread: pool-1-thread-1 in eval now / creating callable with marker: 1438988219686

        1438988219429 thread: main applying callback (w/ eval) in future apply method: I am a future object constructed from marker: 1438988219269
        1438988219460 thread: main in eval now / creating callable with marker: 1438988219460
        1438988219491 thread: main submitting callable:fpinscala.parallelism.Nonblocking$Par$$anon$6@3fb6a447
        1438988219526 thread: pool-1-thread-1 executing callable with 1438988219460
        1438988219561 thread: pool-1-thread-1 about to return future with marker: 1438988219561
        1438988219598 thread: pool-1-thread-1 returning future creation func: I am a method that takes an exec svc and returns a futture  i was constructed from marker: 1438988219561
        1438988219651 thread: pool-1-thread-1 applying callback (w/ eval) in future apply method: I am a future object constructed from marker: 1438988219561
        1438988219686 thread: pool-1-thread-1 in eval now / creating callable with marker: 1438988219686