Generics 如何防止推断类型为obj(或错误)

Generics 如何防止推断类型为obj(或错误),generics,f#,Generics,F#,下面的代码让我有些头疼 type Config() = class end type ProgressA<'a>(v: 'a) = class end type DoneA<'a>(v:'a) = class end type Foo () = class end type ProgressX = ProgressA<Foo> type DoneX = DoneA<Foo> let somethingElse = 1 type Foo wi


type Config() = class end
type ProgressA<'a>(v: 'a) = class end
type DoneA<'a>(v:'a) = class end

type Foo () = class end

type ProgressX = ProgressA<Foo>
type DoneX = DoneA<Foo>

let somethingElse = 1

type Foo with
    static member inline Validate (_:Config) (p:ProgressX) : Option<ProgressX> = Some p

let inline validatex c p =
    (^T : (static member Validate: ^V -> ^P -> Option<ProgressA< ^T>>) c, p)

let p1: ProgressX = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let v1: Config = Unchecked.defaultof<_>

let c = validatex v1 p1




type Foo with
                                  //see the double parens
    static member inline Validate ((_:Config, p:ProgressX)): Option<ProgressX> = Some p

//And then you need a lot of parens here as well
let inline validatex c p =
    (^T : (static member Validate: (^V * ProgressA< ^T>) -> Option<ProgressA< ^T>>) ((c, p)))
静态成员内联验证((:Config,p:ProgressX)):Option=Some p
let inline validatex c p =
    (^T : (static member Validate: ^V -> ProgressA< ^T> -> Option<ProgressA< ^T>>) c, p)
let c = validatex v1 p1
type Foo with
                                  //see the double parens
    static member inline Validate ((_:Config, p:ProgressX)): Option<ProgressX> = Some p

//And then you need a lot of parens here as well
let inline validatex c p =
    (^T : (static member Validate: (^V * ProgressA< ^T>) -> Option<ProgressA< ^T>>) ((c, p)))