Geometry 圆-矩形碰撞检测(相交)

Geometry 圆-矩形碰撞检测(相交),geometry,collision-detection,Geometry,Collision Detection,如何判断圆和矩形在二维欧几里德空间中是否相交?(即经典二维几何体)假设有矩形的四条边,请检查边到圆中心的距离,如果小于半径,则形状相交 if sqrt((rectangleRight.x - circleCenter.x)^2 + (rectangleBottom.y - circleCenter.y)^2) < radius // then they intersect if sqrt((rectangleRight.x - circleCenter.x)^2 +



if sqrt((rectangleRight.x - circleCenter.x)^2 +
        (rectangleBottom.y - circleCenter.y)^2) < radius
// then they intersect

if sqrt((rectangleRight.x - circleCenter.x)^2 +
        (rectangleTop.y - circleCenter.y)^2) < radius
// then they intersect

if sqrt((rectangleLeft.x - circleCenter.x)^2 +
        (rectangleTop.y - circleCenter.y)^2) < radius
// then they intersect

if sqrt((rectangleLeft.x - circleCenter.x)^2 +
        (rectangleBottom.y - circleCenter.y)^2) < radius
// then they intersect


1) 如果圆的中心在象限5内(即在矩形内),则两个形状相交

有了这一点,就有两种可能的情况: a) 该圆与矩形的两条或多条相邻边相交。 b) 圆与矩形的一条边相交

// clamp(value, min, max) - limits value to the range min..max

// Find the closest point to the circle within the rectangle
float closestX = clamp(circle.X, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Right);
float closestY = clamp(circle.Y, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Bottom);

// Calculate the distance between the circle's center and this closest point
float distanceX = circle.X - closestX;
float distanceY = circle.Y - closestY;

// If the distance is less than the circle's radius, an intersection occurs
float distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY);
return distanceSquared < (circle.Radius * circle.Radius);

2) 如果矩形的任何一个角A、B、C、D位于圆内,则两个形状相交



3) 对于每条直线AB、BC、CD、DA,构造穿过圆心p的垂线p(AB、p)、p(BC、p)、p(CD、p)、p(DA、p)。对于每条垂线,如果与原始边的交点位于圆内,则两个形状相交





bool intersects(CircleType circle, RectType rect)
    circleDistance.x = abs(circle.x - rect.x);
    circleDistance.y = abs(circle.y - rect.y);

    if (circleDistance.x > (rect.width/2 + circle.r)) { return false; }
    if (circleDistance.y > (rect.height/2 + circle.r)) { return false; }

    if (circleDistance.x <= (rect.width/2)) { return true; } 
    if (circleDistance.y <= (rect.height/2)) { return true; }

    cornerDistance_sq = (circleDistance.x - rect.width/2)^2 +
                         (circleDistance.y - rect.height/2)^2;

    return (cornerDistance_sq <= (circle.r^2));
if(circleDistance.x>(rect.width/2+circle.r)){return false;}
if(circleDistance.y>(rect.height/2+circle.r)){return false;}


    circleCenterLat     IN NUMBER,      -- circle Center Latitude
    circleCenterLon     IN NUMBER,      -- circle Center Longitude
    circleRadius        IN NUMBER,      -- circle Radius in KM
    rectSWLat           IN NUMBER,      -- rectangle South West Latitude
    rectSWLon           IN NUMBER,      -- rectangle South West Longitude
    rectNELat           IN NUMBER,      -- rectangle North Est Latitude
    rectNELon           IN NUMBER       -- rectangle North Est Longitude
    -- converts km to degrees (use 69 if miles)
    kmToDegreeConst     NUMBER := 111.045;

    -- Remaining rectangle vertices 
    rectNWLat   NUMBER;
    rectNWLon   NUMBER;
    rectSELat   NUMBER;
    rectSELon   NUMBER;

    rectHeight  NUMBER;
    rectWIdth   NUMBER;

    circleDistanceLat   NUMBER;
    circleDistanceLon   NUMBER;
    cornerDistanceSQ    NUMBER;

    -- Initialization of remaining rectangle vertices  
    rectNWLat := rectNELat;
    rectNWLon := rectSWLon;
    rectSELat := rectSWLat;
    rectSELon := rectNELon;

    -- Rectangle sides length calculation
    rectHeight := calc_distance(rectSWLat, rectSWLon, rectNWLat, rectNWLon);
    rectWidth := calc_distance(rectSWLat, rectSWLon, rectSELat, rectSELon);

    circleDistanceLat := abs( (circleCenterLat * kmToDegreeConst) - ((rectSWLat * kmToDegreeConst) + (rectHeight/2)) );
    circleDistanceLon := abs( (circleCenterLon * kmToDegreeConst) - ((rectSWLon * kmToDegreeConst) + (rectWidth/2)) );

    IF circleDistanceLon > ((rectWidth/2) + circleRadius) THEN
        RETURN -1;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    IF circleDistanceLat > ((rectHeight/2) + circleRadius) THEN
        RETURN -1;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    IF circleDistanceLon <= (rectWidth/2) THEN
        RETURN 0;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    IF circleDistanceLat <= (rectHeight/2) THEN
        RETURN 0;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    cornerDistanceSQ := POWER(circleDistanceLon - (rectWidth/2), 2) + POWER(circleDistanceLat - (rectHeight/2), 2);

    IF cornerDistanceSQ <=  POWER(circleRadius, 2) THEN
        RETURN 0;  --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
        RETURN -1;  --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    RETURN -1;  --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
  • 圆的中心位于矩形内,或者
  • 矩形的一条边在圆中有一个点




0 ≤ AP·AB ≤ AB·AB and 0 ≤ AP·AD ≤ AD·AD





点di //rectangle edges: TL (top left), TR (top right), BL (bottom left), BR (bottom right) //point to test: POI seperated = false for egde in { {TL,TR}, {BL,BR}, {TL,BL},{TR-BR} }: // the edges D = edge[0] - edge[1] innerProd = D * POI Interval_min = min(D*edge[0],D*edge[1]) Interval_max = max(D*edge[0],D*edge[1]) if not ( Interval_min ≤ innerProd ≤ Interval_max ) seperated = true break // end for loop end if end for if (seperated is true) return "no intersection" else return "intersection" end if
// clamp(value, min, max) - limits value to the range min..max

// Find the closest point to the circle within the rectangle
float closestX = clamp(circle.X, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Right);
float closestY = clamp(circle.Y, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Bottom);

// Calculate the distance between the circle's center and this closest point
float distanceX = circle.X - closestX;
float distanceY = circle.Y - closestY;

// If the distance is less than the circle's radius, an intersection occurs
float distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY);
return distanceSquared < (circle.Radius * circle.Radius);
float physicsProcessCollisionBetweenSelfAndActorRect(SPhysics *self, SPhysics *actor)
    float diff = 99999;

    SVector relative_position_of_circle = getDifference2DBetweenVectors(&self->worldPosition, &actor->worldPosition);
    rotateVector2DBy(&relative_position_of_circle, -actor->axis.angleZ); // This aligns the coord system so the rect becomes an AABB

    float x_clamped_within_rectangle = relative_position_of_circle.x;
    float y_clamped_within_rectangle = relative_position_of_circle.y;
    LIMIT(x_clamped_within_rectangle, actor->physicsRect.l, actor->physicsRect.r);
    LIMIT(y_clamped_within_rectangle, actor->physicsRect.b, actor->physicsRect.t);

    // Calculate the distance between the circle's center and this closest point
    float distance_to_nearest_edge_x = relative_position_of_circle.x - x_clamped_within_rectangle;
    float distance_to_nearest_edge_y = relative_position_of_circle.y - y_clamped_within_rectangle;

    // If the distance is less than the circle's radius, an intersection occurs
    float distance_sq_x = SQUARE(distance_to_nearest_edge_x);
    float distance_sq_y = SQUARE(distance_to_nearest_edge_y);
    float radius_sq = SQUARE(self->physicsRadius);
    if(distance_sq_x + distance_sq_y < radius_sq)   
        float half_rect_w = (actor->physicsRect.r - actor->physicsRect.l) * 0.5f;
        float half_rect_h = (actor->physicsRect.t - actor->physicsRect.b) * 0.5f;


        // If we're at one of the corners of this object, treat this as a circular/circular collision
        if(fabs(relative_position_of_circle.x) > half_rect_w && fabs(relative_position_of_circle.y) > half_rect_h)
            SVector edges;
            if(relative_position_of_circle.x > 0) edges.x = half_rect_w; else edges.x = -half_rect_w;
            if(relative_position_of_circle.y > 0) edges.y = half_rect_h; else edges.y = -half_rect_h;   

            push_vector = relative_position_of_circle;
            moveVectorByInverseVector2D(&push_vector, &edges);

            // We now have the vector from the corner of the rect to the point.
            float delta_length = getVector2DMagnitude(&push_vector);
            float diff = self->physicsRadius - delta_length; // Find out how far away we are from our ideal distance

            // Normalise the vector
            push_vector.x /= delta_length;
            push_vector.y /= delta_length;
            scaleVector2DBy(&push_vector, diff); // Now multiply it by the difference
            push_vector.z = 0;
        else // Nope - just bouncing against one of the edges
            if(relative_position_of_circle.x > 0) // Ball is to the right
                push_vector.x = (half_rect_w + self->physicsRadius) - relative_position_of_circle.x;
                push_vector.x = -((half_rect_w + self->physicsRadius) + relative_position_of_circle.x);

            if(relative_position_of_circle.y > 0) // Ball is above
                push_vector.y = (half_rect_h + self->physicsRadius) - relative_position_of_circle.y;
                push_vector.y = -((half_rect_h + self->physicsRadius) + relative_position_of_circle.y);

            if(fabs(push_vector.x) < fabs(push_vector.y))
                push_vector.y = 0;
                push_vector.x = 0;

        diff = 0; // Cheat, since we don't do anything with the value anyway
        rotateVector2DBy(&push_vector, actor->axis.angleZ);
        SVector *from = &self->worldPosition;       
        moveVectorBy2D(from, push_vector.x, push_vector.y);
    return diff;
public static bool IsIntersected(PointF circle, float radius, RectangleF rectangle)
    var rectangleCenter = new PointF((rectangle.X +  rectangle.Width / 2),
                                     (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2));

    var w = rectangle.Width  / 2;
    var h = rectangle.Height / 2;

    var dx = Math.Abs(circle.X - rectangleCenter.X);
    var dy = Math.Abs(circle.Y - rectangleCenter.Y);

    if (dx > (radius + w) || dy > (radius + h)) return false;

    var circleDistance = new PointF
                                 X = Math.Abs(circle.X - rectangle.X - w),
                                 Y = Math.Abs(circle.Y - rectangle.Y - h)

    if (circleDistance.X <= (w))
        return true;

    if (circleDistance.Y <= (h))
        return true;

    var cornerDistanceSq = Math.Pow(circleDistance.X - w, 2) + 
                                    Math.Pow(circleDistance.Y - h, 2);

    return (cornerDistanceSq <= (Math.Pow(radius, 2)));
static inline BOOL RectIntersectsCircle(CGRect aRect, Circle aCircle) {

    float testX = aCircle.x;
    float testY = aCircle.y;

    if (testX < aRect.origin.x)
        testX = aRect.origin.x;
    if (testX > (aRect.origin.x + aRect.size.width))
        testX = (aRect.origin.x + aRect.size.width);
    if (testY < aRect.origin.y)
        testY = aRect.origin.y;
    if (testY > (aRect.origin.y + aRect.size.height))
        testY = (aRect.origin.y + aRect.size.height);

    return ((aCircle.x - testX) * (aCircle.x - testX) + (aCircle.y - testY) * (aCircle.y - testY)) < aCircle.radius * aCircle.radius;
class Circle {
 // create the bounding box of the circle only once
 BBox bbox;

 public boolean intersect(BBox b) {
    // test top intersect
    if (lat > b.maxLat) {
        if (lon < b.minLon)
            return normDist(b.maxLat, b.minLon) <= normedDist;
        if (lon > b.maxLon)
            return normDist(b.maxLat, b.maxLon) <= normedDist;
        return b.maxLat - bbox.minLat > 0;

    // test bottom intersect
    if (lat < b.minLat) {
        if (lon < b.minLon)
            return normDist(b.minLat, b.minLon) <= normedDist;
        if (lon > b.maxLon)
            return normDist(b.minLat, b.maxLon) <= normedDist;
        return bbox.maxLat - b.minLat > 0;

    // test middle intersect
    if (lon < b.minLon)
        return bbox.maxLon - b.minLon > 0;
    if (lon > b.maxLon)
        return b.maxLon - bbox.minLon > 0;
    return true;
public class Geomethry {
  public static boolean intersectionCircleAndRectangle(int circleX, int circleY, int circleR, int rectangleX, int rectangleY, int rectangleWidth, int rectangleHeight){
    boolean result = false;

    float rectHalfWidth = rectangleWidth/2.0f;
    float rectHalfHeight = rectangleHeight/2.0f;

    float rectCenterX = rectangleX + rectHalfWidth;
    float rectCenterY = rectangleY + rectHalfHeight;

    float deltax = Math.abs(rectCenterX - circleX);
    float deltay = Math.abs(rectCenterY - circleY);

    float lengthHypotenuseSqure = deltax*deltax + deltay*deltay;

        // check that distance between the centerse is more than the distance between the circumcircle of rectangle and circle
        if(lengthHypotenuseSqure > ((rectHalfWidth+circleR)*(rectHalfWidth+circleR) + (rectHalfHeight+circleR)*(rectHalfHeight+circleR))){
            //System.out.println("distance between the centerse is more than the distance between the circumcircle of rectangle and circle");

        // check that distance between the centerse is less than the distance between the inscribed circle
        float rectMinHalfSide = Math.min(rectHalfWidth, rectHalfHeight);
        if(lengthHypotenuseSqure < ((rectMinHalfSide+circleR)*(rectMinHalfSide+circleR))){
            //System.out.println("distance between the centerse is less than the distance between the inscribed circle");

        // check that the squares relate to angles
        if((deltax > (rectHalfWidth+circleR)*0.9) && (deltay > (rectHalfHeight+circleR)*0.9)){
            //System.out.println("squares relate to angles");

    return result;

public static boolean intersectionRectangleAndRectangle(int rectangleX, int rectangleY, int rectangleWidth, int rectangleHeight, int rectangleX2, int rectangleY2, int rectangleWidth2, int rectangleHeight2){
    boolean result = false;

    float rectHalfWidth = rectangleWidth/2.0f;
    float rectHalfHeight = rectangleHeight/2.0f;
    float rectHalfWidth2 = rectangleWidth2/2.0f;
    float rectHalfHeight2 = rectangleHeight2/2.0f;

    float deltax = Math.abs((rectangleX + rectHalfWidth) - (rectangleX2 + rectHalfWidth2));
    float deltay = Math.abs((rectangleY + rectHalfHeight) - (rectangleY2 + rectHalfHeight2));

    float lengthHypotenuseSqure = deltax*deltax + deltay*deltay;

        // check that distance between the centerse is more than the distance between the circumcircle
        if(lengthHypotenuseSqure > ((rectHalfWidth+rectHalfWidth2)*(rectHalfWidth+rectHalfWidth2) + (rectHalfHeight+rectHalfHeight2)*(rectHalfHeight+rectHalfHeight2))){
            //System.out.println("distance between the centerse is more than the distance between the circumcircle");

        // check that distance between the centerse is less than the distance between the inscribed circle
        float rectMinHalfSide = Math.min(rectHalfWidth, rectHalfHeight);
        float rectMinHalfSide2 = Math.min(rectHalfWidth2, rectHalfHeight2);
        if(lengthHypotenuseSqure < ((rectMinHalfSide+rectMinHalfSide2)*(rectMinHalfSide+rectMinHalfSide2))){
            //System.out.println("distance between the centerse is less than the distance between the inscribed circle");

        // check that the squares relate to angles
        if((deltax > (rectHalfWidth+rectHalfWidth2)*0.9) && (deltay > (rectHalfHeight+rectHalfHeight2)*0.9)){
            //System.out.println("squares relate to angles");

    return result;
public static boolean intersect(Rectangle r, Circle c)
    float cx = Math.abs(c.x - r.x - r.halfWidth);
    float xDist = r.halfWidth + c.radius;
    if (cx > xDist)
        return false;
    float cy = Math.abs(c.y - r.y - r.halfHeight);
    float yDist = r.halfHeight + c.radius;
    if (cy > yDist)
        return false;
    if (cx <= r.halfWidth || cy <= r.halfHeight)
        return true;
    float xCornerDist = cx - r.halfWidth;
    float yCornerDist = cy - r.halfHeight;
    float xCornerDistSq = xCornerDist * xCornerDist;
    float yCornerDistSq = yCornerDist * yCornerDist;
    float maxCornerDistSq = c.radius * c.radius;
    return xCornerDistSq + yCornerDistSq <= maxCornerDistSq;
public boolean intersects(float cx, float cy, float radius, float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
   float closestX = (cx < left ? left : (cx > right ? right : cx));
   float closestY = (cy < top ? top : (cy > bottom ? bottom : cy));
   float dx = closestX - cx;
   float dy = closestY - cy;

   return ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) <= radius * radius;
double theta = Math.atan2(cir.getX()-sqr.getX()*1.0,
                          cir.getY()-sqr.getY()*1.0); //radians of the angle
double dBox; //distance from box to edge of box in direction of the circle

if((theta >  Math.PI/4 && theta <  3*Math.PI / 4) ||
   (theta < -Math.PI/4 && theta > -3*Math.PI / 4)) {
    dBox = sqr.getS() / (2*Math.sin(theta));
} else {
    dBox = sqr.getS() / (2*Math.cos(theta));
boolean touching = (Math.abs(dBox) >=
                    Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sqr.getX()-cir.getX(), 2) +
                              Math.pow(sqr.getY()-cir.getY(), 2)));
    circleCenterLat     IN NUMBER,      -- circle Center Latitude
    circleCenterLon     IN NUMBER,      -- circle Center Longitude
    circleRadius        IN NUMBER,      -- circle Radius in KM
    rectSWLat           IN NUMBER,      -- rectangle South West Latitude
    rectSWLon           IN NUMBER,      -- rectangle South West Longitude
    rectNELat           IN NUMBER,      -- rectangle North Est Latitude
    rectNELon           IN NUMBER       -- rectangle North Est Longitude
    -- converts km to degrees (use 69 if miles)
    kmToDegreeConst     NUMBER := 111.045;

    -- Remaining rectangle vertices 
    rectNWLat   NUMBER;
    rectNWLon   NUMBER;
    rectSELat   NUMBER;
    rectSELon   NUMBER;

    rectHeight  NUMBER;
    rectWIdth   NUMBER;

    circleDistanceLat   NUMBER;
    circleDistanceLon   NUMBER;
    cornerDistanceSQ    NUMBER;

    -- Initialization of remaining rectangle vertices  
    rectNWLat := rectNELat;
    rectNWLon := rectSWLon;
    rectSELat := rectSWLat;
    rectSELon := rectNELon;

    -- Rectangle sides length calculation
    rectHeight := calc_distance(rectSWLat, rectSWLon, rectNWLat, rectNWLon);
    rectWidth := calc_distance(rectSWLat, rectSWLon, rectSELat, rectSELon);

    circleDistanceLat := abs( (circleCenterLat * kmToDegreeConst) - ((rectSWLat * kmToDegreeConst) + (rectHeight/2)) );
    circleDistanceLon := abs( (circleCenterLon * kmToDegreeConst) - ((rectSWLon * kmToDegreeConst) + (rectWidth/2)) );

    IF circleDistanceLon > ((rectWidth/2) + circleRadius) THEN
        RETURN -1;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    IF circleDistanceLat > ((rectHeight/2) + circleRadius) THEN
        RETURN -1;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    IF circleDistanceLon <= (rectWidth/2) THEN
        RETURN 0;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    IF circleDistanceLat <= (rectHeight/2) THEN
        RETURN 0;   --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    cornerDistanceSQ := POWER(circleDistanceLon - (rectWidth/2), 2) + POWER(circleDistanceLat - (rectHeight/2), 2);

    IF cornerDistanceSQ <=  POWER(circleRadius, 2) THEN
        RETURN 0;  --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
        RETURN -1;  --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
    END IF;

    RETURN -1;  --  -1 => NO Collision ; 0 => Collision Detected
if (length(max(abs(center - rect_mid) - rect_halves, 0)) <= radius ) {
  // They intersect.
def colision(rect, circle):
dx = rect.x - circle.x
dy = rect.y - circle.y
distance = (dy**2 + dx**2)**0.5
angle_to = (rect.angle + math.atan2(dx, dy)/3.1415*180.0) % 360
if((angle_to>135 and angle_to<225) or (angle_to>0 and angle_to<45) or (angle_to>315 and angle_to<360)):
    if distance <= circle.rad/2.+((rect.height/2.0)*(1.+0.5*abs(math.sin(angle_to*math.pi/180.)))):
        return True
    if distance <= circle.rad/2.+((rect.width/2.0)*(1.+0.5*abs(math.cos(angle_to*math.pi/180.)))):
        return True
return False
function intersects(circle, rect) {
  let left = rect.x + rect.width > circle.x - circle.radius;
  let right = rect.x < circle.x + circle.radius;
  let top = rect.y < circle.y + circle.radius;
  let bottom = rect.y + rect.height > circle.y - circle.radius;
  return left && right && bottom && top;
double dx = abs(circle.x - rect.x) - rect.w / 2,
       dy = abs(circle.y - rect.y) - rect.h / 2;

if (dx > circle.r || dy > circle.r) { return false; }
if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0) { return true; }

return (dx * dx + dy * dy <= circle.r * circle.r);
right = Math.max(square.x+square.side, circle.x+circle.rad);
left = Math.min(square.x, circle.x-circle.rad);

bottom = Math.max(square.y+square.side, circle.y+circle.rad);
top = Math.min(square.y, circle.y-circle.rad);

if (right - left > down - top) {
 //compare with horizontal distance
else {
 //compare with vertical distance

/*These equations assume that the reference point of the square is at its top left corner, and the reference point of the circle is at its center*/
bool DoesCircleImpactBox(float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float xc, float yc, float radius){
    float ClampedX=0;
    float ClampedY=0;
    if(xc>=x and xc<=x1){
    if(yc>=y and yc<=y1){
    radius = radius+1;
    if(xc<x) ClampedX=x;
    if(xc>x1) ClampedX=x1-1;
    if(yc<y) ClampedY=y;
    if(yc>y1) ClampedY=y1-1;
    float XDif=ClampedX-xc;
    float YDif=ClampedY-yc;
    if(XDif+YDif<=radius*radius) return true;
    return false;