GitHub git pull致命错误cygwin DLL

GitHub git pull致命错误cygwin DLL,git,github,git-pull,Git,Github,Git Pull,我正在尝试使用github桌面客户端从github cmd执行git pull命令 出于某种原因,我的git pull不再工作,它会出现以下错误: D:\AndroidStudioProjects\Tangle>git pull 1 [main] sh (6932) C:\Users\dbale\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c7e0cbde92ba565cb218a521411d0e854079a28c\usr\bin\sh.exe: **

我正在尝试使用github桌面客户端从github cmd执行git pull命令

出于某种原因,我的git pull不再工作,它会出现以下错误:

D:\AndroidStudioProjects\Tangle>git pull
      1 [main] sh (6932) C:\Users\dbale\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c7e0cbde92ba565cb218a521411d0e854079a28c\usr\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xC77400/0xDD7400.
This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version.  The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution.  Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.
      1 [main] sh 15144 fork: child -1 - forked process 6932 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11
/mingw32/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: fork: retry: No child processes
      4 [main] sh (16184) C:\Users\dbale\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c7e0cbde92ba565cb218a521411d0e854079a28c\usr\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xC77400/0xEE7400.
This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version.  The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution.  Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.
1067828 [main] sh 15144 fork: child -1 - forked process 16184 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11
/mingw32/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: fork: retry: No child processes
      3 [main] sh (6452) C:\Users\dbale\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c7e0cbde92ba565cb218a521411d0e854079a28c\usr\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xC77400/0x1107400.
This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version.  The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution.  Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.
3137324 [main] sh 15144 fork: child -1 - forked process 6452 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11
/mingw32/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: fork: retry: No child processes
      3 [main] sh (10188) C:\Users\dbale\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c7e0cbde92ba565cb218a521411d0e854079a28c\usr\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xC77400/0xED7400.
This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version.  The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution.  Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.
7211236 [main] sh 15144 fork: child -1 - forked process 10188 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11
/mingw32/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: fork: retry: No child processes




您是否可以尝试安装git表单git scm并查看问题是否仍然存在

我也有同样的问题,问题是Android SDK工具。
当我卸载Android SDK工具时,Github桌面再次工作。

与windows 10上的git for windows具有相同的错误堆栈,在PC上没有cygwin1.dll。解决方案是安装32位版本。

当路径中的二进制文件发生冲突时,就会发生这种情况。这通常是在安装Cygwin和Git for windows时发生的。通用的二进制文件是使用不同版本的Cygwin构建的,因此出现了问题

Git for Windows附带了大部分Cygwin实用程序,因此您可以卸载Cygwin


对Windows 10的更改默认情况下启用了图像随机(强制ASLR)。我必须利用漏洞保护,并为GitHub Desktop使用的每个Cygwin程序配置异常


有关此问题的更多信息,请访问: 检测到cygheap基不匹配的桌面条形图

克里斯·沙克尔(Chris Shaker)

当我为Android Studio配置git时,这件事发生在我身上。我不知道这是否也是你的想法。我将cygwin1.dll从我的android sdk工具路径删除到android sdk\tools\bin。然后我重新启动电脑,运行GitHub单机版应用程序。拉请求已成功执行。升级后重新启动似乎可以解决此问题-因此这不是一个永久性问题。看:不知道为什么,我刚刚卸载了Android SDK工具,重启了我的电脑,瞧!工作正常。谢谢,伙计。删除cygwin文件夹,git bash从错误中恢复。这对我来说很有效。如果您的计算机上安装了64位git,请安装32位版本的cygwin,否则它们将无法一起工作我将在W7上运行。Cygwin 64还可以,但是在安装完整版本的Git之后,当只有一个DLL时,我在DLL上出现了这些错误。我安装了32位版本的Cygwin,它完全修复了它!