
如何在GLSL或类似系统中创建雨水?,glsl,webgl,hlsl,Glsl,Webgl,Hlsl,有没有关于如何在GLSL或类似着色器中创建雨水的优秀教程?我可以很容易地为玛雅找到一个,但不幸的是,不是这个。谢谢 你说的“雨”是什么意思。有很多方法来表示雨 此示例具有雨效应和涟漪效应 不过没有教程。它的工作原理是创建一组单位正方形,给每个正方形一个随机值,将该随机值添加到时间值中,然后计算着色器中的位置,如中所示 uniform float u_time; // a time value passed in by JavaScript uniform mat4 u_vie





uniform float u_time;          // a time value passed in by JavaScript
uniform mat4 u_view_inverse;   // view inverse (camera world matrix)
uniform mat4 u_view_projection;// view projection matrix

attribute vec4 a_vertex;       // the unit quad values
attribute vec4 a_position;     // the base position of this particle repeated for
                               // each vertex
attribute vec4 a_velocity;     // velocity for this quad, repeated for each vertex
attribute float a_time_offset; // a time offset for this particle 
                               // repeated for each vertex

// compute a position
float localTime = u_time + a_time_offset;
vec4 base_position = a_position + a_velocity * localTime;

// rotate quad so it's perpendicular to the view
vec4 quadX = viewInverse[0] * a_vertex.x;
vec4 quadZ = viewInverse[1] * a_vertex.y;

// compute the real world position for this vertex
vec4 position = base_position + quadX + quadZ;

// at this point position is the same as any other 'standard' 3d shader
// do with it whatever. Example:
gl_Position = viewProjectionMatrix * position;




uniform float u_time;          // a time value passed in by JavaScript
uniform mat4 u_view_inverse;   // view inverse (camera world matrix)
uniform mat4 u_view_projection;// view projection matrix

attribute vec4 a_vertex;       // the unit quad values
attribute vec4 a_position;     // the base position of this particle repeated for
                               // each vertex
attribute vec4 a_velocity;     // velocity for this quad, repeated for each vertex
attribute float a_time_offset; // a time offset for this particle 
                               // repeated for each vertex

// compute a position
float localTime = u_time + a_time_offset;
vec4 base_position = a_position + a_velocity * localTime;

// rotate quad so it's perpendicular to the view
vec4 quadX = viewInverse[0] * a_vertex.x;
vec4 quadZ = viewInverse[1] * a_vertex.y;

// compute the real world position for this vertex
vec4 position = base_position + quadX + quadZ;

// at this point position is the same as any other 'standard' 3d shader
// do with it whatever. Example:
gl_Position = viewProjectionMatrix * position;

