
使用gnuplot,如何';切口';使用图形的y轴区域,gnuplot,Gnuplot,我试图绘制一个图表,在Y轴上我有CPU利用率,当前范围为0-100%。我的数据只有0-20%和80-100%,我只是在20-80%之间有一个很大的空白。有没有办法“删掉”这个空白,让观众可以更详细地看到0-20%和80-100%范围内发生了什么 谢谢。正如Christoph在评论中所说的,这需要使用设置多点和删除边框等手动完成。例如: set multiplot # remove border and ytics from right hand side set border 7 set yti




set multiplot
# remove border and ytics from right hand side
set border 7
set ytics nomirror
# set top and bottom margins for both halves of the plot
set tmargin at screen 0.96
set bmargin at screen 0.1
# set left and right margins for left half of the plot
set lmargin at screen 0.1
set rmargin at screen 0.5
# set xrange for left half of the plot
set xrange [0:2*pi]
# set some lines to delimit transition from one half of the plot to next
set arrow from screen 0.50,0.08 to screen 0.52,0.12 nohead
set arrow from screen 0.49,0.08 to screen 0.51,0.12 nohead
set arrow from screen 0.50,0.94 to screen 0.52,0.98 nohead
set arrow from screen 0.49,0.94 to screen 0.51,0.98 nohead
# plot left half
plot sin(x) not
# remove border from left hand side and set ytics on the right
set border 13
unset ytics
set y2tics
set format y2 ""
# set left and right margins for right half of the plot
set lmargin at screen 0.51
set rmargin at screen 0.91
# set xrange for right half of the plot
set xrange [13.5:13.5+2*pi]
# plot
plot sin(x) axes x1y2
