Gnuplot 带有pm3d的GNU绘图中的多点打印

Gnuplot 带有pm3d的GNU绘图中的多点打印,gnuplot,Gnuplot,我对pm3d中的multiplot有问题。我有一个脚本,它绘制一个曲面,但当我设置multiplot时,它显示xrange超出范围: 这是我的密码: set terminal png size 2000,1600 enhanced transparent set encoding utf8 #iso_8859_1 set output 'output.png' #---------------# # Canvas style # #---------------# set border li

我对pm3d中的multiplot有问题。我有一个脚本,它绘制一个曲面,但当我设置multiplot时,它显示xrange超出范围: 这是我的密码:

set terminal png size 2000,1600 enhanced transparent
set encoding utf8 #iso_8859_1
set output 'output.png'

#  Canvas style #
set border linewidth 2
set pm3d border lw 2

#  Set the Axis and Axis-Labels Formatting  #

### Set xtics below ###
set xtics font "Helvetica,26" scale 3 # Font for xtics
set xtics offset 3,-1.5 # Put xtics away from the axis

### Set ytics below ###
set ytics font "Helvetica,26" scale 3
set ytics offset 3,0 # Put ytics away from the axis

### Set ztics below ###
set ztics font "Helvetica,26" scale 3
set ztics 5 # Difference between numbers on Y-axis
set format z "" # To hide ztics on the left side

set grid # Show gridlines on both axis
set pm3d interpolate 3,3 # Lines on points. Smoothness of the points
unset key # Show no key

#  Plot the Graph  #

splot "plastoquinone-scan-a1-formatted.txt" with pm3d

#  Set Multiplot #
#set multiplot layout 2,2
#plot "++" "plastoquinone-scan-a1-formatted.txt" with pm3d
#plot "++" "plastoquinone-scan-a2-formatted.txt" with pm3d
数据文件很长,所以我把它们上传到github上。 请看以下链接:

