Google app engine AppEngine标准Python 3.7不提供500响应的错误消息

Google app engine AppEngine标准Python 3.7不提供500响应的错误消息,google-app-engine,google-app-engine-python,Google App Engine,Google App Engine Python,我正在使用python3.7标准环境创建AppEngine应用程序。该应用程序在本地正常工作,但上载时会在浏览器中抛出500错误,显示: "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application." p


"Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application."


我应该注意到,我正在尝试使用Selenium webdriver来运行headless chrome,但我不能100%确定它是否与此环境兼容,我只是想尝试一下


 httpRequest: {
  status:  500   
 insertId:  "5b9fef9e0005ebc57890705d"  
 labels: {
  clone_id:  "00c61b117c38b726d0ba73ce89f222fe10b9b189fae907de84b949ab7a3b88ec4bdc4484"   
 logName:  "projects/{project-id}/logs/"  
 operation: {
  first:  true   
  id:  "5b9fef9900ff0d7b03fbff00a7c100016d7e7370656e642d6d6f6e69746f720001323031383039313674313933303039000100"   
  last:  true   
  producer:  ""   
 protoPayload: {
  @type:  ""   
  appEngineRelease:  "1.9.64"   
  appId:  "m~{project-id}"   
  cost:  4.7272999999999996e-8   
  endTime:  "2018-09-17T18:17:02.387819Z"   
  finished:  true   
  first:  true   
  host:  "{project-id}"   
  httpVersion:  "HTTP/1.1"   
  instanceId:  "00c61b117c38b726d0ba73ce89f222fe10b9b189fae907de84b949ab7a3b88ec4bdc4484"   
  instanceIndex:  -1   
  ip:  ""   
  latency:  "4.504360s"   
  line: [
   0: {
    logMessage:  "This request caused a new process to be started for your application, and thus caused your application code to be loaded for the first time. This request may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request for your application."     
    severity:  "INFO"     
    time:  "2018-09-17T18:17:02.387649Z"     
  megaCycles:  "6127"   
  method:  "GET"   
  requestId:  "5b9fef9900ff0d7b03fbff00a7c100016d7e7370656e642d6d6f6e69746f720001323031383039313674313933303039000100"   
  resource:  "/"   
  responseSize:  "423"   
  startTime:  "2018-09-17T18:16:57.883459Z"   
  status:  500   
  traceId:  "37cee4aaaa0b14fbaa6d57b7842527dc"   
  traceSampled:  true   
  urlMapEntry:  "auto"   
  userAgent:  "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36"   
  versionId:  "20180916t193009"   
  wasLoadingRequest:  true   
 receiveTimestamp:  "2018-09-17T18:17:02.563417716Z"  
 resource: {
  labels: {
   module_id:  "default"    
   project_id:  "{project-id}"    
   version_id:  "20180916t193009"    
   zone:  "us-west2-3"    
  type:  "gae_app"   
 severity:  "INFO"  
 timestamp:  "2018-09-17T18:16:57.883459Z"  
 trace:  "projects/{project-id}/traces/37cee4aaaa0b14fbaa6d57b7842527dc"  
 traceSampled:  true  


尝试: {应用程序代码} 例外情况除外,如e: 返回str(e)

