Graph 用负边分裂无向图

Graph 用负边分裂无向图,graph,graph-theory,connected-components,Graph,Graph Theory,Connected Components,想知道是否存在一种算法来分割给定负边的无向连通分量图 基本上,负边中提供的顶点应该是不可访问的。如果希望图形中的连接组件仅包含正边,请首先从图形中删除所有负边。然后运行DFS(深度优先搜索)以查找所有连接的组件 这是算法 Begin For each edge e in graph G, if e is negative, remove e from G. For each vertex v in G, do: If v is not labeled as v





    For each edge e in graph G, if e is negative, remove e from G.

    For each vertex v in G, do:
        If v is not labeled as visited
            Let c be a new component, and add c to set C.
            Call procedure DFS(v, c) to find one component of positive edges only.
        End If
    End For

    The set C contains all the connected components consisting of positive edges only.

Procedure DFS(v, c)
    Add v to c, and label v as visited.
    For each edge from v to w, do
        If vertex w is not labeled as visited then
            Call DFS(G,w)
        End If
    End For
End Procedure
