Haskell Yesod:尝试打印表数据并从另一个表获取外键信息

Haskell Yesod:尝试打印表数据并从另一个表获取外键信息,haskell,yesod,Haskell,Yesod,我正在与Yesod合作,我正在尝试打印一个包含事件列表和它们所属城市的表格 我有以下型号: City name Text countryId CountryId UniqueCity name deriving Eq deriving Show Event title Text description Text date UTCTime cityId CityId deriving Eq deriving



    name Text
    countryId CountryId
    UniqueCity name
    deriving Eq
    deriving Show

    title Text
    description Text
    date UTCTime
    cityId CityId
    deriving Eq
    deriving Show`

`module Handler.Event where

import Import
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3
import Database.Persist.Sql

getEventR :: Handler Html
getEventR = do
    events <- runDB $ selectList [] [Asc EventTitle]
    defaultLayout $ do 
        setTitle "Events"   
                          <th>Event title</th>
                          <th>Event date</th>
                          <th>Event city</th>
                    $forall Entity eventId event <- events
                            <td>#{eventTitle event}
                            <td>#{show (eventDate event)}   
                            <td>#{addCity eventId}   

addCity event = do
    city <- getCity $ eventCityId event
    return city

getCity cid = do
    city <- runDB $ get404 cid
    return city`
module Handler.Event where

import Import
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3
import Database.Persist.Sql

getEventR :: Handler Html
getEventR = do
    events <- runDB $ selectList [] [Asc EventTitle]
    defaultLayout $ do 
        setTitle "Events"   
                          <th>Event name</th>
                          <th>Event date</th>
                          <th>Event city</th>
                    $forall ev <- map entityVal events
                            <td>#{eventTitle ev}
                            <td>#{show (eventDate ev)}   
                            <td>#{addCity ev}   

addCity ev = do
    eve <- entityVal ev
    city <- getCity $ eventCityId eve
    return city

getCity cid = do
    city <- runDB $ get404 cid
    return $ cityName city
Couldn't match expected type 'Entity (HandlerT site0 IO Event)' with actual type 'Event'
In the first argument of 'addCity', namely 'ev_ajRc'
In the first argument of 'toHtml', namely 'addCity ev_ajRc'