Hive 使用Apache配置单元对日志数据进行会话的更好方法?

Hive 使用Apache配置单元对日志数据进行会话的更好方法?,hive,Hive,有没有更好的方法使用Apache配置单元对日志数据进行会话化?我不确定我是否以最佳方式在下面这样做: 日志数据存储在序列文件中;单个日志条目是一个JSON字符串;例如: {“source”:{“api_key”:“app_key_1”,“user_id”:“user0”},“events”:[{“timestamp”:1330988326,“event_type”:“high_score”,“event_params”:{“score”:“1123”,“level”:“9”},{“timesta





{'source': {'api_key': 'app_key_1', 'user_id': 'user0'},
 'events': [{'event_params': {'level': '9', 'score': '1123'},
             'event_type': 'high_score',
             'timestamp': 1330988326},
            {'event_params': {'some_param_00': 'val', 'some_param_01': 100},
             'event_type': 'some_event_0',
             'timestamp': 1330987183},
            {'event_params': {'some_param_10': 'val', 'some_param_11': 100},
             'event_type': 'some_event_1',
             'timestamp': 1330987775}]




[1] 以非规范化格式将数据加载到log_entry_tmp中

[2] 将数据分解为log_条目,这样,例如,上面的单个条目现在将有多个条目:

[3] 将数据转换并写入会话信息0,其中每个条目包含事件的应用程序id、用户id和时间戳

[4] 转换并将数据写入会话\信息\ 1,其中条目按应用\ id、用户\ id、事件\时间戳排序;每个条目都包含一个会话\ id;python转换脚本查找拆分,并将数据分组到会话中

[5] 转换并将最终会话数据写入会话信息2;会话的应用程序+用户、开始时间和长度(以秒为单位)


drop table if exists app_info;
create external table app_info ( app_id int, app_name string, api_k string )
location '${WORK}/hive_tables/app_info';

add jar ../build/our-serdes.jar;

-- [1] load the data into log_entry_tmp, in a denormalized format

drop table if exists log_entry_tmp;
create external table log_entry_tmp
row format serde ''
location '${WORK}/hive_tables/test_logs';

drop table if exists log_entry;
create table log_entry (
    entry struct<source_api_key:string,

-- [2] explode the data into log_entry

insert overwrite table log_entry
select explode (trans0_list) t
from log_entry_tmp;

drop table if exists session_info_0;
create table session_info_0 (
    app_id string,
    user_id string,
    event_timestamp bigint

-- [3] transform and write data into session_info_0, where each entry contains events' app_id, user_id, and timestamp

insert overwrite table session_info_0
select ai.app_id, le.entry.source_user_id, le.entry.event_timestamp
from log_entry le
join app_info ai on (le.entry.source_api_key = ai.api_k);

add file ./;

drop table if exists session_info_1;
create table session_info_1 (
    session_id string,
    app_id string,
    user_id string,
    event_timestamp bigint,
    session_start_datetime string,
    session_start_timestamp bigint,
    gap_secs int

-- [4] tranform and write data into session_info_1, where entries are ordered by app_id, user_id, event_timestamp ; and each entry contains a session_id ; the python tranform script finds the splits, and groups the data into sessions

insert overwrite table session_info_1
    transform (t.app_id, t.user_id, t.event_timestamp)
        using './'
        as (session_id, app_id, user_id, event_timestamp, session_start_datetime, session_start_timestamp, gap_secs)
    (select app_id as app_id, user_id as user_id, event_timestamp as event_timestamp from session_info_0 order by app_id, user_id, event_timestamp ) t;

drop table if exists session_info_2;
create table session_info_2 (
    session_id string,
    app_id string,
    user_id string,
    session_start_datetime string,
    session_start_timestamp bigint,
    len_secs int

-- [5] transform and write final session data to session_info_2 ; the sessions' app + user, start time, and length in seconds

insert overwrite table session_info_2
select session_id, app_id, user_id, session_start_datetime, session_start_timestamp, sum(gap_secs)
from session_info_1
group by session_id, app_id, user_id, session_start_datetime, session_start_timestamp;



步骤2可以使用自定义映射器实现,将输出作为custome reducer传递到步骤4(步骤3内置为子查询)。这将使mapreduce作业减少1,因此可以显著节省时间


import sys, time

def buildDateTime(ts):

    return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(ts))

curGroup = None
prevGroup = None
curSessionStartTimestamp = None
curSessionStartDatetime = None
prevTimestamp = None

for line in sys.stdin.readlines():

    fields = line.split('\t')
    if len(fields) != 3:
        raise Exception('fields = %s', fields)

    app_id = fields[0]
    user_id = fields[1]
    event_timestamp = int(fields[2].strip())

    curGroup = '%s-%s' % (app_id, user_id)
    curTimestamp = event_timestamp

    if prevGroup == None:
        prevGroup = curGroup
        curSessionStartTimestamp = curTimestamp
        curSessionStartDatetime = buildDateTime(curSessionStartTimestamp)
        prevTimestamp = curTimestamp

    isNewGroup = (curGroup != prevGroup)

    gapSecs = 0 if isNewGroup else (curTimestamp - prevTimestamp)

    isSessionSplit = (gapSecs >= 1800)

    if isNewGroup or isSessionSplit:
        curSessionStartTimestamp = curTimestamp
        curSessionStartDatetime = buildDateTime(curSessionStartTimestamp)

    session_id = '%s-%s-%d' % (app_id, user_id, curSessionStartTimestamp)

    print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d' % (session_id, app_id, user_id, curTimestamp, curSessionStartDatetime, curSessionStartTimestamp, gapSecs)

    prevGroup = curGroup
    prevTimestamp = curTimestamp