Html 开发人员控制台中不同设备大小的navbar后台出现问题

Html 开发人员控制台中不同设备大小的navbar后台出现问题,html,css,navbar,Html,Css,Navbar,嗨,我是网页设计新手,创建了我的第一个网站。但是我的标题导航栏有一个问题,在桌面上可以正常工作,但是当我在控制台中缩小时,导航栏的背景就不再延伸到整个宽度了。现在我还没有对手机和平板电脑版本进行媒体查询,我的问题是,我的代码是否有缺陷,因此为什么navbar背景不会拉伸,或者我是否能够使用新的媒体查询规则来修复这一问题 我的html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>



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                        <h1 class="centre">About me and what i do</h1>
                         <p class="centre">I am a Ex-jw content creator and activist. 
                            I make youtube videos, including rebuttals and debunking 
                            of teachings. My aim is to help as many people  as possible 
                            to leave and wake up from religious indoctrination.
                         <p class="centre">Hello, i am creating videos and podcasts, enlightening people to the destructive power of cults, i see myself and others like me as educators. I do not believe in money and power, but i do need to support myself while i do this work
                            Jehovahs Witnesses Have some very destructive teachings. I want to explore and pull apart at those teachings.</p>
                         <p class="centre">It would mean the world to me if you were to support me on patreon, Please find the link to my patreon on the side bar to the left on desktop and the dropdown menu above for mobile. Please also see the links to my other content like discord server and youtube.</p>   

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                                <h3>Ex-jw My sexual abuse, waking up, and disfellowshipping by Trans-Atheist</h3>
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