Html 图像将不会加载到ios上,留下白色背景和灰色边框

Html 图像将不会加载到ios上,留下白色背景和灰色边框,html,css,image,Html,Css,Image,我在我的网站上加载了一个宽1000px、高800px的图像。它在桌面上工作,但在IOS上只有一个白色背景和灰色边框,我完全不知道为什么。它从子域获取图像。我检查以确保图像正确加载到url,它确实加载了 $sql = "SELECT title, description, author, category, img, img_caption, img_credit, slug FROM table WHERE published = 1 AND opinion = 1 ORDER BY


$sql = "SELECT title, description, author, category, img, img_caption, img_credit, slug FROM table WHERE published = 1 AND opinion = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 14"; 
$result = $conn->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {  
        echo '<article>';                       
            echo '<a class="ocolumncard" href="'.$row['slug'].'">';
                echo '<img src="'.$row['slug'].'.jpg" alt="'.$row['img_caption'].' ('.$row['img_credit'].')" class="img" />';
                echo '<h3>'.$row['title'].'</h3>';
                echo '<p>'.$row['category'].' / By '.$row['author'].'</p>';
            echo '</a>';
        echo '</article>';