Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/9/opencv/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Hyperledger fabric 在多个节点上的Hyperledger结构区块链上执行链码时,gRPC失败_Hyperledger Fabric_Hyperledger_Grpc_Hyperledger Fabric Ca_Grpc Node - Fatal编程技术网

Hyperledger fabric 在多个节点上的Hyperledger结构区块链上执行链码时,gRPC失败

Hyperledger fabric 在多个节点上的Hyperledger结构区块链上执行链码时,gRPC失败,hyperledger-fabric,hyperledger,grpc,hyperledger-fabric-ca,grpc-node,Hyperledger Fabric,Hyperledger,Grpc,Hyperledger Fabric Ca,Grpc Node,我想在多个节点上运行我自己的hyperledger区块链 我有以下设置: 我的Ubuntu PC上有一个订购者、对等者、沙发数据库和CA服务器 我的Raspberry Pi(运行UbuntuMate)正在托管:一个对等机和一个沙发数据库 这两个节点都在我的docker swarm组中。(我用于设置和在RPi上运行结构。) 我成功地创建了一个频道。订购方和两个对等方都能够加入。然后,我使用命令行界面中的peer chaincode工具安装并实例化了chaincode。我还用一些值初始化了我的分类账



我的Ubuntu PC上有一个订购者、对等者、沙发数据库和CA服务器

我的Raspberry Pi(运行UbuntuMate)正在托管:一个对等机和一个沙发数据库

这两个节点都在我的docker swarm组中。(我用于设置和在RPi上运行结构。)

peer chaincode


peer chaincode query -o orderer.example.com:7050 -C mychannel -n v2x_sc -c '{"function":"queryAllVehicles","Args":[""]}'

我面临的问题如下: 只要我想通过Hyperledger Fabric SDK运行相同的查询,它仍然会返回一些grpc错误

Javascript SDK:







我在运行它时遇到了类似的错误。 此行:

错误通道-向peer0.org1.example.com发送建议失败,原因是:gRPC失败=状态{code=UNKNOWN,description=access denied:Channel[mychannel]creator org[Org1MSP],cause=null}


ERROR Channel - Sending proposal to peer0.org1.example.com failed because of: gRPC failure=Status{code=UNKNOWN, description=access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [Org1MSP], cause=null}
java.lang.Exception: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [Org1MSP]
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.sendProposalToPeers(Channel.java:3619)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.getConfigBlock(Channel.java:834)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.parseConfigBlock(Channel.java:1759)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.loadCACertificates(Channel.java:1596)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.initialize(Channel.java:1083)
    at Main.getChannel(Main.java:119)
    at Main.main(Main.java:65)

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.*;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.CryptoException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.InvalidArgumentException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.ProposalException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.TransactionException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.security.CryptoSuite;
import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.HFCAClient;
import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.RegistrationRequest;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Properties;

 * <h1>HFJavaSDKBasicExample</h1>
 * <p>
 * Simple example showcasing basic fabric-ca and fabric actions.
 * The demo required fabcar fabric up and running.
 * <p>
 * The demo shows
 * <ul>
 * <li>connecting to fabric-ca</li>
 * <li>enrolling admin to get new key-pair, certificate</li>
 * <li>registering and enrolling a new user using admin</li>
 * <li>creating HF client and initializing channel</li>
 * <li>invoking chaincode query</li>
 * </ul>
public class Main {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Main.class);

    public static final String CERT_FOLDER_PATH = "/home/filip/masterthesis/prototype/features_analyser/hyperledger-fabric/Build-Multi-Host-Network-Hyperledger/v2x_java/hfc-key-store";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // create fabric-ca client
        HFCAClient caClient = getHfCaClient("http://localhost:7054", null);

        // enroll or load admin
        AppUser admin = getAdmin(caClient);

        // register and enroll new user
        AppUser appUser = getUser(caClient, admin, "hfuser");

        // get HFC client instance
        HFClient client = getHfClient();
        // set user context

        // get HFC channel using the client
        Channel channel = getChannel(client);
        log.info("Channel: " + channel.getName());

        // call query blockchain example

     * Invoke blockchain query
     * @param client The HF Client
     * @throws ProposalException
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    static void queryBlockChain(HFClient client) throws ProposalException, InvalidArgumentException {
        // get channel instance from client
        Channel channel = client.getChannel("mychannel");
        // create chaincode request
        QueryByChaincodeRequest qpr = client.newQueryProposalRequest();
        // build cc id providing the chaincode name. Version is omitted here.
        ChaincodeID fabcarCCId = ChaincodeID.newBuilder().setName("v2x_sc").build();
        // CC function to be called
        Collection<ProposalResponse> res = channel.queryByChaincode(qpr);
        // display response
        for (ProposalResponse pres : res) {
            String stringResponse = new String(pres.getChaincodeActionResponsePayload());

     * Initialize and get HF channel
     * @param client The HFC client
     * @return Initialized channel
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws TransactionException
    static Channel getChannel(HFClient client) throws InvalidArgumentException, TransactionException {
        // initialize channel
        // peer name and endpoint in fabcar network
        Peer peer = client.newPeer("peer0.org1.example.com", "grpc://");
        // eventhub name and endpoint in fabcar network
        EventHub eventHub = client.newEventHub("eventhub01", "grpc://localhost:7053");
        // orderer name and endpoint in fabcar network
        Orderer orderer = client.newOrderer("orderer.example.com", "grpc://localhost:7050");
        // channel name in fabcar network
        Channel channel = client.newChannel("mychannel");
        return channel;

     * Create new HLF client
     * @return new HLF client instance. Never null.
     * @throws CryptoException
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    static HFClient getHfClient() throws Exception {
        // initialize default cryptosuite
        CryptoSuite cryptoSuite = CryptoSuite.Factory.getCryptoSuite();
        // setup the client
        HFClient client = HFClient.createNewInstance();
        return client;

     * Register and enroll user with userId.
     * If AppUser object with the name already exist on fs it will be loaded and
     * registration and enrollment will be skipped.
     * @param caClient  The fabric-ca client.
     * @param registrar The registrar to be used.
     * @param userId    The user id.
     * @return AppUser instance with userId, affiliation,mspId and enrollment set.
     * @throws Exception
    static AppUser getUser(HFCAClient caClient, AppUser registrar, String userId) throws Exception {
        AppUser appUser = tryDeserialize(userId);
        if (appUser == null) {
            RegistrationRequest rr = new RegistrationRequest(userId, "org1");
            String enrollmentSecret = caClient.register(rr, registrar);
            Enrollment enrollment = caClient.enroll(userId, enrollmentSecret);
            appUser = new AppUser(userId, "org1", "Org1MSP", enrollment);
        return appUser;

     * Enroll admin into fabric-ca using {@code admin/adminpw} credentials.
     * If AppUser object already exist serialized on fs it will be loaded and
     * new enrollment will not be executed.
     * @param caClient The fabric-ca client
     * @return AppUser instance with userid, affiliation, mspId and enrollment set
     * @throws Exception
    static AppUser getAdmin(HFCAClient caClient) throws Exception {
        AppUser admin = tryDeserialize("admin");
        if (admin == null) {
            Enrollment adminEnrollment = caClient.enroll("admin", "adminpw");
            admin = new AppUser("admin", "org1", "Org1MSP", adminEnrollment);
        return admin;

     * Get new fabic-ca client
     * @param caUrl              The fabric-ca-server endpoint url
     * @param caClientProperties The fabri-ca client properties. Can be null.
     * @return new client instance. never null.
     * @throws Exception
    static HFCAClient getHfCaClient(String caUrl, Properties caClientProperties) throws Exception {
        CryptoSuite cryptoSuite = CryptoSuite.Factory.getCryptoSuite();
        HFCAClient caClient = HFCAClient.createNewInstance(caUrl, caClientProperties);
        return caClient;

    // user serialization and deserialization utility functions
    // files are stored in the base directory

     * Serialize AppUser object to file
     * @param appUser The object to be serialized
     * @throws IOException
    static void serialize(AppUser appUser) throws IOException {
        try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(
                Paths.get(appUser.getName() + ".jso")))) {

     * Deserialize AppUser object from file
     * @param name The name of the user. Used to build file name ${name}.jso
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    static AppUser tryDeserialize(String name) throws Exception {
        if (Files.exists(Paths.get(name + ".jso"))) {
            return deserialize(name);
        return null;

    static AppUser deserialize(String name) throws Exception {
        try (ObjectInputStream decoder = new ObjectInputStream(
                Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(name + ".jso")))) {
            return (AppUser) decoder.readObject();
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
  • 连接到结构ca
  • *
  • 注册管理员以获取新密钥对、证书
  • *
  • 使用admin注册和注册新用户
  • *
  • 创建HF客户端并初始化通道
  • *
  • 调用链码查询
  • *
* */ 公共班机{ 私有静态最终记录器log=Logger.getLogger(Main.class); 公共静态最终字符串CERT_FOLDER_PATH=“/home/filip/masterthesis/prototype/features_analyzer/hyperledger fabric/Build多主机网络hyperledger/v2x_java/hfc密钥存储”; 公共静态void main(字符串[]args)引发异常{ //创建结构ca客户端 HFCAClient caClient=getHfCaClient(“http://localhost:7054“,空); //注册或加载管理员 AppUser admin=getAdmin(caClient); 日志信息(管理员); //注册并注册新用户 AppUser AppUser=getUser(caClient,admin,“hfuser”); log.info(appUser); //获取HFC客户端实例 HFClient=getHfClient(); //设置用户上下文 setUserContext(admin); //使用客户端获取HFC通道 Channel=getChannel(客户端); log.info(“通道:+Channel.getName()); //调用查询区块链示例 查询锁链(客户端); } /** *调用区块链查询 * *@param客户机HF客户机 *@ *@InvalidArgumentException */ 静态无效queryBlockChain(HFClient客户端)抛出ProposalException、InvalidArgumentException{ //从客户端获取通道实例 Channel=client.getChannel(“mychannel”); //创建链码请求 QueryByChaincodeRequest qpr=client.newQueryProposalRequest(); //生成cc id,提供链码名称。此处省略版本。 ChaincodeID fabcarCCId=ChaincodeID.newBuilder().setName(“v2x_sc”).build(); qpr.setChaincodeID(fabcarCCId); //要调用的CC函数 qpr.setFcn(“查询车辆”); Collection res=channel.queryByChaincode(qpr); //显示响应 用于(建议响应压力:res){ String stringResponse=新字符串(pres.getChaincodeActionResponsePayload()); 日志信息(stringResponse); } } /** *初始化并获取高频通道 * *@param客户端HFC客户端 *@return初始化通道 *@InvalidArgumentException *@Trows TransactionException */ 静态通道getChannel(HFClient客户端)抛出InvalidArgumentException、TransactionException{ //初始化通道 //fabcar网络中的节点名称和端点 Peer=client.newPeer(“peer0.org1.example.com”)grpc://"); //fabcar网络中的eventhub名称和端点 EventHub EventHub=client.newEventHub(“eventhub01”,”grpc://localhost:7053"); //fabcar网络中的订购方名称和端点 命令
ERROR Channel - Sending proposal to peer0.org1.example.com failed because of: gRPC failure=Status{code=UNKNOWN, description=access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [Org1MSP], cause=null}
java.lang.Exception: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [Org1MSP]
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.sendProposalToPeers(Channel.java:3619)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.getConfigBlock(Channel.java:834)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.parseConfigBlock(Channel.java:1759)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.loadCACertificates(Channel.java:1596)
    at org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel.initialize(Channel.java:1083)
    at Main.getChannel(Main.java:119)
    at Main.main(Main.java:65)
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.*;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.CryptoException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.InvalidArgumentException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.ProposalException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.TransactionException;
import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.security.CryptoSuite;
import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.HFCAClient;
import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.RegistrationRequest;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Properties;

 * <h1>HFJavaSDKBasicExample</h1>
 * <p>
 * Simple example showcasing basic fabric-ca and fabric actions.
 * The demo required fabcar fabric up and running.
 * <p>
 * The demo shows
 * <ul>
 * <li>connecting to fabric-ca</li>
 * <li>enrolling admin to get new key-pair, certificate</li>
 * <li>registering and enrolling a new user using admin</li>
 * <li>creating HF client and initializing channel</li>
 * <li>invoking chaincode query</li>
 * </ul>
public class Main {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Main.class);

    public static final String CERT_FOLDER_PATH = "/home/filip/masterthesis/prototype/features_analyser/hyperledger-fabric/Build-Multi-Host-Network-Hyperledger/v2x_java/hfc-key-store";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // create fabric-ca client
        HFCAClient caClient = getHfCaClient("http://localhost:7054", null);

        // enroll or load admin
        AppUser admin = getAdmin(caClient);

        // register and enroll new user
        AppUser appUser = getUser(caClient, admin, "hfuser");

        // get HFC client instance
        HFClient client = getHfClient();
        // set user context

        // get HFC channel using the client
        Channel channel = getChannel(client);
        log.info("Channel: " + channel.getName());

        // call query blockchain example

     * Invoke blockchain query
     * @param client The HF Client
     * @throws ProposalException
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    static void queryBlockChain(HFClient client) throws ProposalException, InvalidArgumentException {
        // get channel instance from client
        Channel channel = client.getChannel("mychannel");
        // create chaincode request
        QueryByChaincodeRequest qpr = client.newQueryProposalRequest();
        // build cc id providing the chaincode name. Version is omitted here.
        ChaincodeID fabcarCCId = ChaincodeID.newBuilder().setName("v2x_sc").build();
        // CC function to be called
        Collection<ProposalResponse> res = channel.queryByChaincode(qpr);
        // display response
        for (ProposalResponse pres : res) {
            String stringResponse = new String(pres.getChaincodeActionResponsePayload());

     * Initialize and get HF channel
     * @param client The HFC client
     * @return Initialized channel
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws TransactionException
    static Channel getChannel(HFClient client) throws InvalidArgumentException, TransactionException {
        // initialize channel
        // peer name and endpoint in fabcar network
        Peer peer = client.newPeer("peer0.org1.example.com", "grpc://");
        // eventhub name and endpoint in fabcar network
        EventHub eventHub = client.newEventHub("eventhub01", "grpc://localhost:7053");
        // orderer name and endpoint in fabcar network
        Orderer orderer = client.newOrderer("orderer.example.com", "grpc://localhost:7050");
        // channel name in fabcar network
        Channel channel = client.newChannel("mychannel");
        return channel;

     * Create new HLF client
     * @return new HLF client instance. Never null.
     * @throws CryptoException
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    static HFClient getHfClient() throws Exception {
        // initialize default cryptosuite
        CryptoSuite cryptoSuite = CryptoSuite.Factory.getCryptoSuite();
        // setup the client
        HFClient client = HFClient.createNewInstance();
        return client;

     * Register and enroll user with userId.
     * If AppUser object with the name already exist on fs it will be loaded and
     * registration and enrollment will be skipped.
     * @param caClient  The fabric-ca client.
     * @param registrar The registrar to be used.
     * @param userId    The user id.
     * @return AppUser instance with userId, affiliation,mspId and enrollment set.
     * @throws Exception
    static AppUser getUser(HFCAClient caClient, AppUser registrar, String userId) throws Exception {
        AppUser appUser = tryDeserialize(userId);
        if (appUser == null) {
            RegistrationRequest rr = new RegistrationRequest(userId, "org1");
            String enrollmentSecret = caClient.register(rr, registrar);
            Enrollment enrollment = caClient.enroll(userId, enrollmentSecret);
            appUser = new AppUser(userId, "org1", "Org1MSP", enrollment);
        return appUser;

     * Enroll admin into fabric-ca using {@code admin/adminpw} credentials.
     * If AppUser object already exist serialized on fs it will be loaded and
     * new enrollment will not be executed.
     * @param caClient The fabric-ca client
     * @return AppUser instance with userid, affiliation, mspId and enrollment set
     * @throws Exception
    static AppUser getAdmin(HFCAClient caClient) throws Exception {
        AppUser admin = tryDeserialize("admin");
        if (admin == null) {
            Enrollment adminEnrollment = caClient.enroll("admin", "adminpw");
            admin = new AppUser("admin", "org1", "Org1MSP", adminEnrollment);
        return admin;

     * Get new fabic-ca client
     * @param caUrl              The fabric-ca-server endpoint url
     * @param caClientProperties The fabri-ca client properties. Can be null.
     * @return new client instance. never null.
     * @throws Exception
    static HFCAClient getHfCaClient(String caUrl, Properties caClientProperties) throws Exception {
        CryptoSuite cryptoSuite = CryptoSuite.Factory.getCryptoSuite();
        HFCAClient caClient = HFCAClient.createNewInstance(caUrl, caClientProperties);
        return caClient;

    // user serialization and deserialization utility functions
    // files are stored in the base directory

     * Serialize AppUser object to file
     * @param appUser The object to be serialized
     * @throws IOException
    static void serialize(AppUser appUser) throws IOException {
        try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(
                Paths.get(appUser.getName() + ".jso")))) {

     * Deserialize AppUser object from file
     * @param name The name of the user. Used to build file name ${name}.jso
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    static AppUser tryDeserialize(String name) throws Exception {
        if (Files.exists(Paths.get(name + ".jso"))) {
            return deserialize(name);
        return null;

    static AppUser deserialize(String name) throws Exception {
        try (ObjectInputStream decoder = new ObjectInputStream(
                Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(name + ".jso")))) {
            return (AppUser) decoder.readObject();