Hyperlink 超链接到乳胶中的bibitem

Hyperlink 超链接到乳胶中的bibitem,hyperlink,latex,Hyperlink,Latex,以下是一个最低限度的工作示例: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{natbib,xspace} \usepackage[colorlinks,citecolor=blue,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref} \newcommand{\BOGOS}{\hyperlink{BriEtal18a}{BOGOS}\xspace} \begin{document} In this article we reference \cite{BriEt






In this article we reference \cite{BriEtal18a} many times.  I want to create the shortcut \BOGOS that will still link to the reference in the bibliography.  This does not work yet.


    \bibitem[Briol et~al., 2018]{BriEtal18a}
    Briol, F.-X., Oates, C.~J., Griolami, M., Osborne, M.~A., and Sejdinovic, D.
    \newblock Probabilistic integration: A role in statistical computation?
    \newblock {\em Statist.\ Sci.}
    \newblock to appear.






\defcitealias{BriEtal18a}{BOGOS}% Define a citation alias
\newcommand{\BOGOS}{\citetalias{BriEtal18a}}% Use shorthand


In this article we reference \citet{BriEtal18a} many times.
I want to create the shortcut \BOGOS{} that will still link to the reference in the bibliography.


  \bibitem[Briol et~al., 2018]{BriEtal18a}
  Briol, F.-X., Oates, C.~J., Griolami, M., Osborne, M.~A., and Sejdinovic, D.
  \newblock Probabilistic integration: A role in statistical computation?
  \newblock {\itshape Statist.\ Sci.}
  \newblock to appear.

