
什么';ibatis中SqlMapClient和SqlMapSeision之间有什么不同?,ibatis,spring-orm,Ibatis,Spring Orm,当我阅读ibatis-sqlmap-2.3.4时,我发现它们都实现了SqlMapExecutor SqlMapClientImpl使用localSqlMapSession进行插入,这提供了线程安全性 但在spring2.5.6中,SqlMapClientTemplate的execute方法使用SqlMapClientImpl,如下所示: SqlMapSession session = this.sqlMapClient.openSession(); ... return action




  SqlMapSession session = this.sqlMapClient.openSession();
  return action.doInSqlMapClient(session);
 return action.doInSqlMapClient(this.sqlMapClient);




  SqlMapSession session = this.sqlMapClient.openSession();
  return action.doInSqlMapClient(session);
 return action.doInSqlMapClient(this.sqlMapClient);


对于第一个问题,spring orm在评论中解释:

// We always need to use a SqlMapSession, as we need to pass a Spring-managed
// Connection (potentially transactional) in. This shouldn't be necessary if
// we run against a TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy underneath, but unfortunately
// we still need it to make iBATIS batch execution work properly: If iBATIS
// doesn't recognize an existing transaction, it automatically executes the
// batch for every single statement...

* Returns a single threaded SqlMapSession implementation for use by
* one user.  Remember though, that SqlMapClient itself is a thread safe SqlMapSession
* implementation, so you can also just work directly with it.  If you do get a session
* explicitly using this method <b>be sure to close it!</b>  You can close a session using
* the sqlMapSession.close() method.
* <p/>
* @return An SqlMapSession instance.
public SqlMapSession openSession();

* *@返回一个SqlMapSession实例。 */ 公共SqlMapSession openSession();


// We always need to use a SqlMapSession, as we need to pass a Spring-managed
// Connection (potentially transactional) in. This shouldn't be necessary if
// we run against a TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy underneath, but unfortunately
// we still need it to make iBATIS batch execution work properly: If iBATIS
// doesn't recognize an existing transaction, it automatically executes the
// batch for every single statement...

* Returns a single threaded SqlMapSession implementation for use by
* one user.  Remember though, that SqlMapClient itself is a thread safe SqlMapSession
* implementation, so you can also just work directly with it.  If you do get a session
* explicitly using this method <b>be sure to close it!</b>  You can close a session using
* the sqlMapSession.close() method.
* <p/>
* @return An SqlMapSession instance.
public SqlMapSession openSession();

* *@返回一个SqlMapSession实例。 */ 公共SqlMapSession openSession();