If statement VBScript数字猜谜游戏

If statement VBScript数字猜谜游戏,if-statement,vbscript,numbers,logic,If Statement,Vbscript,Numbers,Logic,我在这里完全不知所措。整个周末我都在碰壁,我一辈子都不知道如何让我的程序工作。这是一个大学课堂作业,也是我有史以来的第一个编程作业,所以这对我来说是一个真正的挑战。我一直在谷歌上搜索,直到我的手指流血不止,而且我只找到了一些有用的信息。这是我的作业,如果格式错误,我深表歉意: 'Initialization Section Option Explicit Const cGreetingMsg = "Pick a number between 1 - 100" Dim intUserNumber,


'Initialization Section
Option Explicit
Const cGreetingMsg = "Pick a number between 1 - 100"
Dim intUserNumber, intRandomNo, strOkToEnd, intNoGuesses
intNoGuesses = 0

'Main Processing Section
'Generate a random number
intRandomNo = FormatNumber(Int((100 * Rnd) + 1))

'Loop until either the user guesses correctly or the user clicks on  Cancel
Do Until strOkToEnd = "yes"

  'Prompt user to pick a number
  intUserNumber = InputBox("Type your guess:",cGreetingMsg)
  intNoGuesses = intNoGuesses + 1

  'See if the user provided an answer
  If Len(intUserNumber) <> 0 Then

'Make sure that the player typed a number
If IsNumeric(intUserNumber) = True Then

  'Test to see if the user's guess was correct
  If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) = intRandomNo Then
    MsgBox "Congratulations! You guessed it. The number was " & _
      intUserNumber & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You guessed it " & _
      "in " & intNoGuesses & " guesses.", ,cGreetingMsg
    strOkToEnd = "yes"
  End If

  'Test to see if the user's guess was too low
  'Assignment 3: Add another If/ElseIf/Else Condition to check for if the user is less than 
  '80,60,40,20,10 or farther from the correct guess, but still too low        
  If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo Then 

  strOkToEnd = "no"
  End If

  'Test to see if the user's guess was too high
  'Assignment 3: Add another If/ElseIf/Else Condition to check for if the user is more than 
  '80,60,40,20,10 or closer to the correct guess, but still too high  
  If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo Then

  strOkToEnd = "no"
  End If      

  MsgBox "Sorry. You did not enter a number. Try again.", , cGreetingMsg
End If

    MsgBox "You either failed to type a value or you clicked on Cancel. " & _
      "Please play again soon!", , cGreetingMsg
    strOkToEnd = "yes"
  End If


'Initialization Section

Option Explicit

Const cGreetingMsg = "Pick a number between 1 - 100"

Dim intUserNumber, intRandomNo, strOkToEnd, intNoGuesses

intNoGuesses = 0

'Main Processing Section

'Generate a random number
intRandomNo = FormatNumber(Int((100 * Rnd) + 1))

'Loop until either the user guesses correctly or the user clicks on Cancel
Do Until strOkToEnd = "yes"

'Prompt user to pick a number
intUserNumber = InputBox("Type your guess:",cGreetingMsg)
intNoGuesses = intNoGuesses + 1

'See if the user provided an answer
If Len(intUserNumber) <> 0 Then
'Make sure that the player typed a number
If IsNumeric(intUserNumber) = True Then

'Test to see if the user's guess was correct
If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) = intRandomNo Then
MsgBox "Congratulations! You guessed it. The number was " & _
intUserNumber & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You guessed it " & _
 "in " & intNoGuesses & " guesses.", ,cGreetingMsg
strOkToEnd = "yes"
End If

'Test to see if the user's guess was too low
If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo - 80 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too low by 80. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo - 60 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too low by 60. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo - 40 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too low by 40. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo - 20 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too low by 20. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
Elseif FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo - 10 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too low by 10. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was still too low. Try again, please", ,cGreetingMsg
    strOkToEnd = "no"
End If

'Test to see if the user's guess was too high
If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo - 80 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too high by 80. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo + 60 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too high by 60. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo + 40 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too high by 40. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo + 20 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too high by 20. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo + 10 Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was too high by 10. Try again", ,cGreetingMsg
ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo Then
    MsgBox "Your guess was still too low. Try again, please", ,cGreetingMsg
    strOkToEnd = "no"
End If

    MsgBox "Sorry. You did not enter a number. Try again.", , cGreetingMsg
End If

    MsgBox "You either failed to type a value or you clicked on Cancel. " & _
    "Please play again soon!", , cGreetingMsg
    strOkToEnd = "yes"
End If




Dim Difference

Difference = CInt(intRandomNo) - CInt(intUserNumber)

'Initialization Section
Option Explicit
Const cGreetingMsg = "Pick a number between 1 - 100"
Dim intUserNumber, intRandomNo, strOkToEnd, intNoGuesses, stringToNumber
intNoGuesses = 0

'Main Processing Section
'Generate a random number
intRandomNo = FormatNumber(Int((100 * Rnd) + 1))

'Loop until either the user guesses correctly or the user clicks on Cancel
Do Until strOkToEnd = "yes"

  'Prompt user to pick a number
  intUserNumber = InputBox("Type your guess:",cGreetingMsg)
  intNoGuesses = intNoGuesses + 1

  'See if the user provided an answer
  If Len(intUserNumber) <> 0 Then

    'Make sure that the player typed a number
    If IsNumeric(intUserNumber) = True Then

      'Test to see if the user's guess was correct
      If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) = intRandomNo Then
        MsgBox "Congratulations! You guessed it. The number was " & _
          intUserNumber & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You guessed it " & _
          "in " & intNoGuesses & " guesses.", ,cGreetingMsg
        strOkToEnd = "yes"
      End If

      'Test to see if the user's guess was too low
      'Assignment 3: Add another If/ElseIf/Else Condition to check for if the user is less than 
      '80,60,40,20,10 or farther from the correct guess, but still too low 

      If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) < intRandomNo Then
            MsgBox "The number you chose is too low", ,cGreetingMsg

       strOkToEnd = "no"
        End If

     If FormatNumber(intRandomNo) - intUserNumber = 10 Then
                MsgBox "Too low 10 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intRandomNo) - intUserNumber = 20 Then
                MsgBox "Too low 20 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intRandomNo) - intUserNumber = 40 Then
                MsgBox "Too low 40 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intRandomNo) - intUserNumber = 60 Then
                MsgBox "Too low 60 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intRandomNo) - intUserNumber = 80 Then
                MsgBox "Too low 80 off!", ,cGreetingMsg                                    

        strOkToEnd = "no"
         End If

      If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) > intRandomNo Then 
        MsgBox "The number you chose is too high!", ,cGreetingMsg

      strOkToEnd = "no"
      End If

      'Test to see if the user's guess was too high
      'Assignment 3: Add another If/ElseIf/Else Condition to check for if the user is more than 
      '80,60,40,20,10 or closer to the correct guess, but still too high  
       If FormatNumber(intUserNumber) - intRandomNo = 10 Then
                MsgBox "Too high 10 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) - intRandomNo = 20 Then
                MsgBox "Too high 20 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) - intRandomNo = 40 Then
                MsgBox "Too high 40 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) - intRandomNo = 60 Then
                MsgBox "Too high 60 off!", ,cGreetingMsg
    ElseIf FormatNumber(intUserNumber) - intRandomNo = 80 Then
                MsgBox "Too high 80 off!", ,cGreetingMsg                                    

        strOkToEnd = "no"
         End If    

      MsgBox "Sorry. You did not enter a number. Try again.", , cGreetingMsg
    End If

    MsgBox "You either failed to type a value or you clicked on Cancel. " & _
      "Please play again soon!", , cGreetingMsg
    strOkToEnd = "yes"
  End If
