Ios Swift:如何将偏移量添加到memcpy(…)

Ios Swift:如何将偏移量添加到memcpy(…),ios,arrays,performance,swift,memcpy,Ios,Arrays,Performance,Swift,Memcpy,如何为memcpy(…)调用添加数组偏移量 我有一个字符串数组: var source = ["a","b","c","d"] var dest = [String](count:n, repeatedValue: "") memcpy(&dest, source, UInt(2 * sizeof(String)) 此副本[“a”、“b”]发送至目的地。很明显。 如何复制[“b”、“c”]?请勿在对象上使用memcpy或其他低级“c”运算符。由于许多原因,这是行不通的 使用切片操作符:



var source = ["a","b","c","d"]
var dest = [String](count:n, repeatedValue: "")
memcpy(&dest, source, UInt(2 * sizeof(String))



var source = ["a","b","c","d"]
var dest = Array(source[1...2])
println("dest: \(dest)")



var source = ["First of all, there's something none of the writers seem to have understood: an array of object (here String instances) do not store the content but a reference to this object. Therefore UTF-8, UTF-16, whatever has nothing to do with it. What the backing array actually contains is pointers (ie addresses == unsigned integers). Aside from that, unless an array in swift is an actual array in memory, you shouldn't use memcpy on it, even more so if it is backed by an NSArray!

Nonetheless, to answer the original question that seems to be working perfectly and makes me think that in this case the Swift Array is a contiguous zone of memory here is what you should do:

source and dest are pointers to contiguous memory zones: the first object being at the base address, the second @+sizeof(type), the nth element at @+(n-1)*sizeof(type).

All you have to do is specify the write offset for dest, in your particular case 0, and the offset in source, in your case 1.

I'm still new to Swift, and use of methods with "Unsafe" in the name still worries me, but I'm fairly sure this is a usable technique for calling memcpy() and specifying an offset for the destination and/or source address. But this only works for byte arrays, i.e., [UInt8]. Definitely not for strings, as explained by @zaph.

public class SystemMisc {

   /// Wrapper for the memcpy() method that allows specification of an offset for the destination
   /// and/or the source addresses.
   /// This version for when destination is a normal Swift byte array.
   /// - Parameters:
   ///   - destPointer:    Address for destination byte array, typically Swift [UInt8].
   ///   - destOffset:     Offset to be added to the destination address, may be zero.
   ///   - sourcePointer:  Address for source byte array, typically Swift [UInt8].
   ///   - sourceOffset:   Offset to be added to the source address, may be zero.
   ///   - byteLength:     Number of bytes to be copied.
   public static func memoryCopy(_ destPointer : UnsafeRawPointer, _ destOffset : Int,
                                 _ sourcePointer : UnsafeRawPointer, _ sourceOffset : Int,
                                 _ byteLength : Int) {

      memoryCopy(UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: destPointer), destOffset,
                 sourcePointer, sourceOffset, byteLength)

   /// Wrapper for the memcpy() method that allows specification of an offset for the destination 
   /// and/or the source addresses.
   /// This version for when destination address is already available as an UnsafeMutableRawPointer, 
   /// for example if caller has used UnsafeMutableRawPointer() to create it or is working with 
   /// unmanaged memory. The destPointer argument may also be a converted pointer, as done by the 
   /// above wrapper method.
   /// - Parameters:
   ///   - destPointer:    Address for destination byte array, see above notes.
   ///   - destOffset:     Offset to be added to the destination address, may be zero.
   ///   - sourcePointer:  Address for source byte array, typically Swift [UInt8].
   ///   - sourceOffset:   Offset to be added to the source address, may be zero.
   ///   - byteLength:     Number of bytes to be copied.
   public static func memoryCopy(_ destPointer : UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ destOffset : Int,
                                 _ sourcePointer : UnsafeRawPointer, _ sourceOffset : Int,
                                 _ byteLength : Int) {

      memcpy(destPointer.advanced(by: destOffset),
             sourcePointer.advanced(by: sourceOffset),






  // Test the memoryCopy() method, using extra UnsafeMutableRawPointer conversion

  let destArray1 : [UInt8] = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]  // Note - doesn't need to be var
  let sourceArray1 : [UInt8] = [ 42, 43, 44, 45 ]

  SystemMisc.memoryCopy(destArray1, 1, sourceArray1, 1, 2)

  assert(destArray1[0] == 0 && destArray1[1] == 43 && destArray1[2] == 44 && destArray1[3] == 3)

  // Test the memoryCopy() method, providing UnsafeMutableRawPointer for destination

  var destArray2 : [UInt8] = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
  let sourceArray2 : [UInt8] = [ 42, 43, 44, 45 ]

  let destArray2Pointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(&destArray2)

  SystemMisc.memoryCopy(destArray2Pointer, 1, sourceArray2, 1, 2)

  assert(destArray2[0] == 0 && destArray2[1] == 43 && destArray2[2] == 44 && destArray2[3] == 3)

谢谢你的回答。这对我很有帮助。这是一个好的、快速的方法,但仍然比memcpy()慢一点.@user2245247 memcpy不一定有效,对于unicode表情符号、代理项对和标志(其中字符是多个UTF-16单位)肯定无效。虽然字符串的实现似乎是UTF-16,但可能会发生变化。Swift代码比memcpy慢,因为它正确处理大小为多个UTF-16单位的字符。PerDonald Knuth:“过早优化是万恶之源”。你介意看看我下面的答案吗?如果你认为这太危险,请告诉我。这样做的目的是什么?但是Swift不会让你在memcpy()的操作数上指定偏移量call.string是值类型,而不是引用。另一方面,尝试使用memcpy复制字符串(如果您设法做到了这一点)会复制位,但以后会给您带来严重的麻烦。尽管我发现上面的答案大部分是有效的,但从另一方面来说,aik