
在Java(Eclipse)中使用Python脚本,java,python,eclipse,jython,interpreter,Java,Python,Eclipse,Jython,Interpreter,我一直在寻找将一位朋友为我制作的Python脚本合并到我正在尝试开发的Java应用程序中。经过一番尝试和错误,我终于发现了关于“Jython”的内容,并使用PythonInterpreter尝试运行脚本 但是,在尝试运行它时,Python脚本中出现了一个错误。这很奇怪,因为当我尝试在Java之外运行脚本时(在本例中为Eclipse IDE),该脚本工作正常,并且完全按照我的需要执行(从存储在同一目录中的.docx文件中提取所有图像) 有人能帮我吗 Java: import org.python.


但是,在尝试运行它时,Python脚本中出现了一个错误。这很奇怪,因为当我尝试在Java之外运行脚本时(在本例中为Eclipse IDE),该脚本工作正常,并且完全按照我的需要执行(从存储在同一目录中的.docx文件中提取所有图像)



import org.python.core.PyException;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;

public class SPImageExtractor
    public static void main(String[] args) throws PyException
            PythonInterpreter.initialize(System.getProperties(), System.getProperties(), new String[0]);
            PythonInterpreter interp = new PythonInterpreter();
            interp.execfile("C:/Documents and Settings/user/workspace/Intern Project/Proposals/Converted Proposals/Image-Extractor2.py");
        catch(Exception e)
from os import path, chdir, listdir, mkdir, gcwd
from sys import argv
from zipfile import ZipFile
from time import sleep

#A few notes -
#(1) when I do something like " _,variable = something ", that is because
#the function returns two variables, and I only need one.  I don't know if it is a
#common convention to use the '_' symbol as the name for the unused variable, but
#I saw it in some guy's code in the past, and I started using it.
#(2) I use "path.join" because on unix operating systems and windows operating systems
#they use different conventions for paths like '\' vs '/'.  path.join works on all operating
#systems for making paths.

#Defines what extensions to look for within the file (you can add more to this)
IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ('.bmp', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.tif', '.tiff')

#Changes to the directory in which this script is contained
thisDir = getcwd()

#Lists all the files/folders in the directory
fileList = listdir('.')
for file in fileList:

    #Checks if the item is a file (opposed to being a folder)
    if path.isfile(file):

        #Fetches the files extension and checks if it is .docx
        _,fileExt = path.splitext(file)
        if fileExt == '.docx':

            #Creates directory for the images
            newDirectory = path.join(thisDir, file + "-Images")
            if not path.exists(newDirectory):

            currentFile = open(file,"r")
            for line in currentFile:
                print line


            #Opens the file as if it is a zipfile
            #Then lists the contents
                zipFileHandle = ZipFile(file)
                nameList = zipFileHandle.namelist()

                for archivedFile in nameList:
                    #Checks if the file extension is in the list defined above
                    #And if it is, it extracts the file
                    _,archiveExt = path.splitext(archivedFile)
                    if archiveExt in IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS:
                        zipFileHandle.extract(archivedFile, newDirectory)


import org.python.core.PyException;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;

public class SPImageExtractor
    public static void main(String[] args) throws PyException
            PythonInterpreter.initialize(System.getProperties(), System.getProperties(), new String[0]);
            PythonInterpreter interp = new PythonInterpreter();
            interp.execfile("C:/Documents and Settings/user/workspace/Intern Project/Proposals/Converted Proposals/Image-Extractor2.py");
        catch(Exception e)
from os import path, chdir, listdir, mkdir, gcwd
from sys import argv
from zipfile import ZipFile
from time import sleep

#A few notes -
#(1) when I do something like " _,variable = something ", that is because
#the function returns two variables, and I only need one.  I don't know if it is a
#common convention to use the '_' symbol as the name for the unused variable, but
#I saw it in some guy's code in the past, and I started using it.
#(2) I use "path.join" because on unix operating systems and windows operating systems
#they use different conventions for paths like '\' vs '/'.  path.join works on all operating
#systems for making paths.

#Defines what extensions to look for within the file (you can add more to this)
IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ('.bmp', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.tif', '.tiff')

#Changes to the directory in which this script is contained
thisDir = getcwd()

#Lists all the files/folders in the directory
fileList = listdir('.')
for file in fileList:

    #Checks if the item is a file (opposed to being a folder)
    if path.isfile(file):

        #Fetches the files extension and checks if it is .docx
        _,fileExt = path.splitext(file)
        if fileExt == '.docx':

            #Creates directory for the images
            newDirectory = path.join(thisDir, file + "-Images")
            if not path.exists(newDirectory):

            currentFile = open(file,"r")
            for line in currentFile:
                print line


            #Opens the file as if it is a zipfile
            #Then lists the contents
                zipFileHandle = ZipFile(file)
                nameList = zipFileHandle.namelist()

                for archivedFile in nameList:
                    #Checks if the file extension is in the list defined above
                    #And if it is, it extracts the file
                    _,archiveExt = path.splitext(archivedFile)
                    if archiveExt in IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS:
                        zipFileHandle.extract(archivedFile, newDirectory)
文件“C:/Documents和 设置/用户/工作区/实习生 项目/建议/转换 提案/图像提取器2.py“,行 19,在 thisDir,z=path.split(path.abspath(argv[0])) 索引器:索引超出范围:0 回溯(最近一次呼叫最后一次):
文件“C:/Documents和 设置/用户/工作区/实习生 项目/建议/转换 提案/图像提取器2.py“,行 19,在 thisDir,z=path.split(path.abspath(argv[0])) 索引器:索引超出范围:0


import org.python.core.PyException;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;

public class SPImageExtractor
    public static void main(String[] args) throws PyException
            PythonInterpreter.initialize(System.getProperties(), System.getProperties(), new String[0]);
            PythonInterpreter interp = new PythonInterpreter();
            interp.execfile("C:/Documents and Settings/user/workspace/Intern Project/Proposals/Converted Proposals/Image-Extractor2.py");
        catch(Exception e)
from os import path, chdir, listdir, mkdir, gcwd
from sys import argv
from zipfile import ZipFile
from time import sleep

#A few notes -
#(1) when I do something like " _,variable = something ", that is because
#the function returns two variables, and I only need one.  I don't know if it is a
#common convention to use the '_' symbol as the name for the unused variable, but
#I saw it in some guy's code in the past, and I started using it.
#(2) I use "path.join" because on unix operating systems and windows operating systems
#they use different conventions for paths like '\' vs '/'.  path.join works on all operating
#systems for making paths.

#Defines what extensions to look for within the file (you can add more to this)
IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ('.bmp', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.tif', '.tiff')

#Changes to the directory in which this script is contained
thisDir = getcwd()

#Lists all the files/folders in the directory
fileList = listdir('.')
for file in fileList:

    #Checks if the item is a file (opposed to being a folder)
    if path.isfile(file):

        #Fetches the files extension and checks if it is .docx
        _,fileExt = path.splitext(file)
        if fileExt == '.docx':

            #Creates directory for the images
            newDirectory = path.join(thisDir, file + "-Images")
            if not path.exists(newDirectory):

            currentFile = open(file,"r")
            for line in currentFile:
                print line


            #Opens the file as if it is a zipfile
            #Then lists the contents
                zipFileHandle = ZipFile(file)
                nameList = zipFileHandle.namelist()

                for archivedFile in nameList:
                    #Checks if the file extension is in the list defined above
                    #And if it is, it extracts the file
                    _,archiveExt = path.splitext(archivedFile)
                    if archiveExt in IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS:
                        zipFileHandle.extract(archivedFile, newDirectory)




