
需要修复我的Java计时器代码吗,java,timertask,Java,Timertask,任务-在一天中的指定时间打开和关闭灯泡。我需要知道如何根据下面给出的信息修复我的代码。我还需要知道我是否正确使用了timer类,也就是说,我的代码设计是否正确?代码可能会工作,但可能是糟糕的设计,这将在以后导致问题。我不想那样 输出是(这不是我真正想要的输出:()- 期望输出- This is the main program Current time is - xxx Future time is - xxx+5sec Future time is - xxx+10sec Bulb B1 is




This is the main program
Current time is - xxx
Future time is - xxx+5sec
Future time is - xxx+10sec
Bulb B1 is ON  //first on
Bulb B1 is OFF //then off
Main program ends//This should always be in the end.


class Bulb {

private boolean state = false;//On or off
private String name;

Bulb(String name){

    this.name = name;


public void setState(boolean state){

    this.state = state;
    if(this.state == true){

        System.out.println("Bulb " + name + " is ON");


        System.out.println("Bulb " + name + " is OFF");



public boolean getState(){
    return this.state;



import java.util.*;

class BulbJob extends TimerTask{

private Bulb bulbToHandle;
private boolean setBulbStateEqualTo;

BulbJob(Bulb toHandle){

    this.bulbToHandle = toHandle;


//NOTE: Must be called before run(), otherwise default value is used
public void setBulbStateEqualTo(boolean setBulbStateEqualTo){

    this.setBulbStateEqualTo = setBulbStateEqualTo;


//NOTE: call run() only before calling above method
public void run(){

    this.bulbToHandle.setState(setBulbStateEqualTo);//Set on or off



import java.util.*;

@SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
class BulbScheduler {

public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException{

    System.out.println("This is the main program");

    Timer time = new Timer();
    Bulb b1 = new Bulb("B1");
    BulbJob bj = new BulbJob(b1);

    bj.setBulbStateEqualTo(true);//Task - Turn bulb on at time = afterCurrent

    Date current = new Date();//Get current time and execute job ten seconds after this time
    Date afterCurrent = (Date) current.clone();

    System.out.println("Current time is - " + current);

    int currentSecs = current.getSeconds();
    int offset = 5;//number of seconds

    afterCurrent.setSeconds(currentSecs + offset);
    System.out.println("Future time is - " + afterCurrent);

    time.schedule(bj, afterCurrent);//Schedule job "bj" at time = afterCurrent

    //Now turn the bulb off at new time = newest afterTime
    afterCurrent.setSeconds(currentSecs + 2 * offset);
    System.out.println("Future time is - " + afterCurrent);

    bj.setBulbStateEqualTo(false);//Task - Now turn the bulb off at time = afterCurrent

    System.out.println("Main program ends");



time.schedule(bj, afterCurrent);//Schedule job "bj" at time = afterCurrent

//Now turn the bulb off at new time = newest afterTime
afterCurrent.setSeconds(currentSecs + 2 * offset);

time.schedule(bj, afterCurrent);//Schedule job "bj" at time = afterCurrent

//Now turn the bulb off at new time = newest afterTime
afterCurrent.setSeconds(currentSecs + 2 * offset);
time.schedule(bj, afterCurrent);//Schedule job "bj" at time = afterCurrent




import java.util.*;

@SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
class BulbScheduler {

public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException{

    System.out.println("This is the main program");

    Timer timeOn = new Timer();
    Timer timeOff = new Timer();
    Bulb b1 = new Bulb("B1");
    BulbJob bjOn = new BulbJob(b1);
    BulbJob bjOff = new BulbJob(b1);

    bjOn.setBulbStateEqualTo(true);//Task - Turn bulb on 
    bjOff.setBulbStateEqualTo(false);//Task - Then turn the bulb off later

    Date current = new Date();//Get current time and execute job ten seconds after this time
    Date afterCurrent = (Date) current.clone();

    System.out.println("Current time is - " + current);

    int currentSecs = current.getSeconds();
    int offset = 3;//number of seconds

    afterCurrent.setSeconds(currentSecs + offset);
    System.out.println("Future time is - " + afterCurrent);

    timeOn.schedule(bjOn, afterCurrent);//Schedule job "bj" at time = afterCurrent

    //Now turn the bulb off at new time = latest afterCurrent
    afterCurrent.setSeconds(currentSecs + 2 * offset);
    System.out.println("Future time is - " + afterCurrent);

    timeOff.schedule(bjOff, afterCurrent);

    System.out.println("Main program ends");




使用java.util.Date,但不能使用其setSeconds读取Javadoc,这很好,会有很大帮助。public void setSeconds(int seconds)

不推荐使用。从JDK版本1.1开始,替换为Calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND,int seconds)。 将此日期的秒数设置为指定值。修改此日期对象,使其表示指定秒数内的时间点,年、月、日期、小时和分钟与以前相同,在本地时区中进行解释



在日期上调用setSecond不会更改其他字段。请参阅Calendar.add and roll的java文档,并查看inro类中的规则。

还可以使用计时器对象的计划(TimerTask任务,长延迟) 计划在指定延迟(毫秒)后执行指定的任务。 修改代码-

import java.util.*;

class BulbScheduler {

    private static java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat ("yy MM dd HH mm ss");

static String formatDate(Date d){
        return sdf1.format(d);

    public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException{
        System.out.println("This is the main method");
        java.util.GregorianCalendar cal = new java.util.GregorianCalendar();

        Bulb b1 = new Bulb("bulb 1", false);
        Bulb b2 = new Bulb("bulb 2", false);

        System.out.println("Time now " + formatDate(cal.getTime()));

        Timer timer = new Timer("bulbs");
        BulbJob b1On = new BulbJob(b1, true);
        BulbJob b1Off = new BulbJob(b1, false);
        BulbJob b2On = new BulbJob(b2, true);
        BulbJob b2Off = new BulbJob(b2, false);
        timer.schedule(b1On, 3 * 1000);//after 3 seconds
        timer.schedule(b2On, 7 * 1000);//after 4 seconds
        timer.schedule(b1Off, 6 * 1000);//after 6 seconds; before b2 on

        b1On = new BulbJob(b1, true);
        timer.schedule(b1On, 9 * 1000);

        //if you want main to wait need to add code here to make it wait,
        // but even if does the JVM wont exit. Its just a method. The JVM exits when all non daemon threads are done
        // or System.exit is called

        System.out.println("This is the main method ending; but other threads might be running ...");
        //main thread JVM waits for all other non dameons to end





private Bulb bulbToHandle;
private boolean bulbNewState;//dont start propert names with set

//why a seperate property when we need to set the new state everytime and cannot reuse jobs?
BulbJob(Bulb toHandle, boolean newState){
    this.bulbToHandle = toHandle;
    bulbNewState= newState;

public void run(){
    this.bulbToHandle.setState(bulbNewState);//Set on or off

班级灯泡。。。 公共无效设置状态(布尔状态){ this.state=状态; System.out.println(“bull”+name+“是”+(状态?“开”):“关”)+“在”+BulbScheduler.formatDate(new java.util.Date());//如果还可以的话


退出程序是最好的选择。@assylias-我该如何完成ExitProgram任务?我还需要做其他事情吗s按照计划工作。我添加了修改后的代码作为我的答案。只是部分正确。设置秒不是办法。尝试从2:59:59开始的日期时间不会到3:00:00。查看其他答案,使用Calendar.roll查看java.util.date#SetSecondy的api javadoc您正在主线程中打印
private Bulb bulbToHandle;
private boolean bulbNewState;//dont start propert names with set

//why a seperate property when we need to set the new state everytime and cannot reuse jobs?
BulbJob(Bulb toHandle, boolean newState){
    this.bulbToHandle = toHandle;
    bulbNewState= newState;

public void run(){
    this.bulbToHandle.setState(bulbNewState);//Set on or off