Java screenOrientation到fullsensor在清单中出错

Java screenOrientation到fullsensor在清单中出错,java,android,sensors,Java,Android,Sensors,我正在尝试一个项目,将在4个方向的工作。我将它设置为android:screenOrientation=“sensor”,它可以工作,但只做3个方向。因此,我将其设置为4方向的android:screenOrientation=“fullSensor”。不幸的是,我犯了这个错误 error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'screenOrientation' with value 'fullSensor'). 有人知道怎么做吗 fullSenso


error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'screenOrientation' with value 



The orientation is determined by the device orientation sensor for any of the 4 orientations. This is similar to "sensor" except this allows any of the 4 possible screen orientations, regardless of what the device will normally do (for example, some devices won't normally use reverse portrait or reverse landscape, but this enables those). Added in API level 9.




我已经设置为API 9,但是图像仍然没有完全翻转过来。手机(状态栏)上下颠倒,但应用程序仍然没有。您是否单独尝试了“Sensor横向”或“SensorGraphic”?我收到了此错误“错误:错误:不允许使用字符串类型(在“screenOrientation”处,值为“SensorGraphital”)您在清单中给出了吗?我已经设置为API 9,但是图像仍然没有完全翻转过来。手机(状态栏)上下颠倒,但应用程序仍然没有。
The orientation is determined by the device orientation sensor for any of the 4 orientations. This is similar to "sensor" except this allows any of the 4 possible screen orientations, regardless of what the device will normally do (for example, some devices won't normally use reverse portrait or reverse landscape, but this enables those). Added in API level 9.