Java swt中的图形问题

Java swt中的图形问题,java,graphics,swt,Java,Graphics,Swt,我想构建一个能够垂直(上下)和水平(左右)滑动的小部件。当然,用户将设置此小部件的样式。 问题是,当我在右方向水平滑动的情况下测试小部件时,文本留下了一些绘制的痕迹。使用此方法,我绘制文本: private void paintText ( ) { if ( getText ( ) != null ) { Point point = gc.stringExtent ( getText ( ) ); if ( isHorizontalSlide )

我想构建一个能够垂直(上下)和水平(左右)滑动的小部件。当然,用户将设置此小部件的样式。 问题是,当我在右方向水平滑动的情况下测试小部件时,文本留下了一些绘制的痕迹。使用此方法,我绘制文本:

private void paintText ( )
    if ( getText ( ) != null )
        Point point = gc.stringExtent ( getText ( ) );

        if ( isHorizontalSlide )
            if ( getMode ( ) == LEFT_MODE )
                if ( pX + point.x + 1 == rectangle.x )
                    pX = rectangle.width;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX -- , pY );
            else if ( getMode ( ) == RIGHT_MODE )
                if ( pX == rectangle.width )
                    pX = rectangle.x - point.x + 1;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX ++ , pY );
                if ( pX + point.x + 1 == rectangle.x )
                    pX = rectangle.width;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX -- , pY );

        else if ( isVerticalSlide )

            if ( getMode ( ) == UP_MODE )
                if ( pY + point.y + 1 == rectangle.y )
                    pY = rectangle.height;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX , pY -- );
            else if ( getMode ( ) == DOWN_MODE )
                if ( pY == rectangle.height )
                    pY = rectangle.y - point.y + 1;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX , pY ++ );
                if ( pY + point.y + 1 == rectangle.y )
                    pY = rectangle.height;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX , pY -- );
        throw new NullPointerException ( "The text cannot be null!" );






private void paintText ( )
    if ( getText ( ) != null )
        Point point = gc.stringExtent ( getText ( ) );

        if ( isHorizontalSlide )
            if ( getMode ( ) == LEFT_MODE )
                if ( pX + point.x + 1 >= rectangle.x )
                    pX = rectangle.width;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX -- , pY );
            else if ( getMode ( ) == RIGHT_MODE )
                if ( pX >= rectangle.width )
                    pX = rectangle.x - point.x + 1;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX ++ , pY );
                Color color = gc.getForeground ( );
                gc.setForeground ( getBackground ( ) );
                gc.drawLine ( pX - 1 , pY , pX - 1 , point.y );
                gc.setForeground ( color );
                if ( pX + point.x + 1 >= rectangle.x )
                    pX = rectangle.width;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX -- , pY );

        else if ( isVerticalSlide )

            if ( getMode ( ) == UP_MODE )
                if ( pY + point.y + 1 >= rectangle.y )
                    pY = rectangle.height;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX , pY -- );
            else if ( getMode ( ) == DOWN_MODE )
                if ( pY >= rectangle.height )
                    pY = rectangle.y - point.y + 1;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX , pY ++ );
                if ( pY + point.y + 1 >= rectangle.y )
                    pY = rectangle.height;
                gc.drawText ( getText ( ) , pX , pY -- );
        throw new NullPointerException ( "The text cannot be null!" );