Java 需要您的建议来降低给定场景的复杂性吗

Java 需要您的建议来降低给定场景的复杂性吗,java,Java,在我的情况下,是否有可能减少if条件 下面的程序已经得到了买家的数量 我正在检查与价格有关的买方数量 package com; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Test extends Thread { public static void main(String[] args) { double startPrice = 235.80; int marketQuantity = 0;




package com;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Test extends Thread {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        double startPrice = 235.80;

        int marketQuantity = 0;
        int lessthan1 = 0;
        int lessthan2 = 0;
        int lessthan3 = 0;

        double buyer1 = 234.50;         int quantity1 = 100;
        double buyer2 = 235.55;         int quantity2 = 200;
        double buyer3 = 232.55;         int quantity3 = 300;

        // Positve Conditions
        if (buyer1 >= startPrice) {
            marketQuantity = quantity1;
        if (buyer2 >= startPrice) {
            marketQuantity = marketQuantity + quantity2;
        if (buyer3 >= startPrice) {
            marketQuantity = marketQuantity + quantity3;

        // negative conditions 
        // for condition less than 1 
            lessthan1 = quantity1;
            lessthan1 = lessthan1+quantity2;
            lessthan1 = lessthan1+quantity3;
        // similarly i need to implement lessthan2 and lessthan3 conditions also 
        // can this  be improved 


这可能是一个更适合该网站的问题。如果你有静态值,你不需要任何If,因为你知道结果。你可以通过简单地遍历买家和数量列表来简化这个问题。因此,将这两个列表添加到Arraylist中,并使用for loop对每个列表进行迭代。我昨天看到了一个类似的问题: