Java 程序的并行化增加了执行时间

Java 程序的并行化增加了执行时间,java,parallel-processing,Java,Parallel Processing,我正在上莱斯大学开设的并行编程课程。在赋值中,我们应该递归地计算数组元素的倒数和。为了并行化这一点,我们使用了一个fork/join池,递归地计算出所需的左、右子数组之和,并将它们合并回来。但我得到的执行时间比我按顺序执行的时间要长。以下是eclipse中的控制台输出- 连续时间:0.136,值:7.485471 并联时间:6.674,数值:7.485471 守则如下: package edu.coursera.parallel; import java.util.Random; import


连续时间:0.136,值:7.485471 并联时间:6.674,数值:7.485471


package edu.coursera.parallel;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;

 * Class wrapping methods for implementing reciprocal array sum in parallel.
public final class ReciprocalArraySum

     * Default constructor.
    private ReciprocalArraySum()

     * Sequentially compute the sum of the reciprocal values for a given array.
     * @param input Input array
     * @return The sum of the reciprocals of the array input
    protected static double seqArraySum(final double[] input)
        double sum = 0;

        // Compute sum of reciprocals of array elements
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
            sum += (1 / input[i]);

        return sum;

     * Computes the size of each chunk, given the number of chunks to create
     * across a given number of elements.
     * @param nChunks The number of chunks to create
     * @param nElements The number of elements to chunk across
     * @return The default chunk size
    private static int getChunkSize(final int nChunks, final int nElements)
        // Integer ceil
        return (nElements + nChunks - 1) / nChunks;

     * Computes the inclusive element index that the provided chunk starts at,
     * given there are a certain number of chunks.
     * @param chunk The chunk to compute the start of
     * @param nChunks The number of chunks created
     * @param nElements The number of elements to chunk across
     * @return The inclusive index that this chunk starts at in the set of
     *         nElements
    private static int getChunkStartInclusive(final int chunk, final int nChunks, final int nElements)
        final int chunkSize = getChunkSize(nChunks, nElements);
        return chunk * chunkSize;

     * Computes the exclusive element index that the provided chunk ends at,
     * given there are a certain number of chunks.
     * @param chunk The chunk to compute the end of
     * @param nChunks The number of chunks created
     * @param nElements The number of elements to chunk across
     * @return The exclusive end index for this chunk
    private static int getChunkEndExclusive(final int chunk, final int nChunks, final int nElements)
        final int chunkSize = getChunkSize(nChunks, nElements);
        final int end = (chunk + 1) * chunkSize;
        if (end > nElements)
            return nElements;
            return end;

     * This class stub can be filled in to implement the body of each task
     * created to perform reciprocal array sum in parallel.
    private static class ReciprocalArraySumTask extends RecursiveAction
         * Starting index for traversal done by this task.
        private final int startIndexInclusive;
         * Ending index for traversal done by this task.
        private final int endIndexExclusive;
         * Input array to reciprocal sum.
        private final double[] input;
         * Intermediate value produced by this task.
        private double value;

         * Constructor.
         * @param setStartIndexInclusive Set the starting index to begin
         *        parallel traversal at.
         * @param setEndIndexExclusive Set ending index for parallel traversal.
         * @param setInput Input values
        ReciprocalArraySumTask(final int setStartIndexInclusive, final int setEndIndexExclusive, final double[] setInput)
            this.startIndexInclusive = setStartIndexInclusive;
            this.endIndexExclusive = setEndIndexExclusive;
            this.input = setInput;

         * Getter for the value produced by this task.
         * @return Value produced by this task
        public double getValue()
            return value;

        protected void compute()
            // TODO
            if((endIndexExclusive - startIndexInclusive) <= (input.length/5))
                for(int i=startIndexInclusive;i<endIndexExclusive;i++)
                int mid = ((startIndexInclusive+endIndexExclusive)/2);
                ReciprocalArraySumTask l = new ReciprocalArraySumTask(startIndexInclusive, mid, input);
                ReciprocalArraySumTask r = new ReciprocalArraySumTask(mid, endIndexExclusive, input);
                value = l.getValue()+r.getValue();

     * TODO: Modify this method to compute the same reciprocal sum as
     * seqArraySum, but use two tasks running in parallel under the Java Fork
     * Join framework. You may assume that the length of the input array is
     * evenly divisible by 2.
     * @param input Input array
     * @return The sum of the reciprocals of the array input
    protected static double parArraySum(final double[] input)
        assert input.length % 2 == 0;
        double sum = 0.0;
        // Compute sum of reciprocals of array elements
        /*for(int i=0;i<input.length;i++)
        ReciprocalArraySumTask t = new ReciprocalArraySumTask(0,input.length,input);
        sum = t.getValue();
        return sum;

     * TODO: Extend the work you did to implement parArraySum to use a set
     * number of tasks to compute the reciprocal array sum. You may find the
     * above utilities getChunkStartInclusive and getChunkEndExclusive helpful
     * in computing the range of element indices that belong to each chunk.
     * @param input Input array
     * @param numTasks The number of tasks to create
     * @return The sum of the reciprocals of the array input
    protected static double parManyTaskArraySum(final double[] input, final int numTasks)
        double sum = 0;

        // Compute sum of reciprocals of array elements
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
            sum += 1 / input[i];

        return sum;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        ReciprocalArraySum r = new ReciprocalArraySum();
        double[] imp = new double[1000];
        Random rGen = new Random();
        for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
            imp[i] = (i+1);
        long startTimeSeq = System.nanoTime();
        double value = r.seqArraySum(imp);
        long endTimeSeq = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.printf("Time for sequential: %4.3f , Value: %f\n",(endTimeSeq-startTimeSeq)/1e6,value);

        long startTimePar = System.nanoTime();
        value = r.parArraySum(imp);
        long endTimePar = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.printf("Time for parallel: %4.3f , Value: %f",(endTimePar-startTimePar)/1e6,value);

