Java 如何以24小时格式输入xx:xx,而不使用“xx:&引用;犯错误?

Java 如何以24小时格式输入xx:xx,而不使用“xx:&引用;犯错误?,java,Java,我必须以这种格式将24小时时钟转换为分钟,同时允许用户输入他们想要的任何时间。到目前为止,我的代码只允许他们输入XX:XX,只要两个XX之间有空格,而不是冒号。我尝试过使用分隔符,但这只是最后两个XX的剪辑,它将作为分钟 import java.util.*; public class TaskA { ///import the tools necessary i.e java.util.* and Scanner console. I have also used a delimi


import java.util.*;

public class TaskA {

    ///import the tools necessary i.e java.util.* and Scanner console. I have also used a delimiter to render the ":" as not being read.

    static Scanner console = new Scanner(":");

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    ///This is how I will define the time. using both hours and minutes for the console.

     int hours;
     int minutes;
     int total_mins;

    ///Here I have written how the question will come out and what the user will have to enter.

        System.out.print("Specify time (HH:MM) :   ");

    /// Here I have the hours and minutes being inputed, as well as a draft on the final statement.

        hours = console.nextInt();
        minutes = console.nextInt();

    ///This is the mathematical equation for total minutes. 

        total_mins = (hours * 60) + minutes;

    ///final statement.

        System.out.print(hours + ":" + minutes + " = " + total_mins + " Mins !");


 String line = console.nextLine();
 hours = Integer.parseInt(line.split(":")[0]);
 minutes = Integer.parseInt(line.split(":")[1]);


String[] splitParts = console.nextLine().split(":");
if (splitParts.length >= 2)
        hours = Integer.parseInt(splitParts[0]);
        minutes = Integer.parseInt(splitParts[1]);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e)
        System.err.println("The entered numbers were of invalid format!");
    System.err.println("Please enter a input of format ##:##!");

