Java索引名 String nameOfTools=”“; 对于(int index=0;index

Java索引名 String nameOfTools=”“; 对于(int index=0;index,java,Java,我希望对话框显示“您需要(工具名称)的数量”,而不是索引编号如何执行此操作?然后您需要创建一个ArrayList来存储工具名称,如下所示: String nameOfTools = ""; for( int index = 0; index < userToolType; index++ ) { nameOfTools = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Please enter name of tool " + ( index + 1 )



String nameOfTools = "";

  for( int index = 0; index < userToolType; index++ )
     nameOfTools = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Please enter name of tool " + ( index + 1 ) );

     //check blank
     if ( nameOfTools.equalsIgnoreCase("") )
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You entered blank");
        System.exit( 0 );

  //Ask the number to buy for each tool
  String numberOfTools;
  double toolsNumber = 0;
  String amountOfTools;
  double moneyForTools;
  double totalMoneyToPay = 0;
  for ( int index = 0; index < userToolType; index++ )
     numberOfTools = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "How many you need to buy " + ( index + 1 ) );
     toolsNumber = Double.parseDouble( numberOfTools );
ArrayList toolsNames=new ArrayList();//获取所有名称
对于(int index=0;index
@주성호 请考虑接受一个答案,你今天已经问了3个问题,还没有接受任何一个问题!请学习java,例如阅读。
ArrayList<String> toolsNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // to take all names
for( int index = 0; index < userToolType; index++ ){
    String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Please enter name of tool " + ( index + 1 ) );
     if ( input.equals("") ){ //check blank
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You entered blank");
          System.exit( 0 );
     toolsNames.add(input); // if it's not blank
//Ask the number to buy for each tool
String numberOfTools;
double toolsNumber = 0;
String amountOfTools;
double moneyForTools;
double totalMoneyToPay = 0;
for ( int index = 0; index < userToolType; index++ ){
       numberOfTools = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "How many you need to buy from " + toolsNames.get(index));
       toolsNumber = Double.parseDouble( numberOfTools );