Java Tictaoe游戏无法正确显示

Java Tictaoe游戏无法正确显示,java,arrays,tic-tac-toe,Java,Arrays,Tic Tac Toe,好的,我正在写一个抽签游戏。我已经编写了整个程序,但我不明白为什么它不能正确显示 import java.util.Scanner; public class TicTacToeGame { //constants for game options static final int STANDARD_GAME = 0; static final int QUIT = -1; //constants for the number of rows


import java.util.Scanner;

public class TicTacToeGame {

        //constants for game options
        static final int STANDARD_GAME = 0;
    static final int QUIT = -1;

    //constants for the number of rows and columns in a standard TicTacToe grid
    static final int STANDARD_GRID_ROWS = 3;
    static final int STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS = 3;

    //two dimensional array to represent a TicTacToe grid
    static char[][]grid = new char[STANDARD_GRID_ROWS][STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS];

    //Scanner for input
    static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

//***RUN STANDARD GAME******************************************************

    static void runStandardGame() {

        int position = QUIT;
        char playerChar = 'X';
        boolean isGameOver = false;


        System.out.println("Choose a position to play.\n");


        do {
            System.out.print("Player " + playerChar +
             " (Enter a position or " + QUIT + " to resign): ");
            position = keyboard.nextInt();

            System.out.println("Choose a position to play.\n");


            if(isWin()) {
                System.out.print("\nPlayer " + playerChar +"WINS!!!\n");
                isGameOver = true;
            else if (isTie()) {
                isGameOver = true;
            else {
                //switch players because one of the players has just played
                //and not won;, so, it is the other player's turn
                if (playerChar == 'X') {
                    playerChar = 'O';
                    playerChar = 'X';
           }while(!isGameOver && position != QUIT);

    }//end of runStandardGame


    static void play(int cell, char playerChar) {
        //the player has entered a number 1 through 9 for the position they want
        //to play, so, figure out which row and which column of the array this     is
        //For example, if the player wants to play 'X' in position 7, this means
        //the 'X' must go into row 2, column 0 of the array
        int row = 0;
        int column = 0;

        if (cell > 0 && cell <= (STANDARD_GRID_ROWS * STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS)){
            row = (cell - 1) / STANDARD_GRID_ROWS;
            column = (cell - 1) % STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS;
            grid[row][column] = playerChar;

//***IS WIN*****************************************************************    

    static boolean isWin() {
        boolean isWin = false;

        if (isRowWin() || isColumnWin() || isDiagonalWin()){
            isWin = true;

        return isWin;

//***IS TIE*****************************************************************

    static boolean isTie() {
        boolean isTie = false;

                if(!isRowWin() || !isColumnWin() || !isDiagonalWin()){

        int count = 9;                   

        for (int row = 0; row < 3; row ++){

            for (int column = 0; column < 3; column ++){
                if (grid[row][column] == 0)
                    count --;

        if (count == 0)
            System.out.println("\nSorry, this game is tied.  Better luck next time!");
            return true;                
        return isTie;

//***IS ROW WIN**********************************************************

    static boolean isRowWin() {

        boolean isRowWin = false;
        int column = 0 ;

        for (int row = 0;row < STANDARD_GRID_ROWS && !isRowWin; row++) {

            //if the three array elements on the same row are equal, 
            //then one of the players has either three 'X's on that
            //row, or three 'O's, and therefore, has won
            if (grid[row][column] == grid[row][column+1] &&
                grid[row][column+1] == grid[row][column+2]){
                    isRowWin = true;

        return isRowWin;


//***IS COLUMN WIN**********************************************************

    static boolean isColumnWin() {

        boolean isColumnWin = false;

        int row = 0 ;

        for (int column = 0;column < STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS && !isColumnWin;      column++) {

            //if the three array elements on the same row are equal, 
            //then one of the players has either three 'X's on that
            //row, or three 'O's, and therefore, has won
            if (grid[row][column] == grid[row+1][column] &&
                grid[row+1][column] == grid[row+2][column]){
                    isColumnWin = true;

        return isColumnWin;


//***IS DIAGONAL WIN********************************************************

    static boolean isDiagonalWin() {

        boolean isDiagonalWin = false;
        int row = 0;
        int column = 0;
                (grid[row][column] == grid[row+1][column+1] &&
            grid[row+1][column+1] == grid[row+2][column+2])||
            (grid[row][column+2] == grid[row+1][column+1] &&
            grid[row+1][column+1] == grid[row+2][column])){
                isDiagonalWin = true;

        return isDiagonalWin;


//***GET USER CHOICE********************************************************

    static int getUserChoice() {
        int choice;

        System.out.print("Please enter your choice: ");
        choice = keyboard.nextInt();

        return choice;


//***FILL POSITIONS*********************************************************

    static void fillPosition(){

        char position = '1';

                for (int row = 0; row < STANDARD_GRID_ROWS; row++) {
                    for (int column = 0; column < STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS; column++) {
                         grid[row][column] = (char) ('1' + row*STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS + column);


//***DISPLAY GRID***********************************************************

    static void displayGrid() {

    System.out.println((grid[0][0]) + " | " + (grid[0][1]) + " | " + (grid[0][2]));
    System.out.println((grid[1][0]) + " | " + (grid[1][1]) + " | " + (grid[1][2]));
    System.out.println((grid[2][0]) + " | " + (grid[2][1]) + " | " + (grid[2][2]));



}//end of class



    static void fillPosition(){
        for (int row = 0; row < STANDARD_GRID_ROWS; row++) {
            for (int column = 0; column < STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS; column++) {
                grid[row][column] = (char) ('1' + row*STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS + column);



fillPosition中的do while循环只执行一次。在条件行中,您正在填充位置do循环的退出条件错误



    static void fillPosition(){
        for (int row = 0; row < STANDARD_GRID_ROWS; row++) {
            for (int column = 0; column < STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS; column++) {
                grid[row][column] = (char) ('1' + row*STANDARD_GRID_COLUMNS + column);

position < 10
(int)position < 10