Java 当在片段中时,如何在recyclerview中获取所选项目?

Java 当在片段中时,如何在recyclerview中获取所选项目?,java,android,android-recyclerview,Java,Android,Android Recyclerview,从当前片段中,我想获取所选项目在recyclerview中的位置,但不在适配器中 现在我有两个回收视图。 单击一个我想将数据发送到第二个,但按当前片段发送,因为这将生成一个单独的数据。 首先,重要的是创建一个包含函数的接口,并在类片段中重写该函数 例 Cintasadapter[适配器] Cargas_detalle_previo[片段] 在适配器中创建一个接口,例如 例 /// The interface public interface getsele


现在我有两个回收视图。 单击一个我想将数据发送到第二个,但按当前片段发送,因为这将生成一个单独的数据。 首先,重要的是创建一个包含函数的接口,并在类片段中重写该函数

Cintasadapter[适配器] Cargas_detalle_previo[片段]

在适配器中创建一个接口,例如 例

 /// The interface
public interface getselectpos
        void onItemClick(CintasHolder holder, int posicion);

private getselectpos interfaceclick;
//Declared a private variable to manage the interface

//in the constructor recover the interface, for exemple.

//CintasDataset is a class to manage the data for the adapter

 public CintasAdapter(List<CintasDataset> items, getselectpos Interfaceclick)
        this.mitems = items; //the elements 
        this.interfaceclick=Interfaceclick; // the interface create from in the fragment

/// Class holder for this class , and implements OnClickListener

public class CintasHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener
        public ImageView imagen; //an imagen
        public TextView modocorte;/a textview 

        public CintasHolder(View itemView)
            itemView.setOnClickListener(this);//add the listener for an element

        //add onClick and set the funcion onItemClick , declared in the interface
        public void onClick(View view)
            interfaceclick.onItemClick(this, getAdapterPosition());
//Cargas_detalle_previo is the fragment class, the interface  "CintasAdapter.getselectpos "
public class Cargas_detalle_previo extends Fragment  implements  CintasAdapter.getselectpos
    //exemple for onViewCreated
    public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)
        //TODO CONTENT
         List mitems2 = new ArrayList(); // for exemple 

        //declared the adapter
         final CintasAdapter adaptercintas = new CintasAdapter(mitems,this);

    //and  override the function in the interface, in the case  onItemClick
    public void onItemClick(CintasAdapter.CintasHolder holder, int posicion)

        //and use the posicion 

        //exemple to show the posicion



我解决了这个问题,一位朋友告诉我要检查java中的接口,我希望它能为其他人服务。 首先,重要的是创建一个包含函数的接口,并在类片段中重写该函数

Cintasadapter[适配器] Cargas_detalle_previo[片段]

在适配器中创建一个接口,例如 例

 /// The interface
public interface getselectpos
        void onItemClick(CintasHolder holder, int posicion);

private getselectpos interfaceclick;
//Declared a private variable to manage the interface

//in the constructor recover the interface, for exemple.

//CintasDataset is a class to manage the data for the adapter

 public CintasAdapter(List<CintasDataset> items, getselectpos Interfaceclick)
        this.mitems = items; //the elements 
        this.interfaceclick=Interfaceclick; // the interface create from in the fragment

/// Class holder for this class , and implements OnClickListener

public class CintasHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener
        public ImageView imagen; //an imagen
        public TextView modocorte;/a textview 

        public CintasHolder(View itemView)
            itemView.setOnClickListener(this);//add the listener for an element

        //add onClick and set the funcion onItemClick , declared in the interface
        public void onClick(View view)
            interfaceclick.onItemClick(this, getAdapterPosition());
//Cargas_detalle_previo is the fragment class, the interface  "CintasAdapter.getselectpos "
public class Cargas_detalle_previo extends Fragment  implements  CintasAdapter.getselectpos
    //exemple for onViewCreated
    public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)
        //TODO CONTENT
         List mitems2 = new ArrayList(); // for exemple 

        //declared the adapter
         final CintasAdapter adaptercintas = new CintasAdapter(mitems,this);

    //and  override the function in the interface, in the case  onItemClick
    public void onItemClick(CintasAdapter.CintasHolder holder, int posicion)

        //and use the posicion 

        //exemple to show the posicion


