Java 使用生成器模式创建异常?

Java 使用生成器模式创建异常?,java,exception-handling,builder,Java,Exception Handling,Builder,我的java代码中有一个异常,它有几个属性可以传递到构造函数中。因此,我认为使用生成器模式创建异常会很好,因此我创建了如下异常: public class ApplicationException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8999932578270387947L; /** * contains redundantly the HTTP status of t


public class ApplicationException extends Exception {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8999932578270387947L;

     * contains redundantly the HTTP status of the response sent back to the client in case of error, so that
     * the developer does not have to look into the response headers. If null a default 
    Integer status;

    /** application specific error code */
    int code; 

    /** link documenting the exception */   
    String link;

    /** detailed error description for developers*/
    String developerMessage;    

     * @param status
     * @param code
     * @param message
     * @param developerMessage
     * @param link
    protected ApplicationException(String message) {


    public static Builder getBuilder(String message) {
        return new Builder(message);

    public static class Builder {
        private Integer status;
        private int code; 
        private String link;
        private String message;
        private String developerMessage;     

        public Builder(String message) {
            this.message = message;

        public Builder status(int status) {
            this.status = status;
            return this;

        public Builder code(int code) {
            this.code = code;
            return this;            

        public Builder developerMessage(String developerMessage) {
            this.developerMessage = developerMessage;
            return this;            

        public Builder link(String link) {
   = link;
            return this;            

        public ApplicationException build() {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(message)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("message cannot be null or empty");

            if (StringUtils.isBlank(link)){
                link = AppConstants.API_SUPPORT_EMAIL;

            ApplicationException created = new ApplicationException(message);
            created.status = status;
            created.code = code;
            created.developerMessage = developerMessage;
   = link;

            return created;

throw ApplicationException.getBuilder("This is the general error message")
    .developerMessage("The resource does not exist")



throw ApplicationException.getBuilder("This is the general error message")
    .developerMessage("The resource does not exist")
    .buildValidation();  // or buildSomeOther()

它不是泛型的,但非常简单,可以很好地与IDE autocomplete配合使用

,还是只关心执行时类型?我认为在执行期间,如果它使您的思考更容易,就足够了。我只是不想只处理一种常规异常类型。我想指出的是,在验证一个对象的过程中,某个对象出现了问题。请使用更多。请看一下Spring的代码,在您给出的代码中是否有任何东西可以“告诉”构建器创建一个验证异常,而不是一般的应用程序异常?(顺便说一句,你的例外字段应该是私有的和最终的,我的意思是。)@BoristheSpider thx我有一个调查@JonSkeet不,我没有任何指示,谢谢你的这种方法。现在我明白了乔恩的问题。我需要编译时类型。否则,所有的类都只表明它们抛出ApplicationException,而您只会在编译时看到它们抛出ValidationException..嘿,目前我认为不会太多。我已经考虑过为每个异常类重写build()方法……我认为这种方法和额外的build(exceptionClass)就可以了。
Exception build(Class<? extends Exception> eClass) {
    Exception res = null;
    try {
        res = eClass.newInstance();
    } catch (.......) {
        // Catch the appropriate exceptions here
    res.setAbc(); // Set values as needed
    return res;
throw ApplicationException.getBuilder("This is the general error message")
    .developerMessage("The resource does not exist")
    .buildValidation();  // or buildSomeOther()