Java 将侦听器分配给类时出现问题

Java 将侦听器分配给类时出现问题,java,swing,inheritance,nullpointerexception,listener,Java,Swing,Inheritance,Nullpointerexception,Listener,我的问题在于莫名其妙地不能听我的课 该软件是一个基于java swing的桌面应用程序,JFrame的子类MainFrame正在侦听多个对话框。所有对话框窗口都是my PDialog类的子类,该类包含与侦听器相关的变量和函数。这是PDialog类的外观: public class PDialog extends JDialog { private MainFrameChildrenListener listener; // Function that assigns its paramete


该软件是一个基于java swing的桌面应用程序,JFrame的子类MainFrame正在侦听多个对话框。所有对话框窗口都是my PDialog类的子类,该类包含与侦听器相关的变量和函数。这是PDialog类的外观:

public class PDialog extends JDialog {

private MainFrameChildrenListener listener;

// Function that assigns its parameter to local listener value "listener setter"
public void addMainFrameChildrenListener(MainFrameChildrenListener listener) {
    this.listener = listener;

public void removeMainFrameChildrenListener() {
    this.listener = null;

public void firePDialogEvent(MainFrameChildrenEventObject event) {

// This method was useful when I tried to debug with System.out.println() method
public String retrieveListenerInformation(){
    if(listener == null){
        return "No listener loaded";
    return this.listener.toString();
Material dialog: No listener loaded
Customer dialog: view.MainFrame[-deleted the .toString() rubbish to keep things short-]
Order dialog: view.MainFrame[-deleted the .toString() rubbish to keep things short-]
Product dialog: view.MainFrame[-deleted the .toString() rubbish to keep things short-]

public class MainFrame extends JFrame implements MainFrameChildrenListener {

private PDialogCustomer dialogCustomer = new PDialogCustomer();
private PDialogOrder dialogOrder = new PDialogOrder();
private PDialogProduct dialogProduct = new PDialogProduct();
private PDialogMaterial dialogMaterial = new PDialogMaterial();

public MainFrame(){

    System.out.println("Material dialog: " + dialogMaterial.retrieveListenerInformation());
    System.out.println("Customer dialog: " + dialogCustomer.retrieveListenerInformation());
    System.out.println("Order dialog: " + dialogOrder.retrieveListenerInformation());
    System.out.println("Product dialog: " + dialogProduct.retrieveListenerInformation());

public class PDialog extends JDialog {

private MainFrameChildrenListener listener;

// Function that assigns its parameter to local listener value "listener setter"
public void addMainFrameChildrenListener(MainFrameChildrenListener listener) {
    this.listener = listener;

public void removeMainFrameChildrenListener() {
    this.listener = null;

public void firePDialogEvent(MainFrameChildrenEventObject event) {

// This method was useful when I tried to debug with System.out.println() method
public String retrieveListenerInformation(){
    if(listener == null){
        return "No listener loaded";
    return this.listener.toString();
Material dialog: No listener loaded
Customer dialog: view.MainFrame[-deleted the .toString() rubbish to keep things short-]
Order dialog: view.MainFrame[-deleted the .toString() rubbish to keep things short-]
Product dialog: view.MainFrame[-deleted the .toString() rubbish to keep things short-]
如果我试图触发侦听器事件,则PDialog.FireDialogEvent()方法会出现空指针异常。 我曾试图通过其构造函数将侦听器传递给PDialogMaterial类,我甚至试图仅在PDialogMaterial类中创建新方法来传递侦听器,但没有成功。我能够使事情正常运行的唯一方法是创建新的MainFrameChildrenListener变量,该变量声明为public(eek!),并从大型机构造函数直接访问它,如下所示:

public class PDialogMaterial extends PDialog{
public MainFrameChildrenListener testListener;

public class MainFrame extends JFrame implements MainFrameChildrenListener{
  public MainFrame(){
    dialogMaterial.testListener = this;





private MainFrameChildrenListener listener;



private MainFrameChildrenListener listener;



import java.util.Arrays;

public class HiddenField {

    static abstract class Base {
        String field = "BASE";

        // sets the base's field
        void setField(String set) {
            this.field = set;

        // ensures not to be overridden and returns the base's field.
        final String getField() {
            return this.field;

        // access the field by getter (ensured to be base) and field 'field'
        public String toString() {
            return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": get()->" + getField() + " vs. field->" + field;

    static class ProperExtension extends Base {
        /* no need to override the base's field */

    static class HidingExtension extends Base {

        // this field isn't related to the one in Base, but has the same name!
        String field = "HIDING";

        // the setter is overridden (exact copy!) but because of the same-named
        // field in this extending class, it sets this class's field and not the
        // one in the base-class!
        void setField(String set) {
            this.field = set;

        // copied the toString from above - here it is accessing the
        // base-class's field via getter and this class's field directly.
        public String toString() {
            return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": get()->" + getField() + " vs. field->" + field;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // build both types of extending classes and invoke their setters
        Arrays.asList(new ProperExtension(), new HidingExtension()).forEach(obj -> {
            System.out.println("before ~> " + obj);
            System.out.println("after  ~> " + obj + "\n");


import java.util.Arrays;

public class HiddenField {

    static abstract class Base {
        String field = "BASE";

        // sets the base's field
        void setField(String set) {
            this.field = set;

        // ensures not to be overridden and returns the base's field.
        final String getField() {
            return this.field;

        // access the field by getter (ensured to be base) and field 'field'
        public String toString() {
            return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": get()->" + getField() + " vs. field->" + field;

    static class ProperExtension extends Base {
        /* no need to override the base's field */

    static class HidingExtension extends Base {

        // this field isn't related to the one in Base, but has the same name!
        String field = "HIDING";

        // the setter is overridden (exact copy!) but because of the same-named
        // field in this extending class, it sets this class's field and not the
        // one in the base-class!
        void setField(String set) {
            this.field = set;

        // copied the toString from above - here it is accessing the
        // base-class's field via getter and this class's field directly.
        public String toString() {
            return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": get()->" + getField() + " vs. field->" + field;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // build both types of extending classes and invoke their setters
        Arrays.asList(new ProperExtension(), new HidingExtension()).forEach(obj -> {
            System.out.println("before ~> " + obj);
            System.out.println("after  ~> " + obj + "\n");

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@andreThompson的代码。我已跟踪堆栈跟踪并找到抛出空指针的方法。它并没有让我更接近解决方案,因为其他类使用这个方法没有任何问题。经过简化课程的从头开始,我再也没有例外。我正在研究最小、完整和可验证的示例,但可能需要一段时间:(您需要模型和控制器部分吗?…您需要模型和控制器部分吗?“我们需要一份属于VE的MC。阅读链接并询问任何您不理解的内容。鉴于我是SSCCE的作者,以及MCVE的初稿,我完全有能力解释。可能是1)的副本,为了更快地获得更好的帮助,请发布一份或多份。2) 请参阅并发布