Javascript 表分拣器过滤器和切换隐藏行不一起工作

Javascript 表分拣器过滤器和切换隐藏行不一起工作,javascript,filter,jquery-select2,tablesorter,Javascript,Filter,Jquery Select2,Tablesorter,我有一个tablesorter版本,它有过滤器选项,可以很好地使用这些选项 $('.tablesorter').tablesorter({ theme: 'blue', widthFixed: true, sortList: [[5,1]], widgets: ['zebra', 'stickyHeaders', 'filter'], widgetOptions : {


            theme: 'blue',
            widthFixed: true,
            sortList: [[5,1]],
            widgets: ['zebra', 'stickyHeaders', 'filter'],
            widgetOptions : {
                filter_formatter : {
                    1 : function($cell, indx) {
                        return $.tablesorter.filterFormatter.select2( $cell, indx, {
                            match : false // exact match only
                    2 : function($cell, indx) {
                        return $.tablesorter.filterFormatter.select2( $cell, indx, {
                            match : true,         // adds "filter-match" to header
                            cellText : 'Match: ', // Cell text
                            width: '85%',         // adjusted width to allow for cell text
                            value: ['Lassosum','P&T','P&G'] // initial values

                // option added in v2.16.0


所以我想先隐藏几行,然后用复选框显示它们 我有

$options.on('change', function() {
              var $elementsToToggle = $('.' + this.value);
              if (this.checked) {
                console.log("its checked");

              } else {
                  console.log("its checked");
                $elementsToToggle.each(function() {
                  var hide = true,
                      elementToToggle = this;

                  $options.each(function() {
                    var optionClass = this.value,
                        optionValue = this.checked;
                    if (elementToToggle.classList.contains(optionClass) && optionValue)
                      hide = false;

                  if (hide === true)