Javascript 阅读更多信息';我不能在手机里工作

Javascript 阅读更多信息';我不能在手机里工作,javascript,jquery,html,css,wordpress,Javascript,Jquery,Html,Css,Wordpress,我的Wordpress博客在手机屏幕上出现问题, “阅读更多”按钮不起作用,而且屏幕大小不适合移动设备 Style.css /* =Global ----------------------------------------------- */ body { color: #6B6B6B; word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.7; font-size: 14px; direction: rtl;

我的Wordpress博客在手机屏幕上出现问题, “阅读更多”按钮不起作用,而且屏幕大小不适合移动设备


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/* =Content
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/* =Asides
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/* =Widgets
----------------------------------------------- */

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----------------------------------------------- */
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/* =Infinite Scroll
----------------------------------------------- */

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/* =Custom Styles
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/* =Navigation
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/* =Comments
----------------------------------------------- */

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/* =Footer
----------------------------------------------- */

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/* =Mobile Styling
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----------------------------------------------- */

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/* =Call For Action
----------------------------------------------- */

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.cfa-button:hover a {
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/* Layout */
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.full-width #primary{
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 /* =Mobile Styling
----------------------------------------------- */

@media (max-width: 768px) {
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