
&引用;Can';“得不到文件”;错误-Javascript&;苹果书,javascript,excel,safari,applescript,applescript-objc,Javascript,Excel,Safari,Applescript,Applescript Objc,我的Applescript在Safari中(偶尔)遇到这个错误 Result: error "Safari got an error: Can’t get document \"DOC TITLE\"." number -1728 from document "DOC TITLE" 我认为这是因为页面没有加载,但我有一个Javascript在继续之前检查“complete”,还有一个try语句延迟另一秒出错 然而,我仍然遇到这个问题。这似乎是相当随机的 有什么建议吗 Apples


   error "Safari got an error: Can’t get document \"DOC TITLE\"." 
   number -1728 from document "DOC TITLE"




tell application "Safari"
set the URL of the front document to searchURL
delay 1
    if (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1) is "complete" then exit repeat
    delay 1.5 -- wait a second before checking again
end repeat
    set doc to document "DOC TITLE"
on error
    delay 1
    set doc to document "DOC TITLE"
end try
set theSource to source of doc
set t to theSource
end tell




tell application "Safari"
    -- first set the page to "about:blank"
    set the URL of the front document to "about:blank"
    set attempts to 1
    repeat until "about:blank" is (name of front document)
        set attempts to attempts + 1
        if attempts > 20 then -- creating a timeout of 20 seconds
            error "Timeout while waiting for blank page" number -128
        end if
        delay 1
    end repeat

    -- now we start from a blank page and open the right url and wait until page is loaded
    set the URL of the front document to searchURL
    set attempts to 1
    repeat until "DOC TITLE" is (name of front document)
        set attempts to attempts + 1
        if attempts > 20 then -- creating a timeout of 20 seconds
            error "Timeout while waiting for page" number -128
        end if
        delay 1
    end repeat

    -- now check the readystate of the document
    set attempts to 1
    repeat until (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1) is "complete"
        set attempts to attempts + 1
        if attempts > 20 then -- creating a timeout of 20 seconds
            error "Timeout while waiting for page" number -128
        end if
        delay 1
    end repeat

    -- page should be loaded completely now
    set doc to document "DOC TITLE"
    set theSource to source of doc
    set t to theSource
end tell 
