Javascript 销毁jQuery插件实例,以便在插件销毁功能不起作用时重新实例化它?

Javascript 销毁jQuery插件实例,以便在插件销毁功能不起作用时重新实例化它?,javascript,jquery,datepicker,Javascript,Jquery,Datepicker,我正在构建一个项目管理应用程序,当单击任务时,项目任务将在任务模式Div中打开 我的任务模式是在DOM中为页面上的每个任务使用单个模式。这意味着,它不是为50个点击的任务加载所有HTML,而是使用HTML for 1模式,并在每次任务模式为“打开”和“关闭”时简单地替换任务数据 除了更改模式中用作占位符的所有任务数据字段之外。有些必须终止,JavaScript必须重新实例化 模式中的大多数任务数据字段使用一个名为X-Editable的库,这是一个jQuery在线编辑库。我还有其他库,如自定义滚动


我的任务模式是在DOM中为页面上的每个任务使用单个模式。这意味着,它不是为50个点击的任务加载所有HTML,而是使用HTML for 1模式,并在每次任务模式为“打开”和“关闭”时简单地替换任务数据







my DatePicker的库称为Zebra DatePicker,文档位于此处:

Zebra Datepicker GitHub页面如下:


destroy(): Removes the plugin from an element






  • 一种是在打开任务模式时,使用Zebra Datepicker插件实例化我的DueDate元素
  • 另一种是在任务模式关闭时销毁它。这样,下次打开新任务模式时,可以再次实例化新任务模式
  • 方法,在打开新任务模式时,在我的DueDate任务字段上初始化Zebra Datepicker插件的新实例。

    setUpDueDatePicker: function() {
        // Get Due Date val from DOM
        var taskDueDateVal = $('#task-modal-due-date-span').text();
        var setTaskDueDateVal = '';
        // set DueDate into cached value
        projectTaskModal.cache.taskDueDate = taskDueDateVal;
        // If a real DATE value is set in DueDate in the DOM, then set it in the DatePicker
        if(taskDueDateVal != 'None' && taskDueDateVal != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
            // DATE value to set the DatePicker
            setTaskDueDateVal = taskDueDateVal;
        // Instantiate and setup the DatePicker plugin on our DueDate element
             always_visible: $('#task-modal-due-date-cal'),
             format: 'm/d/Y',
             start_date: setTaskDueDateVal,
            Callback function to be executed when a date is selected
            The callback function takes 4 parameters:
            – the date in the format specified by the “format” attribute;
            – the date in YYYY-MM-DD format
            – the date as a JavaScript Date object
            – a reference to the element the date picker is attached to, as a jQuery object
            onSelect: function(dateInFormat, dateDefaultFormat, dateObj, datePickElem) {
                var dueDate = dateInFormat;
                console.log('Pre AJAX Due Date Save: '+dueDate);
                // Make AJAX POST to save Due Date value to the server and update DOM.
                    type: "post",
                    url: "updateTaskDueDate",
                    data: "date="+dueDate,
                    success: function(result)
                        console.log('SUCCESS AJAX Due Date Save: '+dueDate);
                        // UPDATE DOM with new DueDate value
                        // (Task list if it exists, Modal DueDate field, Modal DueDate Header field)
                            projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('list', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('modal', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        // Update Project-wide cached DueDate var
                        projectTaskModal.cache.taskDueDate = dueDate;
                        // Close/Hide Date Picker Calendar, until it is clicked to show and change DueDate again
            // Reset Due Date in DOM and save empty DueDate value on server
            onClear: function(datePickElem) {
                // Set Due Date to "None" in DOM
                var dueDate = 'None';
                // AJAX Update Due Date to remove any due dates in DB
                // set to "0000-00-00 00:00:00" or else "null"
                    type: "post",
                    url: "updateTaskDueDate",
                    data: "date=0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                    success: function(result)
                        console.log('SUCCESS AJAX Due Date Save: '+dueDate);
                        // UPDATE DOM Due Date fields
                            projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('list', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('modal', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        // Update Project-wide cached DueDate var
                        projectTaskModal.cache.taskDueDate = dueDate;
                        // Close/Hide Date Picker Calendar, until it is clicked to show and change DueDate again
        // Show Date Picker Calendar when "Due Date" SPAN text is clicked on:
        $('#task-modal-due-date-span').on('click', function(){
    // When Task Modal window is CLOSED, Destroy and reset the DueDate so that when a New Task is opened in the Modal, we can setup a new DueDate DatePicker instance
    destroyDueDatePicker: function() {
        alert('DESTROY Due Date picker');
         // remove the "selected" class from all cells that have it
        $('td.dp_selected', '#task-modal-due-date-cal').removeClass('dp_selected');
        // Find our DueDate DatePicker Instance
        var dueDatePicker = $('#task-modal-due-date-span');
        // Run the destroy() Method on it that is shown in the Documentation for Zebra-Datepicker library here:
        // Near the bottom of page in the "Methods" section.
        // destroy(): Removes the plugin from an element

    setUpDueDatePicker: function() {
        // Get Due Date val from DOM
        var taskDueDateVal = $('#task-modal-due-date-span').text();
        var setTaskDueDateVal = '';
        // set DueDate into cached value
        projectTaskModal.cache.taskDueDate = taskDueDateVal;
        // If a real DATE value is set in DueDate in the DOM, then set it in the DatePicker
        if(taskDueDateVal != 'None' && taskDueDateVal != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
            // DATE value to set the DatePicker
            setTaskDueDateVal = taskDueDateVal;
        // Instantiate and setup the DatePicker plugin on our DueDate element
             always_visible: $('#task-modal-due-date-cal'),
             format: 'm/d/Y',
             start_date: setTaskDueDateVal,
            Callback function to be executed when a date is selected
            The callback function takes 4 parameters:
            – the date in the format specified by the “format” attribute;
            – the date in YYYY-MM-DD format
            – the date as a JavaScript Date object
            – a reference to the element the date picker is attached to, as a jQuery object
            onSelect: function(dateInFormat, dateDefaultFormat, dateObj, datePickElem) {
                var dueDate = dateInFormat;
                console.log('Pre AJAX Due Date Save: '+dueDate);
                // Make AJAX POST to save Due Date value to the server and update DOM.
                    type: "post",
                    url: "updateTaskDueDate",
                    data: "date="+dueDate,
                    success: function(result)
                        console.log('SUCCESS AJAX Due Date Save: '+dueDate);
                        // UPDATE DOM with new DueDate value
                        // (Task list if it exists, Modal DueDate field, Modal DueDate Header field)
                            projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('list', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('modal', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        // Update Project-wide cached DueDate var
                        projectTaskModal.cache.taskDueDate = dueDate;
                        // Close/Hide Date Picker Calendar, until it is clicked to show and change DueDate again
            // Reset Due Date in DOM and save empty DueDate value on server
            onClear: function(datePickElem) {
                // Set Due Date to "None" in DOM
                var dueDate = 'None';
                // AJAX Update Due Date to remove any due dates in DB
                // set to "0000-00-00 00:00:00" or else "null"
                    type: "post",
                    url: "updateTaskDueDate",
                    data: "date=0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                    success: function(result)
                        console.log('SUCCESS AJAX Due Date Save: '+dueDate);
                        // UPDATE DOM Due Date fields
                            projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('list', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        projectTaskModal.updateDom.updateTaskField('modal', 'dueDate', dueDate);
                        // Update Project-wide cached DueDate var
                        projectTaskModal.cache.taskDueDate = dueDate;
                        // Close/Hide Date Picker Calendar, until it is clicked to show and change DueDate again
        // Show Date Picker Calendar when "Due Date" SPAN text is clicked on:
        $('#task-modal-due-date-span').on('click', function(){
    // When Task Modal window is CLOSED, Destroy and reset the DueDate so that when a New Task is opened in the Modal, we can setup a new DueDate DatePicker instance
    destroyDueDatePicker: function() {
        alert('DESTROY Due Date picker');
         // remove the "selected" class from all cells that have it
        $('td.dp_selected', '#task-modal-due-date-cal').removeClass('dp_selected');
        // Find our DueDate DatePicker Instance
        var dueDatePicker = $('#task-modal-due-date-span');
        // Run the destroy() Method on it that is shown in the Documentation for Zebra-Datepicker library here:
        // Near the bottom of page in the "Methods" section.
        // destroy(): Removes the plugin from an element
    实际Zebra Datepicker库的destroy()方法的源代码:


    //plugin initialization
    $('#task-modal-due-date-span').on('click', function(){
    //get the Zebra-datepicker element
    var datepicker = $('#task-modal-due-date-span').data('Zebra_DatePicker');
    //destroys the plugin from an element



    //plugin initialization
    $('#task-modal-due-date-span').on('click', function(){
    //get the Zebra-datepicker element
    var datepicker = $('#task-modal-due-date-span').data('Zebra_DatePicker');
    //destroys the plugin from an element


    Hi我更新了一个演示来显示问题。我看到它确实像你说的那样运行,但不能正常工作,我需要找到一个解决方案。。。如果您这样做1)将日期设置为2015-05-30 2)单击销毁日期选择器按钮3)单击日期范围,然后显示缺少日期选择器。4) 现在点击更新日期选择器至2015-05-24按钮,该按钮将设置跨度值,以获得新日期;5) 现在单击“构建新日期选择器”按钮6)现在单击日期范围再次显示日期选择器,您将看到选择的是原始的第30天,而不是新值24!关于如何解决这个问题有什么想法吗?嗨,我更新了一个演示来展示这个问题。我看到它确实像你说的那样运行,但不能正常工作,我需要找到一个解决方案。。。如果您这样做1)将日期设置为2015-05-30 2)单击销毁日期选择器按钮3)单击日期范围,然后显示缺少日期选择器。4) 现在点击更新日期选择器至2015-05-24按钮,该按钮将设置跨度值,以获得新日期;5) 现在单击“构建新日期选择器”按钮6)现在单击日期范围再次显示日期选择器,您将看到选择的是原始的第30天,而不是新值24!有没有办法解决这个问题?