Javascript 如何通过突出显示相应的导航栏部分来制作导航栏,告诉您在网站上的位置?

Javascript 如何通过突出显示相应的导航栏部分来制作导航栏,告诉您在网站上的位置?,javascript,html,css,web,navbar,Javascript,Html,Css,Web,Navbar,好的。首先,我的问题似乎以前被问过一次。但是我查看了太多的stackoverflow问题和答案,其中没有一个是我想要的,或者它们不起作用,或者它们专门回答了提问者的代码,但对我的代码不起作用 所以我想知道如何制作一个脚本,它将一个名为“active”的类添加到导航栏中的“a”元素中,该元素与页面上的位置相对应。假设您正在查看id为“Poem1”的div,则导航栏中的Poem1部分将高亮显示(由于css中活动的类的样式),而在url栏中,链接的末尾将发生更改,以便id位于末尾。为了进一步解释这一点


所以我想知道如何制作一个脚本,它将一个名为“active”的类添加到导航栏中的“a”元素中,该元素与页面上的位置相对应。假设您正在查看id为“Poem1”的div,则导航栏中的Poem1部分将高亮显示(由于css中活动的类的样式),而在url栏中,链接的末尾将发生更改,以便id位于末尾。为了进一步解释这一点,这里有一个例子:htps://What Ever.html#Poem1。请注意url末尾的id是如何显示的,我希望根据用户在网站上查看的div来更改该端点id

还有一个旁注:我做了一个导航条,当≡" 单击,然后在单击“×”时消失


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    <title> Unit 11 - Poetry Creative Interpretation (Evaluation) </title>


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        <li> <a href="#Poem2" id="tab2"> Poem#2 </a> </li>
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    <div id="Intro" class="Content">

        <h1 class="special"> Intro </h1>


            Both of the poems we will be discussing are written by Robert Lee Frost. "Nothing Gold can Stay" </br> <img src="Frost.jpg" alt="Robert Frost" id="image3">
            was written for a book called "The Outsiders" by S. E. Hinton. Robert Frost was an American poet, </br>
            but his work was initially published in England before it was published in America. He had a very </br>
            successful poetry career, he was awarded four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry, the Congressional Gold Medal </br>
            in 1960, and he was named Poet Laureate of Vermont the year after. It may seem like Robert Frost's life </br>
            was full of joy, but that's definitely not the case. There was actually a devastating dark side to </br> 
            Robert Frost's life. Robert Frost was born to an alcoholic father who died of tuberculosis when Frost </br>
            was 11 and to a depressed mother. His sister was put into a mental hospital and so was his daughter Irma. </br>
            His son Carol committed suicide. His daughter Elinor died during days after her birth and his daughter </br>
            Marjorie died while giving birth. His son Elliot died of cholera. Out of his 6 children only Lesley was </br>
            completely fine, she and Irma outlived their father. </br>      


    <div id="Poem1" class="Content">

        <h1> Poem 1 </h1>



            <h2> The Road Not Taken </h2>

                Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, <br/> <img src="TRNTimagery.jpg" alt="Poem Imagery" id="image2">
                And sorry I could not travel both <br/>
                And be one traveler, long I stood <br/>
                And looked down one as far as I could <br/>
                To where it bent in the undergrowth; <br/>
                Then took the other, as just as fair, <br/>
                And having perhaps the better claim, <br/>
                Because it was grassy and <mark class="pers" title="Personification"> wanted</mark> wear; <br/>
                Though as for that the passing there <br/>
                Had worn them really about the same, <br/>
                And both that morning equally lay <br/>
                In leaves no step had trodden black. <br/>
                Oh, I kept the first for another day! <br/>
                Yet knowing how <mark class="rep" title="Repitition"> way</mark> leads on to <mark class="rep" title="Repitition"> way</mark>, <br/>
                I doubted if I should ever come back. <br/>
                I shall be telling this with a sigh <br/>
                Somewhere <mark class="rep" title="Repitition"> ages</mark> and <mark class="rep" title="Repitition"> ages</mark> hence: <br/>
                Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— <br/>
                I took the one less traveled by, <br/>
                And that has made all the difference. <br/>


            By Robert Frost, 1874 - 1963 <br/>
            Written in 1916 


    <div id="Poem2" class="Content">

        <h1> Poem 2 </h1> 



            <h2> Nothing Gold Can Stay </h2>

                Nature’s first green is gold, <br/> <img src="NGCSimagery.jpg" alt="Poem Imagery" id="image">
                <mark class="pers" title="Personification"> Her</mark><mark class="alit" title="Alliteration"> hardest hue to hold.</mark> <br/>
                <mark class="pers" title="Personification"> Her</mark> early leaf’s a flower; <br/>
                But only so an hour. <br/>
                Then <mark class="rep" title="Repitition"> leaf</mark> subsides to <mark class="rep" title="Repitition"> leaf.</mark> <br/>
                <mark class="alus" title="Allusion"> So Eden sank to grief,</mark> <br/>
                So <mark class="con" title="Contrast"> dawn</mark> goes down to <mark class="con" title="Contrast"> day.</mark> <br/>
                Nothing gold can stay. <br/>


            By Robert Frost, 1874 - 1963 <br/>
            Written in 1923 


    <div id="Comparision" class="Content">

        <h1> Comparitive Poem Reflection </h1> 



                Both of the poems are written by Robert Frost and therefore share many of the same themes and literary devices. Most notably, they share a theme of Man and Nature. For example in “The Road Not Taken” nature is used as a metaphor for the speaker's life. In the poem Frost compares making major decisions to encountering two different paths while lost in a forest. Meanwhile, in “Nothing Gold Can Stay” nature is used as a metaphor for the speaker's perception of life. Gold is a metaphor for innocence and youth, green is a metaphor for life at its fullest just like when the tree’s leaves become green during spring time, and nature is a metaphor for life. This theme of Man and the Natural World is a very reoccurring trend in Frost's poems. Metaphor is not the only literary device both poems utilize, they also both utilize personification and repetition. In “Nothing Gold Can Stay” personification is used when Frost refers to nature as a “Her” e.g. “Her hardest hue to hold / Her early leaf’s a flower” (Frost 2-3). In “The Road Not Taken” personification is used when Frost implies that the road has desires (just as we humans do) i.e. “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” (Frost 8). Repetition is also used in both poems; “Then leaf subsides to leaf” (“Nothing Gold Can Stay” 5), “leaf” is being repeated. “Somewhere ages and ages hence” (“The Road Not Taken” 17), “ages” is being repeated. However, both poems do not share the same style or structure. For instance “The Road Not Taken” is much longer (but still an average sized poem), consisting of four stanzas with five lines each (or four quintains). The rhyme scheme for “The Road Not Taken” is ABAAB. This is much different from “Nothing Gold Can stay” which has an AABBCCDD rhyme scheme. Also, “Nothing Gold Can Stay” is a relatively short poem and it really only has one stanza.             



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        <h1> About </h1>


        <p> Made By: Zaid Alnemer </br>
            Contact me at: </br>
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                *Not made using or other online tools that help make     a website for you* </br>
                *Made completely from scratch using a text editor (Notepad++ etc.)*










≡ 简介

这条路没有走 两条路在一片黄色的树林中分叉,

因为那里长满了草 女装;

还不知道怎么做 通往 方法

某处 老年人 年龄:

写于1916年 诗2
黄金难留 大自然的第一道绿色是金色,

她 最难把握的色调。



那么 叶落 叶


所以 逐渐下降到 白天


写于1923年 比较诗反思
这两首诗都是罗伯特·弗罗斯特写的,因此有许多相同的主题和文学手法。最值得注意的是,它们都有一个关于人与自然的主题。例如在《未走的路》中,自然被用作说话者生活的隐喻。 在这首诗中,弗罗斯特将做出重大决定比作在森林中迷路时遇到两条不同的道路。同时,在《黄金难留》中,大自然被用作说话者对生命感知的隐喻。黄金是天真的隐喻 青春,绿色是对生命的最充分的隐喻,就像春天树叶变绿一样,大自然是对生命的隐喻。弗罗斯特诗歌中关于人与自然世界的主题是一种反复出现的趋势。隐喻 这不是两首诗使用的唯一的文学手段,它们也都使用拟人化和重复。在“没有金子可以留下”中,当弗罗斯特将大自然称为“她”,例如“她最难把握的色调/她早叶的颜色”时,使用拟人化 一朵花”(弗罗斯特2-3)。在“未走之路”中,当弗罗斯特暗示道路有欲望时,使用拟人化
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