Javascript 在羽毛笔编辑器中为链接弹出窗口创建处理程序

Javascript 在羽毛笔编辑器中为链接弹出窗口创建处理程序,javascript,quill,Javascript,Quill,我想用弹出式表单创建一个链接,该表单获取表单数据(链接标题和链接url),然后将此链接添加到编辑器中 类似Reddit编辑器的东西 我的启动代码没有按我希望的那样工作 class LinkBlot extends Inline { static create(url, title) { let node = super.create(); // Sanitize url value if desired node.setAttribute('href'




class LinkBlot extends Inline {
    static create(url, title) {
      let node = super.create();
      // Sanitize url value if desired
      node.setAttribute('href', url);
      // Okay to set other non-format related attributes
      // These are invisible to Parchment so must be static
      node.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
      node.setAttribute('title', title);
      return node;

    static formats(node) {
      // We will only be called with a node already
      // determined to be a Link blot, so we do
      // not need to check ourselves
      return node.getAttribute('href') || true;
    format(name, value) {
        if (name === 'link' && value) {
            this.domNode.setAttribute('href', value);
        } else {
            super.format(name, value);

    formats() {
        let formats = super.formats();
        formats['link'] = LinkBlot.formats(this.domNode);
        return formats;
LinkBlot.blotName = 'link';
LinkBlot.tagName = 'a';
document.querySelector('#link-insert-btn').addEventListener('click', function(event){
    var linkText = document.getElementById('link-text').value;
    var linkURL = document.getElementById('link-url').value;
    quill.format('link', linkURL, linkText);