Javascript 未捕获类型错误:未定义不是player.getCurrentTime()的函数;

Javascript 未捕获类型错误:未定义不是player.getCurrentTime()的函数;,javascript,youtube,youtube-api,Javascript,Youtube,Youtube Api,我正在开发一个YouTube章节播放器,并尝试使用上述功能突出显示当前播放的章节。我正在使用getCurrentTime()函数获取YouTube视频的当前播放时间,在player.getCurrentTime()函数上出现以下控制台错误: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function for player.getCurrentTime(); 如何解决此错误 相关代码: var values = []; var contentDiv, chap


Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function for player.getCurrentTime();


var values = [];
var contentDiv, chapterEl, parentEl;
var chapters = {};
var index;

function loadplayer(youtubeId){

$(document).ready(function() {
        type: "GET",
        url: "ChapterVideo.xml",
        dataType: "xml",
        success: function(xml) {

            $(xml).find("video[id='" + youtubeId + "'] chapter").each(function() {
                var sTitle = $(this).find('name').text();                   
                var sValue = parseFloat($(this).find('time').text());

                values.push([sTitle, sValue]);


        error: function() {
            alert("An error occurred while processing XML file.");

function chapterplayer(values) {

    for (index = 0; index < values.length; ++index) {
        chapters[values[index][1]] = '<span style="display: inline-block; width: 88%; margin-top: 1.5%;">' + values[index][0] + '</span>';
    //chapters[times] = '<span style="display: inline-block; width: 88%; margin-top: 1.5%;">' + names + '</span>';
    // BEGIN_INCLUDE(namespace)
    window.ChapterMarkerPlayer = { 
        // Inserts a new YouTube iframe player and chapter markers as a child of an
        // existing HTML element on a page.
        insert: function(params) {
            // END_INCLUDE(namespace)
            // We need to reserve 30px for the player's control bar when automatically sizing the player.
            var YOUTUBE_CONTROLS_HEIGHT = 30;
            // Assume a 9:16 (width:height) ratio when we need to calculate a player's height.
            var PLAYER_HEIGHT_TO_WIDTH_RATIO = 11 / 16;
            var DEFAULT_PLAYER_WIDTH = 400;
            // BEGIN_INCLUDE(validation1)
            // params contains the following required and optional parameter names and values:
            //   videoId: (required) The YouTube video id of the video to be embedded.
            //   chapters: (required) Mapping of times (seconds since the video's start) to chapter titles.
            //   width: (optional) The width of the embedded player. 400px is used by default.
            //   playerOptions: (optional) An object corresponding to the options that can be passed to the
            //                  YT.Player constructor. See
            if (!('videoId' in params)) {
                throw 'The "videoId" parameter must be set to the YouTube video id to be embedded.';
            if (!('chapters' in params)) {
                throw 'The "chapters" parameter must be set to the mapping of times to chapter titles.';
            // END_INCLUDE(validation1)
            // BEGIN_INCLUDE(time_sort)
            var times = [];
            for (var time in params.chapters) {
                if (params.chapters.hasOwnProperty(time)) {
            // Sort the times numerically for display purposes.
            // See
            times.sort(function(a, b) {
                return a - b;
            // END_INCLUDE(time_sort)
            var width = params.width || DEFAULT_PLAYER_WIDTH;
            if ('YT' in window && 'Player' in window.YT) {
                // If the iframe player API is already available, proceed to loading the player using the API.
            } else {
                // Load the API, and add a callback to the queue to load the player once the API is available.
                if (!('onYouTubePlayerAPIReady' in window)) {
                    // BEGIN_INCLUDE(invoke_callbacks)
                    window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = function() {
                        for (var i = 0; i < window.ChapterMarkerPlayer.onYouTubePlayerAPIReadyCallbacks.length; i++) {
                    // END_INCLUDE(invoke_callbacks)
                    // BEGIN_INCLUDE(load_api)
                    // Dynamic <script> tag insertion will effectively load the iframe Player API on demand.
                    // We only want to do this once, so it's protected by the
                    // !('onYouTubePlayerAPIReady' in window) check.
                    var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
                    // This scheme-relative URL will use HTTPS if the host page is accessed via HTTPS,
                    // and HTTP otherwise.
                    scriptTag.src = '';
                    var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
                    firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptTag, firstScriptTag);
                    // END_INCLUDE(load_api)
                // BEGIN_INCLUDE(queue_callbacks)
                // We need to handle the situation where multiple ChapterMarkerPlayer.insert() calls are made
                // before the YT.Player API is loaded. We do this by maintaining an array of functions, each
                // of which adds a specific player and chapters. The functions will be executed when
                // onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() is invoked by the YT.Player API.
                window.ChapterMarkerPlayer.onYouTubePlayerAPIReadyCallbacks.push(function() {
                // END_INCLUDE(queue_callbacks)
            // BEGIN_INCLUDE(load_player)
            // Calls the YT.Player constructor with the appropriate options to add the iframe player
            // instance to a parent element.
            // This is a private method that isn't exposed via the ChapterMarkerPlayer namespace.
            function initializePlayer(containerElement, params) {
                    var playerContainer = document.createElement('div');
                    // Attempt to use any custom player options that were passed in via params.playerOptions.
                    // Fall back to reasonable defaults as needed.
                    var playerOptions = params.playerOptions || {};
                    return new YT.Player(playerContainer, {
                        // Maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio for the player based on the width passed in via params.
                        // Override can be done via params.playerOptions if needed
                        height: playerOptions.height || width * PLAYER_HEIGHT_TO_WIDTH_RATIO + YOUTUBE_CONTROLS_HEIGHT,
                        width: playerOptions.width || width,
                        // Unless playerVars are explicitly provided, use a reasonable default of { autohide: 1 },
                        // which hides the controls when the mouse isn't over the player.
                        playerVars: playerOptions.playerVars || {
                            autohide: 1
                        videoId: params.videoId,
                        events: {
                            onReady: playerOptions.onReady,
                            onStateChange: playerOptions.onStateChange,
                            onPlaybackQualityChange: playerOptions.onPlaybackQualityChange,
                            onError: playerOptions.onError
                // END_INCLUDE(load_player)
                // BEGIN_INCLUDE(format_timestamp)
                // Takes a number of seconds and returns a #h##m##s string.

            function formatTimestamp(timestamp) {
                    var hours = Math.floor(timestamp / 3600);
                    var minutes = Math.floor((timestamp - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
                    var seconds = timestamp % 60;
                    var formattedTimestamp = (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds;
                    if (minutes == 0) {
                        formattedTimestamp = "00:" + formattedTimestamp;
                    if (minutes > 0) {
                        formattedTimestamp = (minutes < 10 ? '0' : '') + minutes + ':' + formattedTimestamp;
                    if (hours > 0) {
                        formattedTimestamp = hours + 'h' + formattedTimestamp;
                    return formattedTimestamp;
                // END_INCLUDE(format_timestamp)
                // BEGIN_INCLUDE(add_chapter_markers)
                // Adds a sorted list of chapters below the player. Each chapter has an onclick handler that
                // calls the iframe player API to seek to a specific timestamp in the video.
                // This is a private method that isn't exposed via the ChapterMarkerPlayer namespace.

            function hightlightChapters(player) {


            function addChapterMarkers(containerElement, player) {

                    // Initialize chapter markers for highlight
                    var active = 'background:url( #5d5e5e no-repeat 3% center; color: #FFF;';
                    var ol = document.createElement('ol');
                    ol.setAttribute('class', 'chapter-list');
                    ol.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px');
                    contentDiv = document.querySelector('.content-detail');
                    parentEl = contentDiv.parentElement;
                    chapterEl = parentEl.querySelector('.chapter-list');
                    parentEl.insertBefore(contentDiv, chapterEl);

                    for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
                        var time = times[i];
                        var chapterTitle = params.chapters[time];
                        var liElements = document.getElementsByTagName('li'),
                        var li = document.createElement('li');
                        li.setAttribute('data-time', time);
                        li.innerHTML = chapterTitle + "<span style='float: right; margin-top: 1.5%;'>" + formatTimestamp(time) + "</span>";
                        li.setAttribute('id', time);


                        setInterval(function() {

                            var curtime = player.getCurrentTime();

                            document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML = player.getCurrentTime();       

                            for (index = 0; index < values.length; ++index) {

                                if (curtime > values[index][1] && curtime < values[index+1][1]) {

                                    //remove all the in-line styles from the elements
                                    for (x = 0; x < liElements.length; x++) {
                                        liElements[x].setAttribute('style', '');
                                    document.getElementById(values[index][1]).setAttribute("style", active);

                                }else if (curtime > values[values.length-1][1]) {

                                    //remove all the in-line styles from the elements
                                    for (x = 0; x < liElements.length; x++) {
                                        liElements[x].setAttribute('style', '');
                                    document.getElementById(values[values.length-1][1]).setAttribute("style", active);

                        }, 1000); //polling frequency in miliseconds

                        li.onclick = function() {   


                            // 'this' will refer to the element that was clicked
                            //get the ID of the clicked element 
                            document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML = player.getCurrentTime();           
                            var chapId = this.getAttribute('id');

                                //remove all the in-line styles from the elements
                            for (x = 0; x < liElements.length; x++) {
                                liElements[x].setAttribute('style', '');
                            var d = document.getElementById(chapId);
                            d.setAttribute("style", active);
                // END_INCLUDE(add_chapter_markers)s
                // Convenience method to call both initializePlayer and addChapterMarkers.
                // This is a private method that isn't exposed via the ChapterMarkerPlayer namespace.

            function insertPlayerAndAddChapterMarkers(params) {
                // BEGIN_INCLUDE(validation2)
                var containerElement = document.getElementById(params.container);
                if (!containerElement) {
                    throw 'The "container" parameter must be set to the id of a existing HTML element.';
                // END_INCLUDE(validation2)
                var player = initializePlayer(containerElement, params);
                addChapterMarkers(containerElement, player);
        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(callback_array)
        // This is used to keep track of the callback functions that need to be invoked when the iframe
        // API has been loaded. It avoids a race condition that would lead to issues if multiple
        // ChapterMarkerPlayer.insert() calls are made before the API is available.
        onYouTubePlayerAPIReadyCallbacks: []
            // END_INCLUDE(callback_array)
        container: 'captions-session-player',
        videoId: youtubeId + '?wmode=opaque&theme=light&autohide=0&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autoplay=0',
        width: 469,
        chapters: chapters


可能的重复在这一点上你需要发布更多的代码我添加了更多的代码你可以试试这个(函数(player){setInterval(函数(){var currtime=player.getcurrtime();},100);})(player)也请console.log player,让我们知道结果是什么我尝试了你的,但没有运气…添加了日志
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    chapter_marker_player.js:220 X {j: rb, d: iframe#widget2, t: div, closure_uid_350236415: 1, L: 1…}
    53 chapter_marker_player.js:223 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function