Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/unix/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Javascript 如何在所有现代浏览器中检测页面缩放级别?_Javascript_Browser_Zooming_Detection - Fatal编程技术网

Javascript 如何在所有现代浏览器中检测页面缩放级别?

Javascript 如何在所有现代浏览器中检测页面缩放级别?,javascript,browser,zooming,detection,Javascript,Browser,Zooming,Detection,如何在所有现代浏览器中检测页面缩放级别?虽然这说明了如何在IE7和IE8中实现,但我找不到一个好的跨浏览器解决方案 Firefox存储页面缩放级别以备将来访问。在第一页加载时,我是否能够获得缩放级别?在我读到的某个地方,当页面加载后发生缩放变化时,它会起作用 有没有办法捕获的“缩放”事件 我需要这个,因为我的一些计算是基于像素的,缩放时它们可能会波动 由@tfl提供的修改样本 缩放时,此页面会提醒不同的高度值 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,是一位杰出的献身者。这是一个


  • Firefox存储页面缩放级别以备将来访问。在第一页加载时,我是否能够获得缩放级别?在我读到的某个地方,当页面加载后发生缩放变化时,它会起作用

  • 有没有办法捕获

  • 我需要这个,因为我的一些计算是基于像素的,缩放时它们可能会波动



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,是一位杰出的献身者。这是一个很好的解决方案。莫利斯帝国的整数尊严。暂时停止,暂时停止。在自然社会中,因怀孕而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯,因饥饿而死亡的蒙特斯。拍卖人lorem vitae Temporal。素素调味品。妊娠期要素不明确。梅塞纳斯·马蒂斯·莫莱斯蒂·尼斯坐在汽车上。Donec semper tristique blandit。前庭无裂位。

     <div id="xy" style="width:400px;">
      <button onclick="alert(document.getElementById('xy').style.width);">Show</button>





    min-width: 100%


    在Internet Explorer 7、8和9中,此功能:

    function getZoom() {
        var screen;
        screen = document.frames.screen;
        return ((screen.deviceXDPI / screen.systemXDPI) * 100 + 0.9).toFixed();




    • IE8
    • IE7
      var body=document.body,r=body.getBoundingClientRect();返回(右左-右)/body.offsetWidth(感谢或)
    • FF3.5仅限
      /media query screen width(见下文)(利用了
      使用设备像素,而MQ width使用CSS像素这一事实,这多亏了)
    • FF3.6:无已知方法
    • FF4+:媒体查询二进制搜索(见下文)
    • WebKit:(感谢评论中的Teo)
    • WebKit:使用
      测量div的首选大小-WebKit text size adjust:none
    • WebKit:(自启用以来已中断)
    • 旧WebKit?(未验证):
    • Opera
    • 其他
    • 不可靠:倾听鼠标事件并测量screenX中的变化/clientX中的变化
    以下是Firefox 4的二进制搜索,因为我不知道它在哪里公开:

    <style id=binarysearch></style>
    <div id=dummyElement>Dummy element to test media queries.</div>
    var mediaQueryMatches = function(property, r) {
      var style = document.getElementById('binarysearch');
      var dummyElement = document.getElementById('dummyElement');
      style.sheet.insertRule('@media (' + property + ':' + r +
                             ') {#dummyElement ' +
                             '{text-decoration: underline} }', 0);
      var matched = getComputedStyle(dummyElement, null).textDecoration
          == 'underline';
      return matched;
    var mediaQueryBinarySearch = function(
        property, unit, a, b, maxIter, epsilon) {
      var mid = (a + b)/2;
      if (maxIter == 0 || b - a < epsilon) return mid;
      if (mediaQueryMatches(property, mid + unit)) {
        return mediaQueryBinarySearch(
            property, unit, mid, b, maxIter-1, epsilon);
      } else {
        return mediaQueryBinarySearch(
            property, unit, a, mid, maxIter-1, epsilon);
    var mozDevicePixelRatio = mediaQueryBinarySearch(
        'min--moz-device-pixel-ratio', '', a, b, maxIter, epsilon);
    var ff35DevicePixelRatio = screen.width / mediaQueryBinarySearch(
        'min-device-width', 'px', 0, 6000, 25, .0001);
    var mediaQueryMatches=函数(属性,r){
    var style=document.getElementById('binarysearch');
    var dummeyelement=document.getElementById('dummeyelement');
    var matched=getComputedStyle(dummeyElement,null).textDecoration
    var mediaQueryBinarySearch=函数(
    var mid=(a+b)/2;
    if(maxIter==0 | | b-a
    function getZoom() {
        var screen;
        screen = document.frames.screen;
        return ((screen.deviceXDPI / screen.systemXDPI) * 100 + 0.9).toFixed();
    <style id=binarysearch></style>
    <div id=dummyElement>Dummy element to test media queries.</div>
    var mediaQueryMatches = function(property, r) {
      var style = document.getElementById('binarysearch');
      var dummyElement = document.getElementById('dummyElement');
      style.sheet.insertRule('@media (' + property + ':' + r +
                             ') {#dummyElement ' +
                             '{text-decoration: underline} }', 0);
      var matched = getComputedStyle(dummyElement, null).textDecoration
          == 'underline';
      return matched;
    var mediaQueryBinarySearch = function(
        property, unit, a, b, maxIter, epsilon) {
      var mid = (a + b)/2;
      if (maxIter == 0 || b - a < epsilon) return mid;
      if (mediaQueryMatches(property, mid + unit)) {
        return mediaQueryBinarySearch(
            property, unit, mid, b, maxIter-1, epsilon);
      } else {
        return mediaQueryBinarySearch(
            property, unit, a, mid, maxIter-1, epsilon);
    var mozDevicePixelRatio = mediaQueryBinarySearch(
        'min--moz-device-pixel-ratio', '', a, b, maxIter, epsilon);
    var ff35DevicePixelRatio = screen.width / mediaQueryBinarySearch(
        'min-device-width', 'px', 0, 6000, 25, .0001);
    var screenCssPixelRatio = (window.outerWidth - 8) / window.innerWidth;
    if (screenCssPixelRatio >= .46 && screenCssPixelRatio <= .54) {
      zoomLevel = "-4";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= .64) {
      zoomLevel = "-3";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= .76) {
      zoomLevel = "-2";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= .92) {
      zoomLevel = "-1";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.10) {
      zoomLevel = "0";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.32) {
      zoomLevel = "1";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.58) {
      zoomLevel = "2";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.90) {
      zoomLevel = "3";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 2.28) {
      zoomLevel = "4";
    } else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 2.70) {
      zoomLevel = "5";
    } else {
      zoomLevel = "unknown";
    var isZoomed = window.matchMedia('(max--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0.99), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.01)').matches;
    <title>Home Page.</title>
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/centerpage.js"></script>
    // centering page element
    function centerPage() {
        // get body element
        var body = document.body;
        // if the body element exists
        if (body != null) {
            // get the clientWidth
            var clientWidth = body.clientWidth;
            // request data for centering
            var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
            var left = (windowWidth - bodyWidth) / 2;
            // this is a hack, but it works for me a better method is to determine the 
            // scale but for now it works for my needs
            if (left > 84) {
                // the zoom level is most likely around 150 or higher
            } else if (left < 100) {
                // the zoom level is most likely around 110 - 140
    $(document).ready(function() {
        // center the page
    // centering panel
    function centerPanel($panelControl) {
        // if the panel control exists
        if ($panelControl && $panelControl.length) {
            // request data for centering
            var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
            var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
            var panelHeight = $panelControl.height();
            var panelWidth = $panelControl.width();
            // centering
                'position': 'absolute',
                'top': (windowHeight - panelHeight) / 2,
                'left': (windowWidth - panelWidth) / 2
            // only need force for IE6
            $('#backgroundPanel').css('height', windowHeight);
    $(window).resize(function() {
    //YOUR CODE.
    function isZoomed() {
        var width, mediaQuery;
        width = document.body.clientWidth;
        mediaQuery = '(max-width: ' + width + 'px) and (min-width: ' + width + 'px)';
        return !window.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches;
    var zoomLevel = document.width / document.body.clientWidth;
    var svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
    svg.setAttribute('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg');
    svg.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
    var z = svg.currentScale;
    ... more code ...
    var snap = function (r, snaps)
        var i;
        for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { if ( r < snaps[i] ) return i; }
    var w, l, r;
    w = window.outerWidth, l = window.innerWidth;
    return snap((w - 16) / l,
                [ 0.29, 0.42, 0.58, 0.71, 0.83, 0.95, 1.05, 1.18, 1.38, 1.63, 1.88, 2.25, 2.75, 3.5, 4.5, 100 ],
    var snap = function (r, snaps, ratios)
        var i;
        for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { if ( r < snaps[i] ) return eval(ratios[i]); }
    var w, l, r;
    w = window.outerWidth, l = window.innerWidth;
    return snap((w - 16) / l,
                [ 0.29, 0.42, 0.58, 0.71, 0.83, 0.95, 1.05, 1.18, 1.38, 1.63, 1.88, 2.25, 2.75, 3.5, 4.5, 100 ],
                [ 0.25, '1/3', 0.5, '2/3', 0.75, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 ]
    zoomlevel=$("#zoomdiv").width()*1.0 / screen.availWidth
        var zoom=$("#zoomdiv").width()*1.0 / screen.availWidth;
            zoom=$("#zoomdiv").width()*1.0 / screen.availWidth;
        <div id=zoomdiv style="width:100%;position:fixed;"></div>
    var dppx = (function (precision) {
      var searchDPPX = function(level, min, divisor) {
        var wmq = window.matchMedia;
        while (level >= min && !wmq("(min-resolution: " + (level/divisor) + "dppx)").matches) {
        return level;
      var maxDPPX = 5.0; // Firefox 22 has 3.0 as maximum, but testing a bit greater values does not cost much
      var minDPPX = 0.1; // Firefox 22 has 0.3 as minimum, but testing a bit smaller values does not cost anything
      var divisor = 1;
      var result;
      for (var i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
        result = 10 * searchDPPX (maxDPPX, minDPPX, divisor);
        maxDPPX = result + 9;
        minDPPX = result;
        divisor *= 10;
      return result / divisor;
    }) (5);
    zoom_level = function(){
        $("body").prepend('<div class="overlay" ' +
                    'style="position:fixed; top:0%; left:0%; ' +
                    'width:100%; height:100%; z-index:1;"></div>');
        var ratio = $("body .overlay:eq(0)").outerWidth() / $(window).width();
        $("body .overlay:eq(0)").remove();
        return ratio;
    function supportFullCss3()
        var div = document.createElement("div");
        div.style.display = 'flex';
        var s1 = div.style.display == 'flex';
        var s2 = 'perspective' in div.style;
        return (s1 && s2);
    function getZoomLevel()
        var screenPixelRatio = 0, zoomLevel = 0;
        if(window.devicePixelRatio && supportFullCss3())
            screenPixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
        else if(window.screenX == '0')
            screenPixelRatio = (window.outerWidth - 8) / window.innerWidth;
            var scr = window.frames.screen;
            screenPixelRatio = scr.deviceXDPI / scr.systemXDPI;
        if (screenPixelRatio <= .11){ //screenPixelRatio >= .01 &&
          zoomLevel = "-7";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= .25) {
          zoomLevel = "-6";
        }else if (screenPixelRatio <= .33) {
          zoomLevel = "-5.5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= .40) {
          zoomLevel = "-5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= .50) {
          zoomLevel = "-4";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= .67) {
          zoomLevel = "-3";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= .75) {
          zoomLevel = "-2";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= .85) {
          zoomLevel = "-1.5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= .98) {
          zoomLevel = "-1";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.03) {
          zoomLevel = "0";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.12) {
          zoomLevel = "1";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.2) {
          zoomLevel = "1.5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.3) {
          zoomLevel = "2";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.4) {
          zoomLevel = "2.5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.5) {
          zoomLevel = "3";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.6) {
          zoomLevel = "3.3";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.7) {
          zoomLevel = "3.7";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.8) {
          zoomLevel = "4";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 1.9) {
          zoomLevel = "4.5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2) {
          zoomLevel = "5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.1) {
          zoomLevel = "5.2";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.2) {
          zoomLevel = "5.4";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.3) {
          zoomLevel = "5.6";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.4) {
          zoomLevel = "5.8";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.5) {
          zoomLevel = "6";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.6) {
          zoomLevel = "6.2";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.7) {
          zoomLevel = "6.4";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.8) {
          zoomLevel = "6.6";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 2.9) {
          zoomLevel = "6.8";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3) {
          zoomLevel = "7";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.1) {
          zoomLevel = "7.1";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.2) {
          zoomLevel = "7.2";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.3) {
          zoomLevel = "7.3";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.4) {
          zoomLevel = "7.4";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.5) {
          zoomLevel = "7.5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.6) {
          zoomLevel = "7.6";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.7) {
          zoomLevel = "7.7";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.8) {
          zoomLevel = "7.8";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 3.9) {
          zoomLevel = "7.9";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4) {
          zoomLevel = "8";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.1) {
          zoomLevel = "8.1";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.2) {
          zoomLevel = "8.2";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.3) {
          zoomLevel = "8.3";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.4) {
          zoomLevel = "8.4";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.5) {
          zoomLevel = "8.5";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.6) {
          zoomLevel = "8.6";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.7) {
          zoomLevel = "8.7";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.8) {
          zoomLevel = "8.8";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 4.9) {
          zoomLevel = "8.9";
        } else if (screenPixelRatio <= 5) {
          zoomLevel = "9";
        }else {
          zoomLevel = "unknown";
        return zoomLevel;
    zoom = ( window.outerWidth - 10 ) / window.innerWidth
    var browserZoomLevel = Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio * 100);
    $(window).resize(function() { 
    // your code 
    window.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event) {
        // handle event
    event.clientX, event.clientY, event.screenX, event.screenY
    ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DesktopMonitor");
    double deviceScale = Convert.ToDouble(searcher.Get().OfType<ManagementObject>().FirstOrDefault()["PixelsPerXLogicalInch"]);
    int standardPixelPerInch = 96;
    return deviceScale / standardPixelPerInch;
    devicePixelRatio = 1.5
    deviceScale = 144
    deviceScale / standardPixelPerInch = 1.5
    devicePixelRatio / (deviceScale / standardPixelPerInch) = 1
    var ratio = (screen.availWidth / document.documentElement.clientWidth);
    var zoomLevel = Number(ratio.toFixed(1).replace(".", "") + "0");
        private pixelRatio() {
          const styleString = "(min-resolution: 2dppx), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)";
          const chromeRatio = (Math.round((this.window.outerWidth / this.window.innerWidth)*100) / 100);
          const otherRatio = (Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio * 100) / 100);
          const resizeValue = (this.isChrome()) ? chromeRatio : otherRatio;
          return resizeValue || (this.window.matchMedia && this.window.matchMedia(styleString).matches ? 2 : 1) || 1;
      private isChrome():boolean {
        return (!!this.window.chrome && !(!!this.window.opera || this.window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Opera') >= 0))
      private chrome() {
        const zoomChrome = Math.round(((this.window.outerWidth) / this.window.innerWidth)*100) / 100;
        return {
          zoom: zoomChrome,
          devicePxPerCssPx: zoomChrome1 * this.pixelRatio()
    alert(Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio * 100));