
JavaScript数组对于c-w保存算法来说太小了,怎么办?,javascript,algorithm,Javascript,Algorithm,我正在实现-w保存算法。 我实现了它,并在小型设备上进行了测试,效果非常好。但是当我输入大数据时,保存函数中出现了一个问题,它计算 c(i,j) = c(start,i) + c(start,j) - c(i,j) 其中c(i,j)是从i到j的旅行成本。 所以我必须先计算,但结果是非常大的计算,我想这需要时间,因为我的数据中有9000多个位置 9000+8999+ ...... +1 = 50,000,000 (near to that) 步骤 这是我计算储蓄的函数 t

我正在实现-w保存算法。 我实现了它,并在小型设备上进行了测试,效果非常好。但是当我输入大数据时,保存函数中出现了一个问题,它计算

   c(i,j) = c(start,i) + c(start,j) - c(i,j)
其中c(i,j)是从i到j的旅行成本。 所以我必须先计算,但结果是非常大的计算,我想这需要时间,因为我的数据中有9000多个位置

        9000+8999+ ...... +1 = 50,000,000 (near to that)


    var size = this.city_array.length;  //number of cities: greater than 9000 

    var start =start_city_index;
    for(var i=0; i < size; i ++)
        if(i != start)
            for(var j=i+1; j< size ; j++)
                if(j !=start)

                    var dis1 = this.get_distance(start,i); 
                    var dis2 = this.get_distance(start,j);
                    var dis3 = this.get_distance(j,i);

                    var cost = dis1 + dis2 - dis3;
                    var m_save = new saving(i,j,cost);


功能,工作速度快。 该函数计算两个地球坐标之间的距离,如图所示

      function calcCrow(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) 
       var lati, latj, longi, longj;
       var q1, q2, q3, q4, q5;
       var m_pi = 3.14159265358979323846264; 
       lati = m_pi * lat1 / 180.0;
       latj = m_pi * lat2 / 180.0;

       longi = m_pi * lon1 / 180.0;
       longj = m_pi * lon2 / 180.0;

       q1 = Math.cos (latj) * Math.sin(longi - longj);
       q3 = Math.sin((longi - longj)/2.0);
       q4 = Math.cos((longi - longj)/2.0);

       q2 = Math.sin(lati + latj) * q3 * q3 - Math.sin(lati - latj) * q4 * q4;
       q5 = Math.cos(lati - latj) * q4 * q4 - Math.cos(lati + latj) * q3 * q3;

       var dis_meter =  (6378388.0 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(q1*q1 + q2*q2), q5) + 1.0);
       return dis_meter / 1000;

     var first_city,next_city;
     first_city = this.city_array[first];
     next_city = this.city_array[next];

    return   Math.floor(calcCrow(first_city.x, first_city.y, next_city.x, next_city.y));


     var saving = function( x_int, y_int,value) 
      this.x =x_int ;   //latitude
      this.y =y_int ;   //longitude
      this.value = value; 


get\u distance

this.calc_savings = function(){
    var size = this.city_array.length;  //number of cities: greater than 9000 

    var startDistances =,i) => i === start_city_index? 0: this.get_distance(start_city_index, i));

    for(var i=0; i < size; ++i){
        if(i === start_city_index) continue;
        var dis1 = startDistances[i];

        for(var j=i+1; j<size; ++j){
            if(j === start_city_index) continue;

            var dis2 = startDistances[j];
            var dis3 = this.get_distance(j, i);
            var cost = dis1 + dis2 - dis3;
            this.savings.push(new saving(i, j, cost));

get\u distance

this.calc_savings = function(){
    var size = this.city_array.length;  //number of cities: greater than 9000 

    var startDistances =,i) => i === start_city_index? 0: this.get_distance(start_city_index, i));

    for(var i=0; i < size; ++i){
        if(i === start_city_index) continue;
        var dis1 = startDistances[i];

        for(var j=i+1; j<size; ++j){
            if(j === start_city_index) continue;

            var dis2 = startDistances[j];
            var dis3 = this.get_distance(j, i);
            var cost = dis1 + dis2 - dis3;
            this.savings.push(new saving(i, j, cost));

//Beware, code is untested
this.init_cache = function(){
    var rad = Math.PI / 180;
    var size = this.city_array.length;
    var _distances = this._distances = Array(size * (size-1) / 2);
    var _offsets = this._offsets = Array(size);

    for(var i = 0, k = 0; i<size; ++i){
        _offsets[i] = k;
        var a = this.city_array[i],
            lat1 = a.x * rad, 
            lon1 = a.y * rad;

        for(var j = i+1; j<size; ++j){
            var b = this.city_array[j],
                lat2 = b.x * rad, 
                lon2 = b.y * rad,

                q1 = Math.cos(lat2) * Math.sin(lon1 - lon2),
                q3 = Math.sin((lon1 - lon2)/2),
                q4 = Math.cos((lon1 - lon2)/2),

                q2 = Math.sin(lat1 + lat2) * q3*q3 - Math.sin(lat1 - lat2) * q4*q4,
                q5 = Math.cos(lat1 - lat2) * q4*q4 - Math.cos(lat1 + lat2) * q3*q3,

                dist = 6378388 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(q1*q1 + q2*q2), q5) + 1;

            _distances[k++] = Math.floor( dist / 1000 );

this.get_distance = function(i, j){
    if(i === j) return 0;
    if(j < i) i^=j, j^=i, i^=j; //swap i and j
    this._distances || this.init_cache(); //just ensuring that cache is initialized when using it.
    return this._distances[ this._offsets[i] + j-i-1 ]

this.calc_savings = function(){
    var size = this.city_array.length;
    for(var i = 0; i < size; i ++){
        if(i === start_city_index) continue;
        var dis1 = this.get_distance(start_city_index,i); 

        for(var j = i+1; j < size; j++){
            if(j === start_city_index) continue;

            var dis2 = this.get_distance(start_city_index,j);
            var dis3 = this.get_distance(j,i);
            var cost = dis1 + dis2 - dis3;

            this.savings.push(new saving(i,j,cost));
