
在用javascript制作tic-tac-toe游戏时,如何创建一个a.I.来选择任何随机框,但其中一个没有';你没有被选中吗?,javascript,html,algorithm,javascript-events,Javascript,Html,Algorithm,Javascript Events,我在做一个井字游戏,我有点卡住了。我做了一个a.I.在你身后移动,但一切都有点混乱。你自己试试,看看会发生什么。任何人都可以看看,看看他们是否能够改进它,并解释他们是如何做到的。让事情变得简单一点,我怎么能让人工智能选择任何一个还没有被选中的盒子呢。 代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <input type="button" id="k1" value=" " onclick="tictactoe(this

我在做一个井字游戏,我有点卡住了。我做了一个a.I.在你身后移动,但一切都有点混乱。你自己试试,看看会发生什么。任何人都可以看看,看看他们是否能够改进它,并解释他们是如何做到的。让事情变得简单一点,我怎么能让人工智能选择任何一个还没有被选中的盒子呢。 代码如下:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <input type="button" id="k1" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <input type="button" id="k2" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <input type="button" id="k3" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <br />
    <input type="button" id="k4" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <input type="button" id="k5" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <input type="button" id="k6" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <br />
    <input type="button" id="k7" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <input type="button" id="k8" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
    <input type="button" id="k9" value="  " onclick="tictactoe(this)">
        var Xturn = true;
        var nummoves = 0;
        var cat;
        function tictactoe(square) {
            var value = square.value;
            var doc1 = document.getElementById("k1").value;
            var doc2 = document.getElementById("k2").value;
            var doc3 = document.getElementById("k3").value;
            var doc4 = document.getElementById("k4").value;
            var doc5 = document.getElementById("k5").value;
            var doc6 = document.getElementById("k6").value;
            var doc7 = document.getElementById("k7").value;
            var doc8 = document.getElementById("k8").value;
            var doc9 = document.getElementById("k9").value;

            for (nummoves = 0; nummoves < 2; nummoves++) {

                if (doc1 == "X") {
                    cat = document.getElementById("k2").value = "O";
                    Xturn = true;

                if (doc2 = "X") {
                    cat = document.getElementById("k4").value = "O";
                    Xturn = true;

                if (doc3 == "X") {
                    cat = document.getElementById("k5").value = "O";
                    Xturn = true;

                if (doc4 == "X") {
                    car = document.getElementById("k9").value = "O";

            for (nummoves = 2; nummoves < 3; nummoves++) {

                if (doc1 == "X") {
                    cat = document.getElementById("k7").value = "O";
                    Xturn = true;


            if (value != "X" && value != "O") {
                if (Xturn == true) {
                    square.value = "X";
                    return Xturn = false;
                } else if (Xturn == false) {
                    square.value = "O";
                    return Xturn = true;
            } else {
                alert("That square has been clicked.");

var xtorn=真; var nummoves=0; var-cat; 功能Tictatcoe(方形){ var值=平方值; var doc1=document.getElementById(“k1”).value; var doc2=document.getElementById(“k2”).value; var doc3=document.getElementById(“k3”).value; var doc4=document.getElementById(“k4”).value; var doc5=document.getElementById(“k5”).value; var doc6=document.getElementById(“k6”).value; var doc7=document.getElementById(“k7”).value; var doc8=document.getElementById(“k8”).value; var doc9=document.getElementById(“k9”).value; 对于(nummoves=0;nummoves<2;nummoves++){ 如果(doc1==“X”){ cat=document.getElementById(“k2”).value=“O”; xtrn=真; } 如果(doc2=“X”){ cat=document.getElementById(“k4”).value=“O”; xtrn=真; } 如果(doc3==“X”){ cat=document.getElementById(“k5”).value=“O”; xtrn=真; } 如果(doc4==“X”){ car=document.getElementById(“k9”).value=“O”; } } 对于(nummoves=2;nummoves<3;nummoves++){ 如果(doc1==“X”){ cat=document.getElementById(“k7”).value=“O”; xtrn=真; } } 如果(值!=“X”&&value!=“O”){ 如果(xtrn==true){ square.value=“X”; 返回xtrn=false; nummoves++; }else if(xtrn==false){ square.value=“O”; 返回xtrn=true; nummoves++; } }否则{ 警报(“该方块已被单击”); } }



for(i=1;i<10;i++) {
   if (document.getElementById('k'+i).value = ' ') {
       // not played yet !


for(i=1;i<10;i++) {
   if (document.getElementById('k'+i).value = ' ') {
       // not played yet !


// function that does an AI move
function doAIMove(xOrO) {
    // randomly gets a number from 1 to 9
    var randomSquare = document.getElementById("k" + getRandomInt(1, 9));
    while (randomSquare.value != " ") {
        randomSquare = document.getElementById("k" + getRandomInt(1, 9));


function getRandomInt(min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

你也应该考虑实现“TiC Tac To-AI”,这是非常简单的。你应该遵循这个伪算法,以便: 当制作一个类似于tic-tac的游戏时,AI应该这样工作:

1. Check if there is a tile that you can win in 1 move
    if there is no such tile:
2. Check if there is a tile that your opponent can win in 1 move
    if there is no such tile:
3. Check if there is a tile that can make two tiles apply to the rule #1
    if there is no such tile:
4. Check if there is a tile that your opponent can make two tiles apply to the rule #2
    if there is no such tile:
5. implement your own AI form this point


// function that does an AI move
function doAIMove(xOrO) {
    // randomly gets a number from 1 to 9
    var randomSquare = document.getElementById("k" + getRandomInt(1, 9));
    while (randomSquare.value != " ") {
        randomSquare = document.getElementById("k" + getRandomInt(1, 9));


function getRandomInt(min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

你也应该考虑实现“TiC Tac To-AI”,这是非常简单的。你应该遵循这个伪算法,以便: 当制作一个类似于tic-tac的游戏时,AI应该这样工作:

1. Check if there is a tile that you can win in 1 move
    if there is no such tile:
2. Check if there is a tile that your opponent can win in 1 move
    if there is no such tile:
3. Check if there is a tile that can make two tiles apply to the rule #1
    if there is no such tile:
4. Check if there is a tile that your opponent can make two tiles apply to the rule #2
    if there is no such tile:
5. implement your own AI form this point






<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title> - jsFiddle demo by bhatkrishnakishor</title>

  <script type='text/javascript' src='//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js'></script>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/result-light.css">

  <style type='text/css'>
    .tictactoe {
    width: 125px;
    height: 125px;
    background: #A2A8A1;

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ 
//this is a demo tic tac toe game

var whoseMove = 'X';
var xMove = new Array();
var oMove = new Array();
var gameOver = false;
var winningConditions = new Array(     'aa/ab/ac','ba/bb/bc','ca/cb/cc','aa/ba/ca','ab/bb/cb','ac/bc/cc','aa/bb/cc','ac/bb/ca');
var whoWon = '';

function tictactoe() {
    if(gameOver == false && this.value == '  '){
        if(whoseMove == 'X'){
            this.value = whoseMove;
            xMove[xMove.length] = this.id;
            whoseMove = 'O';
        else {
            this.value = whoseMove;
            oMove[oMove.length] = this.id;
            whoseMove = 'X';

    if(xMove.length >2){
        whoWon = endGame();

    if(gameOver && whoWon != '' && whoWon != 'draw') {
        alert(whoWon + ' won!')

    if(!gameOver && whoWon == 'draw') {
        alert('Games been draw!');

function endGame() {
    var winningCombinations = new Array();

    //set this variable value to true incase the game is over
    gameOver = true;    

    for(var index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1){
        var xMatchCount = 0;
        var oMatchCount = 0;
        winningCombinations = winningConditions[index].split('/');
        for(var i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1){
        console.log('winningCombinations ' + winningCombinations[i]);
        for(var j = 0; j < xMove.length; j = j + 1){
            console.log('xMove ' + xMove[j]);
            if(winningCombinations[i] == xMove[j]){
                xMatchCount = xMatchCount + 1;
                if(xMatchCount == 3){
                    return 'X';
        for(var k = 0; k < oMove.length; k = k + 1){
            //console.log('oMove ' + oMove[k]);
            if(winningCombinations[i] == oMove[k]){
                oMatchCount = oMatchCount + 1;
                if(oMatchCount == 3){
                    return 'O';

    console.log('x Move Count ' + xMove.length);
    console.log('o Move Count ' + oMove.length);

    if(xMatchCount < 3 && oMatchCount < 3){
        gameOver = false;

    if(xMove.length + oMove.length == 9){
        return 'draw';

function reset() {

    console.log('Xs Move - ' + xMove.join('/'));
    console.log('Os Move - ' + oMove.join('/'));

    whoseMove = 'X';
    xMove = new Array();
    oMove = new Array();
    gameOver = false;
    whoWon = '';

    $('input').filter(function() {
    if(this.id != 'ff') {
        this.value = '  ';


      <input type="button" id="aa" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <input type="button" id="ab" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <input type="button" id="ac" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <br />
    <input type="button" id="ba" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <input type="button" id="bb" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <input type="button" id="bc" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <br />
    <input type="button" id="ca" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <input type="button" id="cb" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <input type="button" id="cc" class="tictactoe" value="  ">
    <br /><br />
    <input type="button" id="ff" value="Reset">


var winningcombines=新数组();
var xMatchCount=0;
var oMatchCount=0;