Javascript jQuery:使用fancybox+;饼干

Javascript jQuery:使用fancybox+;饼干,javascript,jquery,cookies,modal-dialog,Javascript,Jquery,Cookies,Modal Dialog,我有一个脚本,我正在使用它加载窗口,设置cookie,但是如果用户单击“不,谢谢”,窗口不会再次出现,但是如果他们也单击“接受调查”,我希望窗口不会出现。我尝试在这里添加第二个ID$(“#modal_close,#modal_exit”).live('click',function(e){),但它不起作用。它没有转到调查链接,而是转到modal从中触发的页面。有任何线索和/或帮助吗 $(document).ready(function(){ //模式框如果请求的cookie没有我要查找的值,则



if($.cookie("cookieName") != 'true')
    var _message_to_show = 'Window Content Goes Here';

    // on page load show the modal box
    // more info about the options you can find on the fancybox site
            'width'             : 550,
            'height'            : 275,
            'transitionIn'      : 'fade',
            'transitionOut'     : 'fade',
            'centerOnScroll'    : 'true',
            'overlayOpacity'    : 0.8,
            'overlayColor'      : '#000',
            'modal'             : 'true',
    'padding'       : 5

    // in the message is a link with the id "modal_close"
    // when you click on that link the modal will close and the cookie is set to "true"
    // path "/" means it's active for the entire root site.. if you set it to "/admin" will be active on the "admin" folder
    // expires in 7 days
    // "modal" is the name i gave the cookie, you can name it anything you want
    $('#modal_close').live('click', function(e) {
        $.cookie("cookieName", "true", { path: '/', expires: 7 });    



$('#modal_exit').live('click', function(e) {
    $.cookie("cookieName", "true", { path: '/', expires: 7 });    